Chapter 25

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"Aidan's really good with children, I see why you like him so much." my dad said and he turned the tv off.

"Yeah, he's the best!" I exclaimed making him chuckle.

"But are you sure he's the one, you've only been dating him for half a year." my dad said and he looked at me.

"Six months, and a day! And yes, I am almost 100% sure he's the one I want to be with forever." I said and he sighed once more.

"Skyla, you must understand, marriage is a big thing. And he was already planning to propose to you, I think you and Aidan should slow down a bit. I like him, I really do. But just slow down a bit, please." my dad said, I admit it though, my relationship is going a bit too fast.

"I know it's going fast, but how can you slow it down? This is my first ever boyfriend, I'm still learning alot." I said and I heard the stairs, Aidan was walking down.

"Don't talk about this with Aidan, please!" I wispered and my dad nodded.

"Hey baby." an Irish voice said and I got kissed on the top of my head.

"Hey, was it easy to put her to bed?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, she wanted a bed-time story though. I just re-told Cinderella, she absolutely loved it!" Aidan said as he sat down next to me, with his arm around me.

"So what is your planning for the days here?" my dad asked, Aidan and I smiled.

"Tomorrow we're gonna spend the day at the orphanage, just to play with some kids." I said making him chuckle, my dad knows how much I love children.

"Then, the day after, we're gonna visit some friends of us." Aidan said and I smiled at him, followed by a kiss on his cheek.

"And the day after that one we're gonna go back to Ireland, we're going on a small vacation with his family." I then said, and my dad's face turned sad.

"Oh, maybe we should do that with my side of the family too, I don't really know when though. Aunt Sally's pregnant at the moment." my dad said making me sigh.

"Again? How's uncle William doing though, I miss him." I said and he smiled.

"Still partying in Vegas, nothing new." my dad said and I felt Aidan's hand sqeezing my shoulder lightly, I knew he was getting uncomfortable.

"Well, that's typical uncle William. How are Katy and Philip doing?" I asked, they were my only siblings, I liked them.

"Fine, same for grandma and grandpa." he said smiling, and I yawned.

"Maybe we better go off to bed, we have a long day tomorrow. And I don't think Allison will let us rest very long." I sighed and my dad nodded.

"Well, goodnight then, both of you. And remember, no secret handshakes." my dad said laughing but I just rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight dad." I said before walking up the stairs.

We both walked into my old room, it was pretty clean compared to our apartment.

"So this is your old room?" Aidan questioned and he started looking around.

"Yeah, it's a bit childish, I know. But all those things are old memories that I don't ever want to forget." I said and I grabbed a small teddybear, it had great memories.

"I see, this is a really cool picture. How old were you in this one." he said and he held a picture up that I had taken on my 13th birthday.

"That's the day I turned 13, that was my first birthday in Lee's house. It was a really emotional, but fun, day." I said and Aidan placed the picture back again.

"Why didn't you take it with you when you moved in? I like having some of your memories in our house too." Aidan said but I shook my head.

"But it's still your apartment, and some of these memories aren't quite happy." I said and I grabbed a picture that Lee had taken for evidence when he got me back when Amanda had abducted me.

"Wow, you look beaten up in this picture! What happened?" he exclaimed but I immediately grabbed the picture from his grasp.

"My dad took this as evidence when Amanda had abducted me, if it wasn't for this picture... I would'nt be Lee Pace's daughter, it is very important to me." I said and I placed it on top of a shelf.

"I understand, but maybe we should go to bed and...uhm...sleep." he said and he put his arms on my back to pull me closer.

"Aidan, no secret handshakes, remember." I said and I pulled myself out of his grasp.

"But we can cuddle, right?" he asked sadly, and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We can always cuddle." I mumbled and he smiled again.

"But no secret handshakes tonight?" he asked making me giggle.

"Nope, no secret handshakes tonight." I replied and I shortly let go of him.

He then walked over to his suitcase, and he threw his dark blue shirt at me.

"How do you know this is my favourite shirt to sleep in?" I asked really suprised making him grin.

"Sky, I sleep beside you every day. I know you love to sleep in that shirt." he said as he took his own shirt off.

"How many girls do you think hate me for dating you?" I asked making him chuckle.

"To be honest, none. Because all their boyfriends hate me for dating you." he replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, that doesn't make any sense." I said and I quickly got changed into Aidan's shirt.

"I actually think there are alot more girls jealous of you, only because you have the body of a godness." he said and he put his hands on my hips.

"I could say the same about you, mister." I replied as I placed my hands on his bare torso.

"I can't wait to go back to Ireland." he then wispered followed by a quick nib on my ear.

"Same for me, but can we go to bed now?" I asked and he slowly let go of me.

"Yeah, of course, whatever you want." he said and I already got into the bed.

He then took off his trousers, and took place next to me.

He then put his arms around my stomach, and he pulled me close to his chest.

"Goodnight Skyla." he mumbled making me giggle.

"Goodnight Aidan." I wispered and he snuggled into his pillow.

We then both fell into a peaceful night of sleep.

Double Meleth/Mahal/Lover{Aidan Turner}Where stories live. Discover now