Chapter 27

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

"You know, something weird happened last night." Dean remarked as I stood at the stove, cooking dinner. We had spent the last week back at my house.

"Really? What?" I asked, looking over at him as he let the screen door that led to the backyard snap shut. 

"I slept peacefully and through the whole night." Dean gave me a look. He was definitely onto me. I had been taking as much of his memories from hell as possible, which in hindsight might've been too much because he's aware something's going on.

"That's good, babe." I replied. "You need the rest." 

"You know what's also weird?" Dean leaned against the counter next to me, crossing his arms over his chest.


"This." Dean pulled the neckline of his shirt down to reveal his tattoo and my handprint that had yet to go away. "It's been a week and a half. You know anything about it?"

"Is Evie okay?" I asked, peeking out of the kitchen window into the backyard. 

"Don't change the subject."

"Are the steaks done, Mr. Grill Master?" I asked. 

"Si." Dean warned.

With perfect timing, Wyatt cried out from across the room where he was in his basinet.

"This isn't over." Dean pushed off the counter, moving across the room. Peeking out of the window again, I spotted Evie playing in the yard with Lady. "Hey, man, what's up? Why the tears?" Dean's voice made me turn to look over my shoulder. He lifted Wyatt into his arms, patting his back. "You're alright."

"Bobby wants us to come stay with him this weekend." I said. "I think he's trying to steal our children."

Dean made his way back over to me with a now completely calm Wyatt in his arms. "Says the woman who wants to kidnap every child she's ever laid eyes on."

"Go check the grill, you big dork." I shoved his shoulder before taking Wyatt from him. 

Dean pulled open the door just as Evie and Lady ran through, covered in mud. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." He grabbed Evie by the arms, lifting her off the floor before she could run off. "Hey, Mud Monster, what's with the mess?"

Evie giggled. 

Dean sighed, walking out of the door. "I'll hose her off."

"You do that." I replied as Wyatt tugged at my necklace. 

I set the table. We were just waiting on Dean and the steaks. I moved to watch out of the screen door as Dean chased Evie around with the water hose. I smiled a little. 

I turned, crossing the room and placing Wyatt down in his basinet before moving down the hall and toward the stairs. "Sam! Mills! Dinner's ready!"

I heard the door creak open and snap shut. I stepped back into the kitchen just as Dean placed Evie in a chair at the table. She was soaking wet, giggled.

"You're cleaning up this mess." I patted Dean's arm. I looked at Evie. "You too, cupcake."

They both groaned. 

"Mama, no." Evie complained.

"Yeah, mom, no." Dean added. I gave him a look. "Fine."

After another ten minutes of chaos, we all finally got to sit down and eat.


I sat at a table in the middle of a bar, watching the horrible plan Sam and Dean came up with unfold. 

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