Chapter 7

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(The video is Aidan learning somebody a choreagraphy that he will be teaching Skyla too.)

"Dean, c'mon Lee will literally kill me!" Aidan exclaimed, he was clearly not planning to fake-propose to me.

"Babe, why don't you text him if he's okay with it?" I asked him but he just sighed.

"Can you ask it? He will say yes quicker when you ask it." he said and I just grabbed my phone.

Skyla: Hey, I was wondering if Aidan could FAKE propose to me on the red carpet, he got dared, and it will be like a prank for all the fans.
Lee: What? Fake-propose?
Skyla: Truth or dare. Aidan got dared to do it.
Lee: Fine, if that is what you want.
Skyla: Thank you, daddy.
Lee: Love you.
Skyla: Love you too.

"He's okay with it." I said and Aidan burried his face in his hands.

"Are you serious?" he groaned and I just put my hand on his leg.

"Yes, now you can finally propose to me." I said but he didn't really seem happy about it.

"That's gonna be awesome!" Dean exclaimed but Aidan still wasn't happy.

"C'mon, cheer up! Baby, please. I hate to see you so sad." I said and I carefully sat down on his lap and hugged him.

"Why don't you try on your new dress now." he said and I happily stood up from his lap.

"I put your dress in the closet in your room." Adam said and I immediately walked upstairs.

It was the most beautiful dress ever, it wasn't to short nor to long. Perfect.

I carefully put it on, and I grabbed my black heels to match with it.

I then walked downstairs again, and I could see Aidan was smiling at the sight of me.

"That dress looks really nice on you." Dean said making me blush and smile.

"Aww, thank you." I said and I quickly twirled around for him.

"Skyla, why does everything look amazing on you?" Aidan said and he stood up from his chair.

"Thank you." I said shortly and he held out one hand for me.

"Dance?" he questioned and I placed my small hand in his.

He then placed his other hand on my waist, and he silently just started moving around with me following every step he made.

"Sorry." I quickly said because I stepped on his foot again.

"Doesn't matter, you need to just feel the rhythm, and let me lead." he said and I felt that he was pressing a little bit harder on my waist trying to help me make the right moves.

"You guys are adorable together." Dean said and I quickly looked up to Aidan's face.

"I'm guessing you two don't want any dessert." Adam said and I gave Aidan a questioning look.

"Nah, no need." Aidan said and he let go of my hand really quick.

"Okay, strech out a little, and then I'll twirl you back followed by another stretch." he said and I just gasped.

"That's so much to remember!" I said but he soon already did the first stretch.

He was right, if I would just let him lead it'll all be fine. After the second stretch he pulled me back to him and placed his two hands firmly on my waist.

"I'm gonna lift you, 1...2...3..." he said calmly and shortly lifted me off the ground.

"Okay, that's awesome. Let me try." Dean said and he stood up from the table.

"Only the lift, or just everything?" Aidan asked and he let go of my hand.

"Everything, if you both allow it." Dean said and Aidan and I both nodded agreeing.

"Okay, first just stretch and twirl. Then stretch again, followed by the lift." Aidan said and I grabbed both Dean's hands.

Dean did pretty good, but then the lift...

"Aidan, where do I put my hands?" Dean asked and I slightly chuckled.

"Tumbs down, on the hip bone. And then just lift." Aidan said and Dean immediately did as he was told.

He lifted me by my waist, but after a second I was on the ground again.

"That's so awkward, but really cool." Dean said and he took some distance from me.

"You have really soft hands." I said to Dean and he blushed a little bit.

"You better get changed again, I'd suggest something comfortable so we can just sit and do nothing." Aidan said and he kissed my cheek softly before I could walk away.

I walked upstairs again, and I grabbed one of Aidan's sweaters.

It reached over my knees, but I did put a pair of shorts underneath it just in case.

I then walked downstairs, and I saw everyone sitting on the couch watching some kind of action movie.

"Hey baby." I said softly as I sat down next to Aidan.

"So you stole the sweater that's also oversized on me. You look so tiny." he said and I giggled a little bit.

"That's because I am tiny." I replied and I put the hood of the sweater on.

The hood was also way too big, so I could barely see now.

"You look adorable though." he said and he put one arm around my shoulder.

"We forgot to shower this morning, I think we smell terrible." I sighed and he laughed.

"True, I'll shower tonight." he wispered and he kissed my forehead.

After the movie we all went to bed, well, Aidan was showering. I was, of course, waiting for him to join me in the bed.

I saw Aidan walking into the room with only a towel around his waist, and still wet hair.

I quickly whistled at him, and he looked back at me.

"Seriously?" he questioned and I shortly giggled.

"Yeah, you look hot!" I said and he grinned.

"Thank you, I guess." he replied and he dropped the towel so he could put underwear on.

"Nice butt." I said laughing and he turned around to me.

"Are you flirting with me?" he asked and he got into the bed next to me.

"A little bit." I giggled and he smiled.

He then pinned me down to the bed, as laid down on top of me.

"Was this worth all the flirting?" he asked and I could feel his warm breath brush over my lips.

"Totally." I said as I put both my hands on his chest and I admired his muscles.

"I love you so much." he sighed followed by a trail of kisses in my neck.

"Aidan, we shouldn't..." I sighed and his head shot up.

"Oh, because of the premiere being so close?" he asked but I shook my head.

"We're in a guest house... I will feel bad." I sighed and he got off me again.

"I'm sorry, I thought because you were flirting..." he sighed and I just turned away from him.

"22, two years of waiting left, baby." I said making him sigh loudly.

"I think alot about the night we slept together, even though it was so long ago." I heard him say, and I can't really say I didn't do that.

"Yeah, me too." I replied and I suddenly felt two strong arms around me.

"You should sleep, I don't want you to be tired tomorrow when you'll film the audition tape with Dean." he said making me laugh.

"Goodnight, babe." I said and I snuggled into my pillow and his soft embrace.

"Goodnight, baby." he replied yawning making me smile lightly.

We then both fell asleep in eachother's embrace, I loved it.

Double Meleth/Mahal/Lover{Aidan Turner}Where stories live. Discover now