Chapter 15: Patience Is Virtue

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(I am so sorry I've been MIAAAA. God, this Venus retrograde is really kicking my ass. As is this stupid crush on my coworker and being motivated to write in general, but nonetheless the story must go on😭🖤 Sidenote: the Barbie movie was soooo camp guys. Loved it 💕 Okay, onto the next chapter. Te amo) -A

[Republic City Library] - 9:00 pm

"This better be quick," Viper hissed at Mudo once his driver parked in front of the dimly lit building,
"What's the matter, afraid of a few books?" Mudo teased before they slipped out of the backseat with Shin not too far behind,
"I'm afraid of wasting my time," Viper replied sharply, following Mudo through the towering glass doors, "Bones tend to get broken when that happens,"
"Y'know what the monks say," Mudo smirked, signaling the both of them to wait behind the large pillar, "Patience is virtue," he whispered before waltzing up to the large half-cluttered desk. The older woman working behind it was lost in a book herself to even notice Mudo's presence at first. It wasn't until he loudly cleared his throat and smiled that she took the time to adjust her glasses and double-check her watch,
"Sir, the library is closed,"
"Aww, that's a shame. I was in need of some assistance," Mudo grinned slyly,
"Whatever it is, it'll just have to wait until tomorrow. As I said, the library is cl–
"No, it isn't," Viper said sternly as he and Shin emerged from behind the tall pillar, his gun tucked proudly behind his leather belt, hung just as arrogant as the smirk on his face, "Now, I believe my friend here...was in need of your assistance?" he taunted,
"What...W-What do you want?" the librarian blurted quickly, gulping while she kept her eyes glued to the front door, secretly praying someone would walk by,
"I need you to find me whatever whackjob wrote this poem," Mudo breathed before he tossed a folded piece of paper onto her desk,
"Poem?" Viper repeated in disbelief, marching up to Mudo completely baffled, "You mean to tell me you brought me here to decipher a goddamn poem!?"
"Just let her read it," Mudo begged softly,
"You're with that kid aren't you?" the librarian asked hesitantly when she refolded the paper,
"Kid? What kid?" Viper hissed,
"M-Maybe early, mid-twenties. Charming but...a m-manic look in his eye. Asking me for what you're asking for now,"
"Shah was here," Mudo sighed frustratedly, "What else did he want?"
"The rest of that poem. H-He thought there was more to it. When I showed him that there was nothing else, he stormed out,"
"Anything else off about him?"
"Other than the fact that he kept repeating it over and over. L-Like it was some kind of spell,"
"Hmph. If you ask me, I'd say he's losing it," Viper scoffed, unamused with their evident dead end,
"Or...he's just getting started," Mudo breathed,

[Tenzin's Airship] - 11:00 pm

Flying was a new experience for you. The wind was sharper up here. Colder too. Even beneath the feathered moonlight you couldn't help but stare in wonder at all the passing clouds, some almost a fingertip out of reach. If the stars were just as close, you'd use the balcony railing to hold onto while you plucked enough to fill your pockets. Enough to wish for every day to feel just as free as this moment, despite all the chaos circling around you like a flock of starved vultures, 
"Enjoying yourself?" Mako smirked lightly after draping his jacket over your shoulders,
"Hmph. I guess you could say that," you replied softly, "Did you come up here to hover again? Because Kuvira went to bed over an hour ago,"
"Funny," Mako smirked, "And No. Believe it or not, I'm trying my best to not let her get to me. I just figured you'd be cold," he nodded, "Considering this is your first time flying," he teased, tucking your hair away from your face just to see you better,
"How'd you know?" you asked callously,
"See. I'm starting to think you do this to get a rise out of me," Mako chuckled, "Or is the fact that I'm a detective only cross your mind when you're pissed off?"
"Hmph. Maybe...Maybe this is the first time I haven't been pissed at you," you admitted after Mako turned to leave, your eyes glued to the shooting stars zigzagging across the sky, "Thank you, for bringing me along. I needed this," you confessed softly, knowing Mako was still standing in the doorway, his ears hung on your every word,
"Anytime," he smirked, "Now, I'm not hovering, but...don't stay up too late,"

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