Chapter 38: Bound To Happen

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(Okay. I have a good excuse this time. I've been buried in work and I've been running again to get my body snatched for the summer soI'm basically a zombie most days, but the story must go onnnnn omfg. But I did it y'all. I did not wish my hot coworker a happy birthday. To be fucking honest, I hadn't even texted or seen him since he pissed me off a month ago but he came into my office last Tuesday with some other professor while I was in the middle of another conversation and just wouldn't stop staring at me. He then came over to my desk when I was done with my convo, talking about long time no see. How have you been, touching everything on my desk and then said oh, I was talking with so and so about how we still need to celebrate your birthday. My birthday is in March. It's damn near June. So I'm super confused, but I went along with it and said I mean I did want to go to a baseball game, so he asked me all these follow-up questions about what team I wanted to see, blah blah blah, so I said just said send me a spreadsheet and I'll pick a game. 

It's been like a week and he still hasn't, so I'm assuming he was using this as an excuse to see if we're still on good terms. 

But the icing on the cake is, I was at this music festival yesterday and my friend's sister was in town. She knows astrology 15x better than I do, so I showed her my hot coworker's chart and she confirmed everything I already knew

1. He's a walking mental illness. Her exact words were: oh he's one bad day away from doing crack lmmaaaooo.

2. He has no idea how to articulate/process emotions. 

3. He's in love with me and addicted to all the attention I give him. 

She also told me to keep him hooked, I should be mean and then disappear. So I broke our texting silence last night and asked if he ended up going to a housewarming party we were both invited to. He answered and asked how my night went at the festival and I said:

Oh pretty good. I met my friend's sister who is basically an astrology expert and she told me everything that's wrong with you. Can't wait to yap to you about it. 

I haven't said a word since his response. But tbh I cannot wait to tell him everything that's wrong with him. I hope he brings some pen and paper to take notes lmaoooo. But sorry for taking a century and a half to post. As a reward for being patient, I threw in a much longer chapter. Well....longer than my other ones. lol. 

P.S. I'll post a Zuko chapter in a few days. Only had enough motivation for one series today. Still ilysm😭


[Downtown, Republic City] - exit 43

From the way Mako saw it he had two choices: hunt Viper down while you slept in the passenger seat next to him, or get you somewhere safe, preferably the hospital where you'd be under constant watch by doctors, nurses but more importantly himself. Though the second option was practically a no-brainer, it took everything in him not to chase Viper's car and send him tail spinning into the nearest tree, hopefully with injuries severe enough that he'd bleed out and never be heard from again. Srill Mako forced himself to drive in the opposite direction. Everything that could've gone wrong in Ba Sing Se had done so, and the only emotions he had left coursing through his veins were rage and regret,

"Mako?" Jay called softly through his walkie,
"Yeah Jay," he answered tiredly,
"Just checking in. You've been gone for a while. Did you find her?"
"Yeah. I found her,"
"Oh, thank god," Jay breathed in relief, "Is she...hurt?"
"A little. She's asleep right now, so I'm not sure where else besides her arm, but we're on our way back to the hospital to find out,"
"Copy that. They just took Shin to get the bullet out of his bicep, so he'll be out for a while,"
"Good. I should've shot him a long time ago," Mako huffed,
"Speaking of shooting people. W-What happened when you ran into Viper?"
"Hmph. He was gone by the time I got to her," Mako breathed angrily, "I found her alone, having a panic attack in the middle of the road,"
"So he just...let her go?"
"Or she jumped out of a moving vehicle. Guess I'll find out when she wakes up,"

[Lake Laogai] - Crystal Catacombs

"So what are my rules here?" Shah grinned, joining Kuvira in the large bed and pulling her close, "Cuddling. No cuddling? Clothes on. Clothes off?"
"You keep your clothes on and your hands off," Kuvira hissed, shoving him away from her before rolling over,
"Hmph. Fair enough," Shah smirked, stripping from his shirt anyway, "But you're missing out. I happen to be a really good cuddler,"
"Ugh. Who in their right mind has ever told you that?" Kuvira scoffed,
"Hey, you'd be surprised. Girls love me," Shah bragged, "Even the hardheaded bitchy ones,"
"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?"
"Oh, you have those?" Shah teased as he scooted closer, "Because what I meant was that I've had my fair share of practice dealing with angry women who need attitude adjustments. And if you would just give me five minutes. I could fix yours too," he chuckled to himself,
"Ugh. Go to sleep," Kuvira ordered, hiding her face beneath the blankets,
"Alright, alright. Suit yourself," Shah sighed with a smile, "Just figured...since it's been a while for you. I'm willing to let you use my body to your advantage,"
"Oh, so you just don't find anything pleasurable?" Shah scoffed,
"Trust me. I have a ton of pleasure in my life. Like the pleasure of silence, which I'd very much like to indulge in if you would just keep your mouth shut,"
"Well, one could test the theory of how quiet I could be if you sat on my face,"
"Oh my god. That's it!" Kuvira huffed before she sat up,
"What's it–mmph," Shah moaned when Kuvira gripped him by the neck and forced her lips onto his,
"I'm shutting you up once and for all,"

