Chapter 17: Last Name Uri

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(Forgive me for not posting as much. I'm going through it 😭 but the story must go on. Enjoy, mis amores 💕)

"You didn't have to shoot me y'know," Shah hissed after Mudo shoved him into the backseat of Viper's car,"
"I should've killed you," Viper growled flatly, the barrel of his gun pressed tight up against Shah's neck, "Keep talking and I'll give my nephew another hole to stitch up," he threatened sinisterly, "And this time, I'll be sure to hit vital organs,"
"Hmph. Noted," Shah seethed angrily,
"Good," Viper grinned before nodding to Shin in the driver's seat, "Hospital. South Entrance," he ordered,
"On it,"


As hard as it was for you to doze off in the first place, your injuries eventually left you no choice but to rest your eyes. Forcing your daunting worries to spill into what you had hoped would be a decent night's sleep,
"Mmph. G-Get–off me," you mumbled softly over Mako's snoring, tossing and turning into his arms until his eyes peeked open, "G-Go away," you pleaded, struggling to get comfortable,
"Hey," Mako whispered, pulling you close by your waist, "It's just a dream," he reassured you while he tried to keep your arms still,
"I said get off me!" you shouted, striking Mako in the cheek before you shot awake, gasping for air,
"Shit!" Mako hissed,
"What happened? W-What's going on?" you panicked when he flicked on the bedside lamp,
"Easy, you're okay. You were...h-having a bad dream," he breathed, checking your hand for fractures, "Damn. You got me good," he chuckled, already feeling the small bruise forming on his face, "What the hell were you dreaming about?"
"I-I don't know," you replied a tad shaken, eventually sulking into Mako's bare chest when he pulled you close once more, "S-Somebody was chasing me, but...I-I couldn't see what he looked like,"
"Was he trying to hurt you?"
"Mmhm," you nodded, eyeing the cut on your hand until you caught the serious look on Mako's face,
"You know, I'll never let that happen again," he whispered, kissing your bandage sweetly,
"I-It wasn't your fault anyway," you sighed, "I-It was Viper–
"Yes, but he got to you before I could," Mako seethed, caressing your face before stealing a real kiss, "I was supposed to keep you safe," he breathed into your lips, "Like I promised,"
"H-How did you find me so fast?" you questioned,
"The second I had seen your blood all over my backseat, I-I just started running," Mako confessed, "Next thing I knew I had two guys pinned up in an alleyway,"
"Did you hurt them?" you asked, melting into his warm touch,
"Hmph. I may have put a bullet in someone's foot," he smirked in between kisses,
"Mako," you whined when he bit into your neck gently,
"What? You asked," he grinned, pushing his hips between your thighs, "And I wasn't going to take any chances on those two goons lying to me,"
"You know that's just going to piss Viper off,"
"I can handle him," Mako reassured you before stripping you from your shirt, his lips already too busy exploring your nipples,
"Yeah and what if you can't?" you gasped when he kissed down your stomach, "What if...h-he's had some vendetta against you all this time?" you questioned, attempting to ignore his fingers undoing the tiny bow in your shorts, his breath hot and heavy between your legs when he was able to strip you completely naked,
"He has," Mako sighed before burying his lips against your clit,
"Mmph. Ahh!–
"Relax," Mako ordered softly when you started squirming, his tongue savoring the sweetness of your walls, his heart racing from the desperate moans that left your lips,
"There you go," he smiled after you took a deep breath, your fingers finding their way to pull at his short hair,
"Y-You still didn't answer my question," you panted when he kissed the inside of your thighs,
"I wasn't planning on doing so," Mako snapped quietly before he wiped his lips and slipped from his boxers, the tip of his dick already teasing your slick entrance, "Now, do you want to argue or you want to hold still?" he teased,
"I-I wanna argue,"
"Hmph. Of course, you do," Mako smirked, kissing your lips to keep you quiet before he inched into you,
"Shhh," he cooed, slowing his hips when he felt your nails dig into his back, "These airship walls are thin," he reminded you sweetly, sinking even deeper despite how hard your walls were fighting him "So, if you still wanna argue, try not to scream,"
"I-I wouldn't have a reason to if you kept your hands to yourself," you snapped beneath your breath, biting your bottom lip to keep in your cries,
"Is that so? Should we talk about where your hands are right now?" Mako chuckled, thrusting even faster, smirking to himself from the mere fact that your nails weren't leaving his chest, that he had more than enough claw marks on his neck and back,
"We're not talking about me,"
"Aren't we?"
"No, w-we're talking about why you're doing all this," you heaved, catching your breath when Mako finally held himself still, "Mmph. W-Why are you going out of your way to provoke Viper?"
"Because," Mako huffed, ramming himself deep until he had no more room left inside of you,
"He has it coming,"

