Chapter 13

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"Aidan, wake up! Mom and dad are already waiting at breakfast, hurry the hell up, bro!" Ashley yelled as she fiercly pulled Aidan's arm.

"Can Skyla borrow some of your clothes, and tell mom and dad we'll be there in a minute." Aidan groaned but his sister knew him just as good as me.

"Get your butt out of there!?" she yelled and she pulled him out of the bed.

"Good job!" I exclaimed and I gave her a high five.

"Thanks, can you make sure he'll hurry up?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Okay, that's good. I'll see you two at breakfast then." she said and she walked out of the door.

I walked out of the bed, and quickly grabbed a black corset dress. I put it on, and looked at Aidan who was also getting changed.

"Hey baby, can you help me with this corset." I asked and I turned my back to him.

"Do you want it the same way as your Eryn corset?" he asked and I smiled at the mention of Eryn.

"Yes, that would be nice." I replied and he started pulling all the threads.

"I just thought that we haven't had our first kiss, so I would like to get that on the red carpet because you still owe me that kiss." he said and I could feel him pulling the last ribbon.

"I know, and you'll get that kiss. I promise." I said and I turned to the still shirtless Aidan.

"I'm already excited for it." he said and I softly placed my hands on his chest.

"I already thought so." I wispered and we were both leaning in, with our heads slightly tilted to the side.

"Wait!" I said and I placed my hand between our lips.

"I'm gonna let you wait 'til the premiere, put a shirt on." I said and I threw his shirt at him.

"Fine, but don't act like you don't like the view. I know you do." he said and I leaned against the door, with no shoes on.

"No heels today?" he sked but I shook my head.

"It's just your sister and parents, they can know I'm a small girl." I said and he laughed a little bit.

"Well, do you have everything you need?" he asked and I silently nodded.

"Let's go, my lovely girlfriend!" he said as he opened the door for me.

"Well thank you, my oh so charming and handsome boyfriend." I said and we started walking down the stairs.

"What's it like to be shorter than shoulder height next to me?" he asked and I just replied with a grunt.

"I hate you." I mumbled making him chuckle.

"I love you too, baby." I said and I saw Ashley sitting at a table with two other persons.

"Skyla, you're shaking." Aidan commented and he rubbed my back.

"It'll be okay, trust me." he said and he started walking to the table.

"Hey mom, dad. I want you to meet someone, this is my girlfriend Skyla Pace." Aidan said and I quickly shook hands with his parents.

"Nice to meet you, he has told me about you, but only on the phone. Was it coincidence that you already lived in Ireland?" his mom asked and I quickly looked at Aidan.

"Well no, she used to live in California. And now she lives with me, in Dublin." Aidan said and his parents smiled at me.

"Well, that's really great. I understood that you're a beginning actress." the father said and I nodded.

Double Meleth/Mahal/Lover{Aidan Turner}Where stories live. Discover now