[Republic City Hospital] - parking garage

This was the last place Mako wanted to be. Mostly because he had a feeling Viper would come back too, lurking in the shadows waiting to snatch you up again and hide you god knows where, but the blood seeping from your bandages convinced him otherwise,

"Hey," Mako called softly, caressing your face until your eyes fluttered open,
"Viper let me go!–
"Hey, hey!" Mako shouted over your panicking, "It's me. Just breathe," he pleaded, "You're safe now,"
"Mmph. Where are we?" you groaned,
"The hospital," Mako answered sourly, his jaw clenched tight in frustration,
"Ugh. Why?"
"Take a good look at your arm," he sighed,
"Oh," you breathed when you noticed the blood,
"Oh, indeed. He shot you didn't he?"
"Didn't he!?"
"Hmph. Good to know. I'll be bringing that up when I burn his arm off," Mako hissed before getting out of the car,
"Mako," you called when he opened your door and helped you out of the passenger seat,
"Don't try and talk me out of it–
"I'm not. I-I just–

You didn't have the words. Especially not enough to list every worry that was rushing through your mind. So you kissed him instead, as hard and as long as you possibly could until it gave you time to think until the anger in his breathing melted away,

"Not now," Mako ordered softly, the need in his voice sending a warm chill down your spine, "You're injured, remember?"
"I'm fine. My stitches...they probably ripped when I fell–
"Explain to me how that's fine," he snapped at you, "Not to mention the fact that I just found you wandering in the middle of the road. If I didn't slam on the brakes, who knows who could've hit you!"
"I get it now," you breathed in defeat, "You're mad at me–
"No," Mako answered flatly, taking your hand after locking the car, "The complete opposite. I'm mad at myself," he huffed frustratedly, "Even more so now for stopping a kiss like that, but that arm of yours needs re-stitched and I still have Viper's nephew to strangle,"

[Lake Laogai] - Crystal Catacombs

"Hmph. Slow down," Shah grinned when Kuvira tugged at his shorts, breaking their kiss just to tackle her gently to the mattress and pin her wrists to the bed, "We don't have to rush this," he cooed,
"Ugh. You're the one that said five minutes," Kuvira huffed in annoyance,
"That my dear," Shah chuckled, pushing his hips between her thighs, "Would be what we call an exaggeration. Any man would be an idiot to want a minute less with you,"
"Says the idiot who's wasting his t-time,"
"So you're telling me I can't enjoy myself?" Shah smirked as he nibbled at her neck,
"Mmph. No," Kuvira gasped when he lifted her t-shirt and feasted on her nipples, "This–ahh. T-This is about me remember?"
"Hmph. You really have no shame in using me," Shah chuckled, admiring every curve of her body once he stripped her completely naked,
"Oh, I highly doubt that's new for you,"
"It isn't," Shah answered softly after slipping from his shorts, his dick already twitching with anticipation when his brain finally caught up with the moment, "But this is the one time I'm going to love every second of it,"

[Republic City Hospital] - parking garage

"Siros? But he didn't do anythi–
"I find that hard to believe," Mako scoffed as he led you toward the elevators,
"I'm serious. He tried to stop Viper from taking me–
"Hmph. Not hard enough,"
"He at least tried Mako...a-and you can probably guess how that conversation went,"
"Viper threatened him. God, his own nephew," Mako eventually sighed, "Well–I-I'm at least taking him in for questioning. Maybe when Shin's out of surgery I can get some intel out of him too,"
"Wait. Why is Shin here?"
"I may or may not have put a bullet in him," Mako answered sourly, "Maybe two,"
"Mako you're making this worse–
"I'm keeping you safe," he reminded you sharply, only to recollect his temper when he noticed you had backed away, "I'm sorry. It's just–I've broken my promise twice now and each time you've gotten hurt," he admitted defeatedly, "I can't exactly stand here and not blame myself," he hissed with his fists clenched,
"No. Viper did this," you reassured him before stealing another kiss, this one hot and heavy enough for Mako to back you into the elevator doors until they opened on the 10th-floor lobby,
"Ugh. I know you two just reunited and all but this is a hospital, not your honeymoon," Jay scoffed when he caught you wrapped up in Mako's arms,
"Hmph. Don't be jealous Jay," Mako teased,
"I'm not. I've been waiting. It's just now I know the reason why," Jay huffed, "Lucky for you, Shin just got out of surgery,"
"And Viper's nephew?" Mako questioned after he took your hand and followed Jay down the busy hallway,
"He's in our room. Waiting," Jay nodded, "And says he's willing to give any information you might need,"
"He better be. Otherwise, I was going to have to strangle it out of him,"
"Y'know not everybody needs the threat of corporal punishment to be cooperative right?" Jay asked curiously,
"Hmph. We'll see," Mako answered sharply, "If not. It's a good thing we're already in a hospital,"

