Chapter 9

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In The Beginning

Dean opened the front door after we finished interviewing Mrs. Whitshire. Outside, fist raised to knock, Samuel stood. Just like Dean, he wore a all black suit and a white collar, pretending to be a priest.

"Father." Samuel greeted, looking rather annoyed but forcing a smile. "I see you beat me here."

"The Lord is funny that way." Dean chuckled, stepping out onto the porch. "Beth Whitshire, this is my associate. Our senior, senior priest, Father Cheney."

"Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the county diocese." Samuel held a fruit cake out to her.

"Thank you." Mrs. Whitshire mumbled.

"Mrs. Whitshire was just telling us all about Tom and how normal and ordinary things were the day before his death." Dean said.

"I see." Samuel nodded. "So you didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am?"

"You mean, like, my husband's guts fertilizing the back forty?" Mrs. Whitshire asked.

"Excuse us." Dean placed a hand on my waist and led me off of the porch. We made our way through the yard to where Mary stood with Mrs. Whitshire's son by a large oak tree.

"Charlie, would you like to tell the Father here what you just told me?' Mary suggested.

"Dad drank sometimes." Charlie said. He had blonde hair and blue eyes filled with tears. "Sometimes he got rough with Mom."

"And that's when the stranger came?" Mary asked.

Charlie shook his head. "I just thought he was some Bible thumper, like you all. He showed up about a week ago."

"Saying what?" I asked gently.

"Did I want the beatings to stop." Charlie explained. "I just thought he was crazy, I didn't think...And the next thing I know, Dad's dead. Am I going to jail?"

"You didn't do this, Charlie." Mary told him.

"Did the stranger want something in return?" Dean asked.

"He didn't want anything." Charlie stated.

"He wasn't just handing out freebies, now, was he?"

"He did say something about coming to call ten years from now." Charlie shrugged. In ten years it'd be 1983. The year Sam was born. I glanced over at Mary. "Maybe he'd want something then."

"Something like what?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, okay? Look, I told you he was nuts."

Dean and I walked further away from the boy. Mary followed. "What do you think?" She asked in a low voice.

Dean rubbed his chin. "I think he just pimped his soul to a demon and he doesn't even know it."

I sighed. "What now?"

"Charlie, do you remember what the stranger looked like?" Mary asked as we moved back to the boy.

"Yeah. He's about 5'10". White. He was kind of normal looking really." Charlie shrugged his shoulders.

"Anything else?"

"There was one thing."

"What?" Dean asked.

"Its just...the light hit his eyes in a weird way...for a moment, I could've sworn...."

"What, that they were black? Red, maybe?" Dean suggested.

"No." Charlie said. "They were yellow. Pale yellow."


"What do you say we sit down and talk this thing through." Samuel said as Dean smoothed a map across the table top.

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