Chapter 29: Over The Walls

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This new bitch at my job is trying to push my buttons. Long story short–we hate her. On the hot coworker front–I've been so busy running around managing everything and everyone that I tend to only see him in passing, but he's become a wayyy better texter and he keeps an eye out for people that I need to have meetings with, who are so hard to track down. So he's been a helpful little elf lately.🥰  It's snowing here, so I figured we save the driving lessons for spring, but we still have sushi planned for next weekend, I'm buying Drake tickets next week and I guesssss we'll do something for Valentine's Day? Who knows? Drake is literally three days after that. And I'm still so shocked he's agreed to go because I can guarantee yinz he's never listened to a Drake song in his life. This man don't even turn on the radio when we're in the car and he barely watches TV. He's just a workaholic scientist who goes rock climbing in his spare time. And day by day my delusion for him thins a little, but I still wouldn't mind moving to his side of town. Get me a nice change of scenery.

I have to see the new bitch when I go in tomorrow and I'm already dreading it, but writing this chapter was a happy distraction🖤


Mako was in pain, out of breath, and completely fuming when he stomped back into the engine room.
"What happened!?" Jay panicked, steering high above Ba Sing Se while Mako broke whatever he could get his hands on. Chairs, bookshelves, glasses, windows, all shattered beneath his rage, "Mako," Jay called again loudly, eventually switching the engine to autopilot and snatching his arm, "Talk to me. What. Happened?" he asked again,
"They're...They're gone," Mako hissed angrily, "Shin...took her–a-and some...m-masked freaks took Shah and Kuvira," he confessed defeatedly, completely pissed with himself,
"Took them?" Jay questioned in disbelief, "Took them where?"
"If I knew that I wouldn't be up here!" Mako shouted blasting a hoard of flames into the already broken bookshelf,
"Okay, calm down,"
"Calm down!? How can I when my girlfriend just got captured–again!? A-And her homicidal brother, who nearly killed me by the way, plus a woman who shouldn't have been out of prison in the first place, just got taken by some cloaked maniacs!"
"Were you outnumbered?"
"Extremely," Mako sighed, reigning back his temper, "There were seven of them, and one cuffed Kuvira mid-strike. She had Shah–pinned to the earth before they came along–
"What are you doing over the walls!?" Tenzin gasped when came in out of breath,
"The better question would be, where the hell were you!?" Mako roared back at him,
"Saving her father's life remember?" Tenzin scoffed, "Thanks to my efforts, I managed to stash him in the Royal Kingdom,"
"How did you swing that?" Jay asked curiously,
"It was actually a lot easier than I care to admit. Once I mentioned Mako's name, King Wu jumped at the opportunity to help,"
"You know the Earth King?"
"Correction. My first year on the force I babysat the Earth King. And it was the worst job detail of my career," Mako groaned in annoyance, "But had I known we could've stashed both of them there while we tracked Shah, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
"You ran into the Dai Li. Didn't you?" Tenzin questioned softly,
"Hmph. Is that what they're called?" Mako scoffed frustratedly,
"Who are they?" Jay asked Tenzin,
"Well, Dai means to wear. And Li is the cone-shaped hat that they bear to hide their faces, typically worn by farmers to protect them from rain. But together, they mean proxy, agent...or in this case, a secret elite police force hidden in the shadows of Ba Sing Se," Tenzin informed them quickly, "Which is why I asked what are you doing over the walls. They don't take too kindly to intruders in their airspace let alone their kingdom,"
Ï guess that's why they stopped Shah...and took Kuvira,"
"What!? They took her!?" Tenzin breathed, "Why didn't you stop them?"
"For your information, it was seven of them that appeared in a matter of seconds!" Mako roared back, "I was lucky enough to leave there with my own freedom," he snapped, "All because they didn't care for cops. But I'll tell you one thing," Mako stated a little more calmly, "They knew Kuvira. Shah they only took because they said he brought wild shirshus into their Ring," he admitted, "And Shin, if he managed to leave unscathed, took her back to Republic City,"
"Interesting," Tenzin nodded, "Instead of the entire swarm of the Dai Li patrolling all of Ba Sing Se at once, they've designated commanders for different Rings,"
"Hmph. And that commander seemed hellbent on taking Kuvira. He told me to leave Earth Kingdom business to them,"
"Well, I guess the next question would be what do we do now?" Jay asked the both of them,"
"I'm going back to Republic City," Mako informed him sharply, "I know Shin took her there, probably right to Viper's doorstep, and I promised to keep her safe. I made no such promises for her brother or for Kuvira,"
"I guess I'm staying here," Tenzin admitted,
"You against an entire secret elite police force?" Jay questioned,
"I have no choice. Kuvira is my responsibility,"
"What about Shah?" Mako asked,
"Well, if the Dia Li truly did capture him, then I'd say he's more locked up than any damage an RPCD officer or prison could do. I think a better question would be, do I plan to break him out along with Kuvira,"
"Do you?"
"I wasn't," Tenzin smirked, "But if it's the lesser of two evils I will. God knows, just because he learned to fly in the past 72 hours, doesn't mean he can outdo a master airbender,"
"True," Mako nodded, "Does that mean you're coming back with me?" he asked Jay,
"Of course. Just because we weren't assigned as partners, doesn't mean I'm leaving you to deal with the Triple Threats alone," Jay grinned, "I mean–I shot a suspect today," he beamed,
"You grazed his shoulder," Mako corrected him as he rolled his eyes,
"But I still dispatched my weapon,"
"Okay. Okay," Mako caved with a grin, "You did good today, even if you let my girlfriend get captured," he teased,
"Hey! I tried to get her on board, b-but Shin caught her before she could climb the ladder, and need I remind you, I had to steer or die in a fiery crash. I figured she made it back to you somehow, but I guess not,"
"She couldn't," Mako breathed, "I heard her scream, but that's when Shah tackled me. Kuvira helped but then...they came along,"
"You let me worry about the Dai Li," Tenzin reassured him, "I already know where they took them. Lake Laogai. It's in the Agrarian Zone of Ba Sing Se. Beneath it is an underground high-security prison,"
"God does anywhere we go not have a high-security prison? Jay scoffed,
"Not so far at least,"

