Chapter 26: The Blue House

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(It's nearly 2:00 am and I have just been dying to update but my god, this break has been so busy!!! Went to my hot coworker's parents' house 2 days ago, his mom forgot everyone's name even though they had visited before, but she only remembered mine.🥰 She even forgot her own son's name (called him Dave, his name is Ray) lmaaao. We had dinner, watched a movie, ate dessert and my coworker was following me everywhere even when his mom was just talking to me on the back porch. And she asked me for my chile con queso recipe twice! Oh, they own 6 acres of land with an in-ground pool. These mfs are RICH! TWO ovens in the kitchen, a marble island omfg. I met his sister. She's amazing. Obviously, he's in love with me, but guys why am I so over it???? Is it mercury retrograde? Is it this full moon? Is it my time of the month??? Is it because he refuses to admit he has feelings for me even though he stares at me like some stalker??????????😒💀 Maybeeeeee but his mom is a peach. His dad is a hoot. No complaints there. I'm just upset he hasn't pulled me from the streets. Until then, my ex just keeps doing shit for me and it almost has me debating on whether or not I should go back??? Ugh. Somebody wife me up before I admit myself into an asylum) 

PS. Sorry this chapter is short, yinz know I make everything up in my head and sometimes it only comes to me when I have 4,000 other things to do regardless, ilysm)


[Middle Ring] - apartment 107

"Okay, there's more than enough Rainy Day Soup to hold you both for a few days," Mako smiled as he packaged up the rest and placed it in the fridge, "If you get sick of it, here's some cash. There's a fried fish stand that opens up during lunch about two doors down,"
"What if I get sick of that?" you asked softly,

You knew it was coming. You knew in a matter of moments Mako would be leaving, but you just weren't prepared for how hollow you'd feel, even at the thought of it,

"Then I guess...When I get back," Mako grinned, his arm already snaking itself around your waist, "I'll treat you to something gourmet in the Upper Ring. Call it, my way of making up for everything. How's that sound?"
"Hmph. It sounds like you're still underestimating my brother," you huffed back at him, "But, I'll hold you to it," you nodded with a slight grin, "So, don't die,"
"Wouldn't dream of it," Mako smirked before stealing a long kiss, "I...I gotta go," he whispered into your lips,
"I know–
"Ugh. Are you two done yet?" Kuvira scoffed when she came down the stairs,
"I wasn't," Mako chuckled after kissing your lips once more before turning toward Kuvira, "But I do need to run something by you. Privately,"
"Ugh. Make it quick," Kuvira sighed in annoyance before joining Mako out on the terrace,
"You have food. You have cash, and most importantly, you have my earpiece," Mako listed quickly once the sliding glass door shut, "So, that means I want to be updated just as much as I'm updating you,"
"Hmph. Shouldn't be too hard considering all she talks about is you. Real snooze fest if you ask me–
"That's not why we're doing this. First and foremost, remember where you are. A city you tried to level along with the rest of the Earth Kingdom–
"That's irrelevant!–
"Is it!? You think people just forget the face of someone who does that!?"
"Then why stick me here if you're so goddamn worried!?"
"Because I told you to stay hidden, I didn't necessarily tell her to do the same. So, if you must leave, keep your head covered,"
"Fine," Kuvira hissed with her fist clenched, "Anything else?"

[Chin Village] - Town Square

"Okay, she said her dad lived in the blue house four blocks past the Centre.–ahh! There it is," Jay sighed in relief as Tenzin followed along, "Glad that was easy,"
"Too easy," Tenzin breathed quietly, holding Jay back from taking another step, "Look,"
"Shit, the door is wide open. You think Shah's there?"
"Well...I don't hear screaming," Tenzin added softly as he and Jay inched their way toward the large porch, "Or...any cries for help,"
"Neither do I," Jay nodded, "Do you think this is just a coincidence? O-Or an everyday occurrence?"
"Hard to tell. Do you have your gun and badge?" Tenzin asked, peering through the dimly lit windows,
"Get it out. And go in,"
"What!?" Jay hissed beneath his breath, "A-And be a-attacked by that maniac!?–
"One. We don't even know if he's in there. Two, you can just pretend to be a cop in the Earth Kingdom. Odds are, if Shah is in there. He'll run just to avoid being arrested in another jurisdiction,"
"Ugh. Fine," Jay caved, eventually cocking his gun and slowly stepping into the open door, "Hello? T-This is...E-Earth Kingdom PD," he fibbed, "Is anyone hurt?"

