Chapter 24: And Become Wind

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(I really don't have a good excuse this time. Every time I looked at the page, there was just nothing coming out of my head. Ironically, this chapter turned out to be longer than my usual ones. Either way, guys things are getting weird between my coworker and me – he dropped me off at home around 8:00 pm on Friday, stayed till 2:30 am, we watched movies, and he let me massage him shirtless, like we were in riding position, but would not let me suck his D - mysteriousssssss. His excuse was he wasn't looking for a relationship, which is fine, neither was I. I just find him absolutely scrumptious. But we still have plans to go wine tasting and he's supposed to come over and paint one of these days, and I sorta kissed him????? And before he left one of my other minions called and I answered on speakerphone,

2:12 AM

Minion: "Hey you, whatcha up to?"
Me: (smirking from ear to ear that my coworker was hearing this call): "Let me call you back in ten minutes"
Minion: "Cool"

I hang up. The first thing out of my coworker's mouth was one more hug before I go.


Regardless, that's when I snuck the quickest kiss - literally like one second and he just smiled and stayed to chat for like twenty more minutes after that. Texted me when he got home and said to have sweet dreams and mentioned a detail from a dream I had about him and that I had told him about earlier in the night. 

This entire night/outing was to celebrate my promotion. So me and like 8 other coworkers went for dinner and drinks and we held hands the entire walk back to his car before even driving to my house. 

Guys, I feel like I'm in a matrix. Should I just kick him from the roster? Sorry for rambling and for taking a century to post.😭🧡 ilysm. ENJOY)



For once, you were up before Mako, and had this been any other day, you would've rubbed his face in it, yet instead, you let him sleep. You knew it would only be a matter of time before he noticed you missing anyway, but you just needed to see how close you were to the Earth Kingdom. With each passing mile and minute, sooner or later, you'd be face to face with the city you'd try so hard to forget,

"You're up early," Mako yawned before he sat up and rose to his feet, "Bad dream?" he asked while he joined you in staring out the small window,
"No, just–couldn't sleep," you answered flatly, ignoring his warm hand that had wrapped around your waist,
"Fair enough," he chuckled as he played in your hair, "What are we looking at?"
"The walls," you pointed to the nearly faint white circles that made up Ba Sing Se in the distance, "It's been years since I've seen them. Brings back a lot of memories,"
"Good memories?" Mako asked sweetly,
"Not exactly," you sighed,
"Well, maybe we can change that and make a good memory then," Mako smirked when he pulled you closer, his lips already buried into the warmth of your neck,
"Yeah, and how are we supposed to do that?" you sulked, "Where in between stashing me in the Middle Ring, outrunning Shah, and saving my dad, would we even have the time?"
"I'll make time," Mako reassured you with a quick kiss on your hand, "But for now, how about I make you some tea?"
"Hmph. Doubt it'll make me feel any better about today, but knock yourself out,"

Mako nodded happily before leaving you to your thoughts, his smile fading the second he stepped into the hallway. He could keep everything light for the sake of your sanity, but these next three days were first and foremost, a mission,

"Jay, wake up," Mako ordered when he stepped into the dark room,
"Mako, I'm warning you now. It better be past 8 o'clock," Jay groaned in exhaustion before checking his watch, "4:45 am!?" he gasped as he sat up, "Do you ever sleep!?–
"I did. She couldn't," Mako pointed out,
"Well, that doesn't particularly shock me. She was a nervous wreck yesterday,"
"She still is. Regardless, how many earpieces do you have?"
"Yours and mine," Jay sighed after he sank back into his pillow and opened the top drawer of his nightstand,
"Good. I need both," Mako breathed,
"And what exactly am I supposed to use?"
"You'll be with me, but I'd like as many updates as possible from Kuvira while they're in the Middle Ring,"
"Fine. Fine, take them both," Jay huffed, hiding his head beneath the blankets in annoyance, "Just as long as you do it quickly and quietly,"
"Hmph. Sure thing," Mako smirked, purposely knocking a few books off Jay's shelf,
"God, I hate you,"
"Feeling's mutual," Mako winked before closing the door and making his way to Kuvira's room, "Are you awake?" he asked softly after knocking,
"I guess I am now," Kuvira breathed tiredly from beneath her blankets, "What do you want?"
"I want you to carry this with you in Ba Sing Se," Mako nodded as he set Jay's earpiece on her nightstand, "We'll be roughly 10 miles from where you are. If everything goes according to plan, it shouldn't take you long to bring her outside the walls,"
"Aye aye, Captain," Kuvira sighed sluggishly, "What's the plan when me and Miss Popular get there?"
"You stay hidden. I'm hoping just by her appearance, Shah will be distracted long enough to go after her, but not quick enough to outrun your cuffs,"
"And if he outruns them?"
"Then you or myself should have no issue delivering a final blow,"

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