[Lake Laogai] - cell 122

"Get your hands off me!" Kuvira shouted when three masked men shoved her into a small, dark, dingy cell with Shah, eventually uncuffing her rock gloves once they were able to lock the bars,
"Sit tight," the one man said, "Captain Rohai will be here soon," they bowed before leaving Kuvira and Shah alone,
"Rohai huh. You know him?" Shah asked Kuvira,
"I'm not talking to you," she snapped back at him,
"Aww really? And why is that?" he teased with a sly grin, "If you ask me, you got no one else on your side besides me–I mean, we did just get captured by the same men,"
"You only got captured for bringing wild shirshus into a residential area. I don't know why I'm here," Kuvira corrected him sharply,
"Care to fancy a guess?" Shah questioned, "The only name I heard when I first moved to Republic City, more importantly, when I went to jail was yours," he reminded her fondly, "I was quite jealous for about six months until I led half of RCPD on a high-speed chase,"
"So you were jealous of me," Kuvira said flatly as she investigated her surroundings,
"Jealous. Attracted. Better," Shah grinned evilly, "Who's to say? I tried my best to lay low, but people kept...provoking me,"
"That tells me you have no self-control," Kuvira hissed at him as she stared Shah down already more than annoyed with his smug grin, "Now, why would I ever waste a second of my life comparing myself to someone so careless?"
"Hmph. know what I'm after,"


"What happens when you find Kuvira?" Mako asked Tenzin while he packed supplies,
"Well, considering she hasn't gone rogue, I'll bring her back here–or well, Republic City I mean,"
"What if she escapes before then?"
"She won't,"
"How do you know?"
"She can't" Tenzin nodded,
"That woman took down two cities," Mako scoffed in disbelief, "And you're telling us she can't break out of one little prison?"
"Not this one," Tenzin sighed, "At least. Not without help,"

[Air Temple Ruins]

"Stop squirming would ya?" Shin snapped at you, forcing his shirshu to pick up the pace, "We'll be in the city by sunrise, so just–sit tight,"
"Ahh! L-Let me go Shin!" you pleaded, your arms and ankles duct-taped tight to keep you from escaping, "I-I want nothing to do with Viper,"
"I'm aware. Why else would Shah have stashed you in Southwest Central and pretend to not know a damn thing about it?"
"You mean. You...You knew?"
"Oh, I knew," Shin chuckled, "I figured it was just a lover's spat between you and Viper, but as the weeks went on, I came to realize that you really believed you could leave free and clear like that,"
"I paid my debt!"
"Yes, but you also fell for the man," Shin reminded you sharply, "And in that same instance he fell for you. Granted, I'll admit that did give you some sort of an advantage to disappear like that. He let you live in peace for as long as he could bear it,"
"In peace? He broke into my house and held a switchblade to my neck!"
"You're lucky that's all he did! If he didn't have such a soft spot for you, I can guarantee you that you'd be dead by now. He was heartbroken when you left,"
"Viper doesn't have a heart," you winced angrily, "And he certainly doesn't love me,"
"Hmph. And Mako does?" Shin scoffed,
"Absolutely," you whispered, 

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