Chapter 23: Next 72 Hours

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(Short chapter. I know. But these next few might take me a good minute to structure with everything I'm trying to wrap together. So enjoy for now, while I spend the next week or two brainstorming. As always, ilysm🖤 ) -A

[Airship] Kuvira's Room

"First things first. This plan stays between us," Mako nodded with his arms crossed,
"What about Baldy and your other sidekick?" Kuvira questioned as she rose to her feet,
"What about them?"
"I would like to think since they're putting their lives on the line for Princess Hostage they should at least be aware–
"Nobody is putting their life on the line but me," Mako snapped,
"T-That's insane! Y-You're expecting to get yourself killed for her?"
"Hmph. If it comes down to it, it comes down to it. Regardless I'm not stopping until she's safe,"
"What kind of spell does this girl have you under?–
"I don't think you're at liberty to ask me that considering Shah could kill you for the fun of it,"
"Fine. Any other conditions?" Kuvira huffed in annoyance,
"In the Middle Ring, you don't leave her side. Got it?" Mako ordered,
"At all? Like even if she has to pee?"
"I thought girls like going to the bathroom together,"
"Yeah, girls who are friends," Kuvira scoffed at him,
"Well for the next 72 hours you are," Mako smirked slyly, "She already thinks you hate her might as well convince her otherwise,"
"I don't particularly like girls who surround themselves with idiots, but fine. Anything else?"
"Stay. Hidden,"
"Ugh. You expect us to be holed up god knows where for three days!?"
"I'd expect nothing less," Mako replied sternly before he turned to leave, "Besides, that shouldn't be a problem for you anyway, considering it's similar to where you've spent the last six years," he snapped, eventually recollecting his temper and adjusting the sharpness of his tone to one of need, "Nonetheless, I'm counting on you Kuvira,"

[Dragon Flats District] Ketu's Warehouse

"600, 800, 1000," Shah counted out loud before placing the wad of cash in Ketu's hand,
"Pleasure doing business with you," Ketu nodded as he recounted each bill one by one,
"So, are you satisfied now?" Shin asked, eyeing the evil grin on Shah's face. He knew that look all too well, that twinkle in his dark eyes still a perfect mixture of arrogance and recklessness,
"Hmph. Not yet," Shah breathed before calling to Ketu, "Kid, make it $2,000. I want Whip too," he pointed to the other shirshu in the large cage, "Shin, you're coming with me,"
"What!? T-The whole point of this–
"You owe me!" Shah barked, causing all the animals to flinch back in fright, "Now, you don't want to help me end my father, that's fine. But I'll need back up. Plus, who will get this brat's shirshu back in time, so I'm not charged an ungodly amount of fees?" he smirked innocently, knowing he had Shin caught between two fires, completely cornered despite his many wishes to remain exempt from doing Shah anymore favors,
"Ugh. Fine," Shin sighed in defeat, "Ketu, I guess we're taking Whip too,"

[Airship] Mako's Room

You had barely moved a muscle when Mako slipped beneath the blankets, but he could tell you were cold. This happened anytime he left the bed in the middle of the night, regrettably taking his warmth with him while you cherished what was left. Part of him felt bad when he did, but seeing the tired smile dance across your face, the second your head hit his chest, was all the forgiveness he needed. Despite your constant routine and need to argue with him and everyone else you came in contact with, there was this wave of comfort that washed over Mako when you slept, the steady rhythm of your breathing eventually lulling his eyes shut,


"You're not going, Bolin," Mako ordered his brother as he packed his backpack in the living room of their old apartment,
"Why aren't I? Viper said–
"I know what Viper said, but the last thing you need is to get caught like I did,"
"B-But...Shin bailed you out–
"Yeah? What happens if he doesn't next time? Or worse, we both get caught and they only release one of us,"
"He wouldn't do that–
"Of course he would,"
"Mako, Viper saved us from the streets, w-without him...we'd be dead–
"That's where you're wrong!" Mako shouted, the flames from his rage searing the flesh on Bolin's forearm, "Your first mistake was believing he wouldn't leave us for dead regardless of his...generosity. We're only alive because we're useful. Nothing more. Nothing less,"
"You...You burned me," Bolin sniffled as he backed away,
"Yeah? Well, call us even for breaking my leg all those years ago,"
"We were six! I-I just learned how to earthbend–
"And I spent four months learning how to walk again. A little burn won't scratch half that time. So, stay here and ice it,"

"Mako," you called louder, holding his cheek until his eyes fluttered open,
"Hmm? What's wrong?" he panted as he sat up, "D-Did something happen?"
"You tell me. You started breathing crazy and mumbling in your sleep,"
"Mmph. Guess I was having a bad dream," Mako sighed before sinking back into his pillow,
"About what?"
"My brother, Bolin," he nodded flatly, "I...I-I burned him once so he wouldn't be able to go on a mission Viper had sent us on,"
"How come?"
"Because that was the day I decided we were stepping away for good. Plus...I knew what Viper wanted us to do," Mako admitted distastefully, "And I also knew Bolin wouldn't be able to live with it had he come,"
"And you could?" you questioned when he went silent and stared off into the ceiling,
"Hmph. I still am,"

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