[Republic City Hospital] - 1:30 am

"Alright Shin, cut the lights and the engine. Then call him,"
"Got it," Shin nodded, dialing quickly once the car went silent,
"Again, you didn't have to shoot me," Shah growled, struggling to free himself from the rope bound around his wrists,
"I told you to keep quiet," Viper snapped, "And you're right. I didn't have to," he sneered, poking the barrel of his gun into the same shoulder he shot,
"Ssss Ahh! Ahh!–
"I fucking wanted to," Viper hissed, turning to Shin once he hung up the phone, "What did he say?"
"He said, give him twenty minutes and he'll be out,"
"Hmph. You should've skipped town Uri," Viper sighed, quickly puffing his cigar to calm his nerves, "Power like that and you chose to stick around the one place everybody wants to see you dead,"
"I didn't choose a damn thing! This is my city as much as it is yours,"
"I'm glad you think that," Viper taunted with a sly grin, "Because, if I don't like what my nephew says, then you're going to be buried under it," he threatened,

1:51 am

"I told you to stop coming here," Viper's nephew scoffed when slipped into the backseat, "It's bad enough I have some delirious patient wandering the halls, babbling about a flying madman on the south side of town,"
"My apologies Siros," Viper smirked, "But this was somewhat of an emergency,"
"More important than the man who just came in with a knife in his chest?" Siros questioned sharply,
"I'd say so," Viper grinned arrogantly, pulling back Shah's jacket to expose the bullet wound burrowed in his shoulder, "The bullet's still in there,"
"Of course it is," Siros sighed frustratedly after slipping into a pair of fresh gloves and cutting carefully into Shah's shirt,
" help him," Viper interrupted, "I need that file,"
"Right," Siros nodded before handing Viper the folder he had tucked beneath his scrubs, "Female patient. Last name Uri. Age 24. Admitted at 11:36 this morning," Siros stated quickly, "Bruising around her esophagus, glass removed from her ankle resulting in six stitches," he sighed, "Had a bit of a panic attack when she came to, so the nurses wrote her a prescription for some anxiolytics,"
"Those won't work," Shah seethed when Siros dug into his shoulder with a pair of tweezers, "She needs benzodiazepines,"
"Are you a doctor?" Siros asked curiously,
"I'm her brother,"
"Oh? Then maybe you can tell us where she ran off to,"
"She's missing?" Viper questioned,
"When the nurses made their rounds for lunch, she wasn't in her room," Siros informed then, pulling the bullet from Shah's before stitching the hole,
"Who brought her to the hospital?" Shah winced in sheer pain, clenching his jaw tight to keep from screaming,
"Two cops," Siros nodded, "Do you think she left with them?"
"I know she did," Shah breathed angrily,

[Airship] the next morning

Mako chose to let you sleep in, slipping quietly from beneath your arms as soon as the sun peaked over the mountainside. Every one of his mornings started this early. It was the only thing about his bending he considered a curse. It never mattered how tired he was, he was awake as soon as the sun called to him,
"You're up early," Jay yawned when Mako trudged his way into the kitchen,
"Blame the bending," Mako groaned before pouring himself a fresh cup of coffee,
"Right. I guess all firebenders are up this early,"
"Bit of a contradiction considering no firebender I've met has ever been a morning person," Mako sighed after taking a seat at the table,
"You're not much of an afternoon or night person either," Jay teased,
"Are you implying that I'm always in a bad mood?"
"I thought I was making that obvious,"
"For your information, I've been a detective for the last six years. Let's just say, the IQ of the general public doesn't exactly give you much hope,"
"She does though," Jay nodded between sips of his coffee,
"What about her?"
"I'm saying, I've known you for the past six years, and I've never seen you go this far out of your way for a woman you just m–
"We land in about an hour," Tenzin informed them quickly when he stepped into the kitchen, "From there, we'll speak with the guard and take the gondola to the prison site,"
"Gondola?" Mako questioned, "What kind of prison has a gondola?"
"Hmph. One that was built in the middle of a volcano,"

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