Chapter 37: This Is Kidnapping

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(No lie. These past two weeks I've been wanting to choke someone at my job, but I've kept my cool. I just keep reminding myself that if I leave this place our entire department will crumble to pieces without me. Sigh. It's a real double-edged sword I have to live with, but it's lowkey worth it. Ugh. Where to begin...well, my old flings and exes are still talking to themselves in my DMs. Haven't responded to one since Sept 2023 and he messaged me the other day: "I love you to death," Ewh. Please get a life. Mind you, he's like 36, and we broke up like over a decade ago. The other ex and I are still sort of cool lmmmaao. I made him buy me cat food, paper towels, and snacks today. I might've also made him order me tacos and take my trash out. He's the one that wants to get back together, but my friends tell me no, and I soooooo don't want to, but guys he's like my best eater fr. A certified munch if you will. Ahh...decisions, decisions. Either way, sorry for not uploading sooner. I definitely got stuck on what to write next, but if I didn't post tonight my week was going to be ruined😥)

Lmao love yinzzz 🖤


[Republic City Hospital] - lobby

"Damn it. Where is she!?" Mako hissed to himself, scanning the room for anyone who looked even remotely like you, but to no avail. He was spiraling and he knew it– but he was far too close to losing you again, "The garage," he breathed, racing there just as fast as he had raced down ten stories of stairs,

[Garage] - lower level

"You don't have to drag me! I'm not exactly trying to check back into this place," you snapped at Viper, yanking your wrist from his grip,
"I'm dragging because we're on a tight schedule. And because you tend to slow me down when you have an attitude,"
"Oh, I'm sorry, not like you didn't just shoot me an hour ago!–
"And you've once stabbed me three times," Viper reminded you sharply after unlocking his car door,
"Hmph. Not like you didn't deserve it,"
"I actually didn't since I ended up leaving my wife for you–

"Viper!" Mako shouted from across the parking garage, his fists clenched tight in pure hatred,

"Mako!?" you beamed in relief,
"Get in the car," Viper ordered you,
"What? No! I'm going wi–
"I said get in the car!" Viper growled, shoving you in the passenger seat before quickly slipping behind the wheel and stepping on the gas,

"Hmph. You won't get far," Mako huffed, racing to his own car and chasing Viper out onto the highway,

"Damn it Viper. Are you insane!?" you shouted at him in disbelief,
"Some might say borderline, but I'm not exactly in the mood to answer your questions right now. So just sit back and hush," he ordered with a sly grin, "It's bad enough you got blood all over the dress I bought you,"
"You shot me!"
"And clearly, I'm already paying for it! Why else would that piece of shit Mako be following my car right now?"
"Because you also held a knife to my neck!"
"You're still mad about that!? God, you've changed kitten," Viper scoffed at you before picking up speed and swerving left and right through the busy traffic,
"You're not going to outrun him," you warned Viper, spotting Mako's car a few hundred feet behind you, desperately trying to keep up without causing an accident,
"Hmph. I most definitely can try,"

[Lake Laogai] - Crystal Catacombs

"Wow, you sure know how to make an exit," Shah grinned when he joined Kuvira in their shared room, watching as she distracted herself by braiding her hair in the mirror,
"I'm not talking to you,"
"Fair enough. I'll just talk out loud then," Shah chuckled before sprawling out on the wide bed, " I thought for sure you were going to kill that guy," he sighed a tad amused, "It's crazy if you think about it, y'know? He...has you captured and instead of keeping you here, imprisoned for the rest of your life, he offers you a fresh start, all the freedom–
"It's not freedom it's tyranny," Kuvira corrected Shah flatly, "Even if it's disguised under some secret police force, it's tyranny all the same,"
"Uh-huh. And since when has tyranny ever mattered to you?"
"Since I spent six years alone in a cell, regretting every decision I ever made," Kuvira scoffed,
"You're looking at this all wrong," Shah breathed in annoyance, "So, you made one mistake. Albeit, it was a pretty huge one, but that doesn't mean you should spend every waking moment punishing yourself for it,"
"You're only saying that because you don't regret anything," Kuvira snapped at him, "You haven't killed like I have,"
"Oh, I have," Shah nodded when he sat up and rose to his feet, "And more recently, I've most definitely tried," he sighed in defeat, "Hmph. But between you and me...I'll be lucky if my sister even talks to me again after all of this,"
"Are you saying you regret trying to kill her?"
"Ahh. Regret is a strong word," Shah chuckled sheepishly, "I...definitely feel like a dickhead, especially after realizing that neither she nor my father were my earthly tethers. It dawned on me these past few days, that I've lived and thrived without either of them when I was on the run a few years back," he confessed with a tinge of remorse, "I had made my peace then with never seeing them again. And when I finally did, it didn't feel like I was ever...home, y'know?"
"Hmph. Yeah...I know," Kuvira sighed deeply, meeting Shah's sullen gaze through the mirror, "Well, if they aren't your earthly tethers, then...who is?" she asked curiously, ignoring Shah's touch when he stood next to her and tucked a strand of hair she had missed behind her ear,
"Hmph. Now?" Shah smirked as he grabbed Kuvira's chin, forcing her to meet his eye before stealing a breathless kiss, "It's some ill-tempered earthbending chick who doesn't know a good deal when she sees one,"

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