[Lake Laogai] - Crystal Catacombs

"God, there's absolutely no way you're this tight," Shah panted, inching himself deeper and deeper until Kuvira squealed,
"Ahh! Well, I am. That doesn't mean you need to stretch me all at once," she seethed, punching Shah in the chest to get him to back off,
"Mmph. Keep hitting me," Shah begged, hugging Kuvira closer by the waist so he had nowhere else to go but in,
"Ugh. You actually like that!?" Kuvira asked, biting her lip to keep in her moans,
"I like how much you can't stand me," Shah smirked, spreading her thighs even further, "Now, I want to hear you say it while you're coming all over me," he grinned before flailing himself onto his back with Kuvira in his arms, his dick still plunged into her wetness,
"God. You're...Y-You're huge," Kuvira confessed breathlessly, riding Shah while he watched her use his body with no remorse, "A stupid...huge...idiot,"
"Mmm. What else am I?" he asked slyly, his hands locked on her hips to quicken her rhythm,
"A s-self-centered...asshole," Kuvira gasped when Shah pounded into her from below, "A l-loudmouth delinquent–
"But I feel so good inside of you though, don't I?" he asked over her desperate and heavy breathing,
"Fuck–ahh, yes,"
"Mmm. So do you," Shah hissed,
"I told you not to enjoy yourself," Kuvira snapped at him,
"Ssss shit. That's a little hard to do when you're squeezing me like this," Shah seethed, "And god. Look at you. I gotta figure out a way to burn this image into my mind,"
"You really can never stop talking, can you?" Kuvira scoffed, grinding against him as hard as she could to feel his body quiver beneath her,
"Damn Kuvira, not if you keep fucking me like this," Shah heaved as she pulsed around him, "Mmph. Ahh. Shit. Fine," he whimpered when her walls clenched even tighter, "You can cut out my tongue and sew my lips shut after this just– please don't stop fucking me. Ever," he begged,
"Are you gonna shut up and do what I say?" she asked before she sat all the way down, plunging Shah's dick as deep as he could possibly go without breaking her limit,
"Fuck I'll rip out my larynx and serve it to you on a platter if you asked," Shah growled, "Now cum for me," he pleaded, "I can see it all your face that you're about to,"
"Ahh. N-No you can't,"
"Oh yeah? Let's see what happens when I match your pace then,"
"Shah, Shah!–
"I know I'm not allowed to talk but you're about to burst," he taunted,
"I!–Damn it. I hate you," Kuvira moaned,
"Yeah? How much?" Shah smirked, his thumb pressed against her clit,
"Fuck. So much. I should've–ahh never agreed to track you down,"
"Why because you knew you'd end up like this?" Shah grinned evilly, circling his thumb faster and faster the more Kuvira cursed beneath her breath,
"Shit. No, I–
"Face it. This was bound to happen–
"Ahh. Fuck Shah,"
"You know you deserve it," Shah hissed, "All that time locked away. Just think, if you stay here you can have me anytime you want,"
"Mmph. Don't start this–
"On the contrary, I'm actually ending something," Shah corrected her, guiding Kuvira's hips so she had no choice but to surrender to him, had no other option but to finish what she started,
"Fuck! D-Damn you Shah!" Kuvira cried out, punching his chest in defeat as her walls throbbed around him in ecstasy,
"Mmm. I knew you could it," Shah smirked before he pulled her forward and kissed her while he thrusted slowly, 
"Yet you still talked the entire time," Kuvira sighed in annoyance,
"I had to get you there didn't I?" Shah chuckled when she plopped down on the pillow next to him, "And believe it or not, arguing with me gets you off,"
"Ugh. Go to bed," Kuvira yawned,
"Hmph. Since I know I'm right and I promised to do what you say, I will," he teased as he pulled her onto his chest, "But only for a few hours,"
"Great. Now shush,"

[Republic City Hopsital] E1 - 10th floor

"Oh my god," Siros breathed in relief when you came in the room behind Jay and Mako, "You're okay," he smiled, damn near rushing in to hug you only to be stopped by Mako's arm,
"Close enough," Mako ordered, shoving Siros back,
"Apologies. I'm just glad to see you got away from my uncle,"
"Yes, and you and I will be talking all about him at the station. After you stitch her arm," Mako answered for you,
"Of course. Just let me get my supplies," Siros nodded before leaving,
"Mako, he's trying to help," you reassured him when Siros left the room,
"I know, and he can do so without hugging you," Mako snapped,
"God, have you always been this jealous?" Jay asked,
"Oh, so I'm the jealous one because I don't automatically trust a man who's related to a maniac?" Mako questioned frustratedly,
"Yes, just because he's related to Viper, doesn't mean he is him," Jay argued, "So be grateful he's even speaking to us at all. You know better than anyone if he truly was a part of the Triple Threats he wouldn't have agreed to be interrogated. Especially not down at the station. So cut the man a little slack,"
"Hmph. I don't care how cooperative he's being. I'm still not taking any chances,"

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