If the lamp wasn't on in the corner, Jay could only assume that a zombie responded to his question, not a delirious grown man nearly passed out on the floor surrounded by beer bottles,

"Hmph. Of course," Jay sighed in annoyance before waving for Tenzin to come in, "Shah's not here. Just a man who had one too many and somehow stumbled his way home,"
"Who also left his keys in the door," Tenzin breathed as he carefully stepped around the mess,
"Mr. Uri," Jay called gently,
"Hmph. Shah?" he answered groggily,
"Not quite. My name is Officer Jay Leamong, Republic City PD. A-Are you able to stand?"
"Republic City?" Mr. Uri repeated as he slowly pulled himself off the floor and nearly stumbled over, "Damn it, what has that boy done now?"
"H-How did you know he–
"What he'd do this time? Rob a bank? Burn down a temple?" Mr. Uri slurred while cracking another beer,
"Not exactly. A-And are you sure you should still be drinking–
"Kidnap another judge?"
"He's done that?" Jay questioned in disbelief,
"Technically it wasn't a kidnapping. M-More like a hostage situation, but since he released him in under a two-hour window, the jury went a little easy on h–
"Mr. Uri, we need you to come with us," Tenzin interrupted, "We have reason to believe your life is in danger,
"Hmph. Danger?"
"Yes, it would appear that your son is on his way here to kill you,"
"Ha. Wouldn't be the first time," Mr. Uri chuckled, "What's he plan on using? Another broken beer bottle?"
"Geez. What kind of family is this?" Jay gasped in horror,
"We can figure that out later," Tenzin huffed, "Right now, we need you to come–
"Hey! Hands off baldy!–
"Ugh. Screw this," Tenzin scoffed before shoving his palm into Mr. Uri's chest, sending him falling to the kitchen floor,
"What did you do!?" Jay asked as he checked Mr. Uri's pulse,
"I knocked the wind out of him. He should wake up in a few minutes. I just needed to think,"
"So much for going about this peacefully,"
"I didn't kill him. There's just no point in arguing with him when he's beyond drunk. Now, cops usually have sedatives when they arrest unruly criminals. Do you have any?"
"A-A few," Jay nodded,
"Good. Feed him one while I pack a bag,"

[Middle Ring] - apartment 107

"If my calculations are correct, Shah should be here by tomorrow evening–
"And if he gets here earlier?" Kuvira questioned,
"Why would you think that?" Mako asked,
"Because he's desperate. Desperate people rely on striking as quickly as possible. And although you may have Miss Popular convinced. I'm not too sure he has the time to actually think anything through," Kuvira reminded Mako sharply, "That being said. What happens if he gets here earlier?"
"Then all bets are off. To protect her. I-I'd...h-have to kill him,"
"Hmph. Does she know that?"
"No! And she shouldn't. Which is why I suggested you protect her,"
"You think I won't blab?"
"I know you won't," Mako hissed back at her,
"Yeah? And why's that?–
"Because I ordered you too. Believe it or not, Warden Feng and I go way back. Just because Councilman Tenzin has you on a leash–
"Watch it!"
"Or else what? You're not exactly in the right place to position authority over me," Mako huffed, Your orders for the next few days are to protect her. From everything," he snapped before turning away, just for Kuvira to stop him,
"So, you kill her brother? Then what? You two waltz into the sunset with smiles on your faces? How do you know she'll even love you after this?"
"I don't," Mako admitted sourly, "But at least I know I did everything to keep her safe,"

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