Chapter 58

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Dean lay on the floor, looking inside the vent. Evie leaned down beside him, looking in as well. 

"Get back, bug." Dean brushed her braid over her shoulder. 

"I go?" Evie asked.

"Sorry, kid, but you can't. Stay here and keep an eye out for me. Deal?" Dean held out his hand.

Evie thought about it for a moment before taking his hand and shaking it. "Deal."

Dean sighed, dropping his flashlight and gun into the vent before crawling inside.

There was a consistent thumping sound as he crawled through the vent until it suddenly stopped.


Dean had found blood, chucks of human, and hair in the vent. So we booked a room at a motel. 

Dean sat on the foot of the bed, cleaning guns. Evie sat next to him, watching intently. She was curious, wanting to learn everything and anything she could. She followed Dean and I around, copying whatever she could. 

"Whoa, hey, sorry, kid. No guns." Dean caught her arm gently as she reached for a weapon. 

"Not until you're five, at least." I added from my spot leaning against the headboard.

Dean shot me a look. 

"Crap." Evie sighed.

"She learned that from you." I stated, bouncing Wyatt on my knee. 

"Pointing fingers isn't helpful, Si." 

A knock on the door made us all look up.

Sam stood, moving to open it.

Adam barged in. "Who the hell are you guys?"

"Adam, hey. Take it easy." Sam told him as Dean quickly hid the weapons.

"Don't tell me to take it easy." Adam snapped. "My house is a crime scene, my moms probably dead, and you four...well, you told me to call the cops, but you gotta bail before they show? So who are you really?"

"Ghostbusters!" Evie exclaimed.

Dean and I shared a wide-eyed look before realizing she was talking about the movie and it was on TV. 

"Alright, kid, you're like your mom. You talk too much. Let's watch Scooby-Doo and hush, okay?" Dean lifted her onto his lap, grabbing the remote and switching the channel.

"Rude." I nudged Dean's arm with my foot. 

"The cops didn't know where to look, but you did." Adam continued. "And I heard you talking earlier, something about grave robberies." His eyes caught the small part of the barrel of the gun that got uncovered. "You're not mechanics. I just wanna know what's going on. Please."

"We're hunters." Sam said.

"Sammy." Dean warned.

"Sammy." Evie gave him a look that was pure Dean Winchester.

"Yeah, sure, she's me." I muttered. 

"He deserves to know, Dean." Sam replied.

"What do you mean 'hunters'?" Adam asked. 

"They kill Bugs Bunny and sell him." Millie said.

Evie gasped. "No. Bugs Bunny."

Dean sighed. "Nobody's killing Bugs Bunny." 


"Okay, so basically, you're saying that every movie monster, every nightmare that I've ever had, that's all real?" Adam asked, staring blankly as he sat on the edge of one bed, facing Sam, who sat on the other next.

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