Chapter 29

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

Sam continued, telling us about how after Ruby saved him, she thought she deserved a thank you. She went on and on about the things she had to do to even get back to Sam. Gross, I know. 

After she told him that she couldn't help him save Dean, Sam told her that she was of no use and for her to leave. He then told us how he questioned whose body she was possessing and how he told her to leave the innocent woman alone. He threatened to send her back to hell if she didn't.

Apparently after that, Ruby decided to find the nearest Jane Doe who was dying to possess. She was a nameless woman who was on life support and the doctors were pulling the plug. So that's our new Ruby. 

So Ruby went back to Sam, offering a way to kill Lilith.

Sam agreed immediately. 

"So what'd she teach you?" Dean asked as I poured us both a glass of whiskey. 

"Well, first thing I learned...I'm a crappy student." Sam replied.

"I don't like where this is going." Millie said.

"Me either." I agreed.

Sam then continued his story about his first attempt with using his powers, which failed horribly. Ruby ended up just stabbing the possessed man with her knife.

That led into Ruby trying to console Sam about his loss of Dean, which made Sam snap. Then somehow then ended up making out.

Sam pulled back at first, snapping at her about how that was wrong and they shouldn't.

Did that stop either of them? 


Ruby made another move and this time Sam didn't resist. 

Shocking, Sam was very graphic about the details of their...tryst.

"Sam." Dean cut him off.

"Yeah?" Sam asked as if he weren't just talking about very disturbing and detailed sex. 

"Too much information." 

"I told you I was coming clean." Sam shrugged.

"But now I feel dirty." Dean groaned.

"I have never been more grossed out in my life." I muttered. 

"Wait a second." Millie spoke up, eyes wide. "If Ruby's goal was to find an uninhabited body that means a dead body. Does that mean you fucked a dead body? Possessed by a demon? It's still a dead body."

"Millie, that's horrible." I said.

"I know." Millie nodded. 

"I don't know what to do with this information." I muttered.

"Oh, that's fucked up." Dean said.

"So fucked up." Millie agreed. 

"Okay, well, brain-stabbing imagery aside, so far all you've told me about is--"

"His affair with a dead woman." I filled in. "Are we sure it counts as dead though?"

"Oh, my God. It's two dead women." Millie gasped. "The fresh dead body, plus Ruby's been dead for centuries."

"That's true."

"You two need to stop." Dean told us. "Anyway, all you've told us is about a manipulative bitch who screwed you, played mind games with you and did everything in the book to get you to go bad."

"Who knew all it took to turn Sam was some necrophilia." Millie scoffed a laugh. 

"You're never letting that go, are you?" Sam asked.

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