Chapter 14: Following A Lead

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[The Ferry]

The sun was nearly setting when you guys took off, the water gently rocking alongside your looming dread. Any other time a view like this would've been heavenly, a perfect end to a seemingly perfect day, but the tension that sat in the air nearly stunned you silent. Mako had been holding your hand the entire time, squeezing it harder anytime he caught Kuvira's impassive gaze,

"Who is she?" you finally whispered to him when Kuvira followed Tenzin out onto the deck,
"Doesn't matter. Just stay away from her," Mako answered softly, "Considering she's only here to hunt down your brother, I expect that should be easy for you," he huffed before he got up and joined Tenzin outside, "Alright Tenzin, we're far enough from the shore for anyone to eavesdrop, so exactly where are we going?"
"Fine. I was hoping we could be in the air by the time I told you, but for all it's worth, you deserve to be well-informed," Tenzin said quickly, "We're headed to Boiling Rock. An airship will take us there after we dock at the shore,"
"Boling Rock?" Mako questioned, "W-What about finding Shah? T-There's no way he left the city, let alone went all the way there,"
"Hmph. We know that numbskull," Kuvira teased, "This is what you would call following a lead,"
"I don't remember asking you," Mako hissed back at her,
"But you do remember you need my help, so I suggest you get over it and save the attitude for princess hostage over th–
"Watch it–
"I am watching," Kuvira breathed, "Anyone with eyes can see how much she pulls your focus. Have you even interrogated her yet?" she smirked, only for Mako to go silent,
"Have you?" Tenzin questioned curiously,
"Ugh. Well I-I haven't exactly had the time," Mako huffed,
"Well, we do right now," Kuvira grinned before she went back inside and walked up to you,
"Kuvira, I'm warning you now. Back off," Mako threatened with his fists clenched tight enough for a bout of flames to shoot from his knuckles,
"Hmph. You're not the only one who can use their bending as an intimidation tactic," Kuvira smirked before bending Mako's handcuffs around his wrists,
"You gave it back to her?" Mako growled at Tenzin,
"I had no choice," Tenzin nodded,
"Now," Kuvira grinned slyly while she held your gaze, "Are you to really tell me that you haven't the slightest idea of why your brother went AWOL?"
"Don't answer that," Mako ordered you,
"Ignore him," Kuvira commanded,
"I...I-I don't," you sighed in defeat,
"Hmph. She's telling the truth," Kuvira said flatly before she turned to go back out onto the deck to enjoy the rest of the sunset,
"So that's it!?" Mako barked at her in disbelief,
"For now," Kuvira smirked with her back toward everyone, eventually freeing Mako from his own cuffs with her bending, "Let's just hope she continues to do so,"

[Republic City Prison] - Viper's Cadillac

"I thought for sure the next time I'd see your ugly face you'd be in a casket," Viper teased in between puffs of his favorite cigar before passing a freshly lit one to Mudo,
"Funny, I had the same thought about you," Mudo smirked before taking a long drag and sighing in sweet relief,
"That is funny," Viper sneered, "You know what else is gonna be funny, watching RCPD haul your ass back into that place when you undoubtedly come to me emptyhanded. Now exactly how are you gonna track down Shah before they do?" he questioned curiously,
"That depends," Mudo grinned slyly, "How fast can you get me to a library?"

[The Ferry]

"This is a bad idea," Mako huffed at Tenzin when Kuvira was finally out of earshot, "It's bad enough Shah's on the loose, i-if she steps out of line–
"She won't," Tenzin reassured him flatly, "Believe me, I would not make that mistake again,"
"What's the story with her?" you asked Jay soft enough so Mako wouldn't hear,
"Oh? Are you and I conversing civilly?" Jay teased after closing his book,
"Didn't Mako say the next thing out of your mouth better be helpful?" you snapped at him,
"Hmph. Fine. That's Kuvira. One of the most powerful metalbenders from Zaofu. Six years ago she went on a psychopathic rampage and destroyed 90% of the city with a 300-foot platinum mecha robot," Jay explain quickly beneath his breath, "The death toll from that day is still up in the air, but she did it all under the guise of uniting the four nations. Course, her definition of uniting was an unyielding dictatorship," he sighed,
"How'd they stop her?"
"Well, Mako helped, but at the end of the day, Avatar Korra was the one that put an end to her destruction. Kuvira was serving out three life sentences in maximum security before...well uhh,"
"Right. Before Shah went missing,"
"Exactly," Jay nodded,
"That's why he's so on edge," you breathed deeply,
"He's always like that," Jay grinned, "But with you here, he's not taking any chances with her,"
"What does she get out of this?" you questioned,
"Beats me. You're probably gonna have to ask her yourself,"

Half of you didn't want to. Especially since you knew Mako would be watching you like a hawk, making extra sure that Kuvira maintained her distance from you, but your buzzing question wouldn't leave your mind the longer you sat there,

"Where are you going?" Mako asked sternly when you made your way to the door, completely ignoring the full-on conversation he was having just mere seconds before,
"To get some air," you fibbed when he grabbed your hand,
"I'm coming with you–
"No really. I-I can go by myself," you protested,
"If she tries anything y–
"I'll be fine. I promise," you reassured him, squeezing his hand before you slipped out the door and joined Kuvira outside,

For a minute or two you stood there, watching her stare off into the sunset with no emotion whatsoever. You had no idea if she was actually enjoying it or debating whether or not she should jump into the bay below. Regardless, you knew she knew you were there, and that you weren't going away anytime soon,

"Whatever you have to say just say it," Kuvira hissed quietly, "I don't know how much longer I can take you ogling me,"
"Are you...gonna kill him?" you asked softly,
"As much as I can't stand his attitude, no. For now, your precious little boyfriend is safe from harm. Can't exactly add any more years to a triple life sentence," she huffed,
"No. Not Mako. M-My brother," you corrected her,
"Hmph. That depends," Kuvira smirked lightly, "Is your brother willing to sacrifice his life to avoid prison again?" she questioned sourly while her eyes stayed glued to the water,
"I...I-I don't know," you answered after a few minutes of silence, "But if he's lost it like I think he has, I know he'll have no problem taking a life to keep his freedom,"
"Even taking yours?"

You wanted to answer but all of a sudden your mind was back in your apartment, struggling to get Shah's hand from around your throat. Watching in terror as he choked the life out of you while Mako threatened to shoot him if he didn't let you go,

I'll put two bullets in your leg if you don't drop her!

And!? She'll be dead by then and after that, I'll only have one earthly tether to deal with.

What!? If you don't start making sense I'm putting one in your skull!

Mako no!

"I...M-Mako," you called before you fainted, dropping to the floor with a hard thud,
"Shit," Kuvira hissed as she went to pull you to your feet, only for Mako to burst through the door and push her out of the way,
"What happened!?" Mako shouted, "What did you do!?" he snapped at her after he scooped you into his arms and laid you on the bench inside,
"Nothing! We were talking and she passed out,"
"Why should I believe anything you say right now!?" Mako growled,
"Believe what you want. At least I tried to help her,"
"Mako calm down," Jay breathed, "if she fainted she should wake up in a few–
"Ahh Fuck!" you wheezed once you shot awake,
"Seconds," Jay finished,
"What did she do to you?" Mako panicked as he checked your arms and neck for injuries,
"Nothing, I-I just...freaked out,"
"Hmph. Told you," Kuvira huffed,
"Another panic attack?" Mako questioned with concern,
"A-A few memories from earlier got to me. Really, Kuvira did nothing wrong. Honest," you reassured him,
"Hmph. Fine," Mako breathed frustratedly, "Let's just hope she doesn't change her mind,"

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