Chapter 39

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After School Special

"So?" Dean asked as Sam slipped into the backseat. He was dressed in all white scrubs seeing as he was just in a metal institution talking to a teenage girl who killed another teenage girl then claimed she was possessed.

"I think she's telling the truth." Sam sighed. "I mean, the way she walked about being there mentally but not physically kind of sounds like demonic possession to me."

"Kind of?" Dean asked.

"She didn't see any black smoke or smell sulfur."

"Maybe it's not a demon. Kids can be vicious." Dean stated.

"He's right. Teenage girls are pure evil sometimes." I added.

"I mean, we're already here, might as well check out the school." Sam suggested.

"You just can't wait to get back to school, can you, Sammy?" Millie asked.

"Right. The school." Dean nodded.

"AKA, my worst nightmare." I sighed.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Truman High, home of the Bombers." Dean said.

"Home of horrible people, more like." I muttered.

"What's your point?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I mean, we went there for like a month, a million years ago." Dean stated. "Why are you so jazzed to go back?"

"I just think it's worth looking into." Sam defended himself.

"Alright, well, what's our cover? FBI, Homeland Security?" Dean asked. "Swedish exchange students?"

"Don't worry." Sam smiled. "I got an idea."

"I'm so gonna worry." I sighed.

"Oh, totally." Millie agreed.

Truman Highschool, 1997

Saige sat in the backseat of the Impala between Sam and Dean. Her father and John were working together on a case, so that meant she was tagging along to a new school for however long they'd be here.

Dean pushed open the door, stepping out. Saige grabbed her bag, following. "Thanks, Mr. Winchester. Bye, Dad." She called as Dean set a hand on her waist as he shut the door.

"Thanks, Dad." Dean said as he and Saige walked around the car to where Sam was waiting. "Got your lunch? Books? Butterfly knife?"

"Yeah, Dean." Sam replied, not sounding at all happy to be here.

"You okay?"



"I mean, look, this is the third school we've been to and it's only November." Sam stated. "Mr. Dawson said if we wanted more stability, we could stay with him, go to school with Saige."

Saige picked at the strap of her bag, her red-painted nails chipping already.

"I'm just sick of always being the new kid." Sam said.

"You'll be fine." Dean assured him. "If anyone give you any trouble, you let me know. That goes for both of you."

"Me? Trouble? Never." Saige laughed nervously.

Sam scoffed.

"Relax. Dad said this hunt will take him two weeks, tops." Dean explained. "As soon as he gets back we're out of here."

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