Chapter 11: He Brought Flowers

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[Downtown, Republic City]

"Where would she go!?" Jay questioned while Mako fished for his gun out of the glove box,
"I don't know, but she can't be far," Mako hissed before he took off running, following the tiny droplets of blood as far as he could until he found two suspicious men hunched over and out of breath in an abandoned alley, "Don't move," Mako ordered with his barrel pointed at their chests,
"Something wrong officer?" one of the men smirked slyly with his arms raised in surrender,
"What happened to your eye?" Mako questioned angrily, studying the fresh claw marks raked up and down the man's face,
"Oh, this? Nothing serious. Just a scratch is all,"
"A scratch from what?" Mako snapped as he inched toward them,
"If you must know, I had a little spat with a girlfriend of mine," the man fibbed, "Feisty one, she is,"
"Girlfriend huh?" Mako repeated skeptically after he spun the man around and frisked him quickly,
"Ex actually. We never could see eye to eye," the man chuckled sinisterly until Mako pinned him up against the wall by his neck, "Ssss Ah!–
"And I'm assuming your buddy here got glass in his arm from busting out my back window," Mako hissed,
"Shit! Run Lu!–
"You move I put a bullet in both feet!" Mako threatened, aiming his gun while he kept the other man pinned, "Now where's the girl?"
"W-We don't kn–Ahh! Shit!" the other man seethed when Mako pulled the trigger,
"That's one!" Mako hissed, "You want a hole in the other foot!?"
"Shit! J-Just fucking tell him already–
"Look! We really don't know. A-After she snuck me, she took off and jumped in a cab. S-She could be halfway across the city by now,"

[Air Temple Island]

Seeing Kuvira for the first time in six years rattled Tenzin's chest with a cold rage. A rage he thought he had buried when RCPD hauled her off the first time, but all that terror came flooding back to him when Warden Feng pulled her out of the car. There was once a time he thought that there weren't enough handcuffs in the world to stop her madness, yet considering how unfazed she sat across from his desk while he downright threatened her life if she stepped out of line, had him wondering if she really had no ulterior motive deep beneath the surface,

"Do you know exactly why you're here?" Tenzin asked Kuvira sternly,
"To hunt down some...missing idiot," Kuvira smirked lightly,
"An idiot you should not underestimate," Tenzin snapped softly, "And while we're on the subject, you should also not underestimate me," he scowled before he rose to his feet, "The only reason I didn't put an end to you all those years ago, was because it was Korra's call, but trust and believe, you make one step backward, I will not hesitate to save Warden Feng the trip and put you down myself. Is that clear?"

[your apartment]

You didn't know where to go besides home. It was the first address you managed to blurt out in your panicked state when the cab driver asked where you needed to go, but even your building didn't feel safe. It was obvious that those two bastards were only a small taste of Viper's patience. He definitely wasn't going to ask a third time. Still, even the mess of blood flooding your sock from the gash on your ankle didn't stop you from climbing eleven stories of stairs to calm your nerves,

"Fuck!" you gasped when you tripped through the front door, your spare key now stained red from the cut on your hand. You wanted to scream. It took everything in you not to burst into tears, but the second you noticed a familiar figure, sitting soaking wet in your lounge chair, everything that had happened to you in the past hour suddenly went numb,

"Shah!?" you panted in disbelief,
"Hey sis, where ya been?" he smirked slyly,
"Running for my goddamn life! H-How are you here? The entire city's looking for you!" you snapped as you struggled to pull yourself to your feet, "A-And why are you soaking wet?"
"Oh, just had a little dip in Republic Beach," Shah grinned before he stood and crossed the room, "Heard I got out huh? Your little cop boyfriend tell you that?"
"Huh? What are you–
"Oh? You forget we grew up together," Shah taunted as he towered over you, "You can't lie me to sis. Mrs. Mai said she saw you leaving with what she called a...very...handsome officer,"
"Mrs. Mai?" you questioned,
"You really are in your own world," Shah scoffed before he re-lit his cigarette, "It's a shame. You should really take the time to get to know your neighbors," he chuckled, "They tend to provide...vital information," he sneered, "Especially a sweet old woman like her,"
"Even if she saw me leave with him what gave you any inclination that I'd be interested in a goddamn cop?" you hissed back at your brother with your fists clenched,
"Hmph. She said he brought flowers,"

[Downtown, Republic City]

"Mako slow down," Jay pleaded,
"Fucking rush hour," Mako hissed as he honked his horn,
"Where exactly are you racing to?" Jay questioned cautiously, eyeing the blood splattered against his forearm,
"Her apartment," Mako replied sternly while he zipped through traffic,
"Why would she be there?"
"She doesn't know my address and where you go if you had just been kidnapped in broad daylight?" Mako hissed,
"Home. Right,"
"Let's just hope she stays there,"

[your apartment]

"Is he why you wouldn't bail me out?" Shah growled,
"What!? Shah, y-you're acting crazy–
"You know I never liked that word," Shah hissed as his hand clasped around your throat and he lifted you off your feet,
"S-Shah–L-Let me go!" you begged, but he just lifted you higher, ignoring your desperate attempt to free yourself from his grip,
"Let go your earthly tether," Shah grinned evilly, "Enter the void. Empty, and become wind,"
"W-What the hell does that mean!?" you gasped before he tightened his grip, your vision nearly blurring until Mako and Jay burst through your front door,
"Put her down Shah!" Mako ordered with his gun raised,
"My my," Shah chuckled as the life drained from your face, "Is this him?" he grinned, "Well, I gotta say, Mrs. Mai was right. He is handsome,"
"I'll put two bullets in your leg if you don't drop her!"
"And!?" Shah shouted back, "She'll be dead by then and after that, I'll only have one earthly tether to deal with,"
"What!? If you don't start making sense, I'm putting one in your skull!" Mako threatened as he took three steps closer,
"Mako no!" you managed to croak despite how hard Shah was choking you,
"Mako huh?" Shah smirked, "And here I thought I wasn't going to be properly introduced to my new brother-in-law," he teased once he set you back on your feet, his hand still gripped tight around your neck, "I'm bored with this anyway," Shah hissed before he threw you to the floor, rushed to the balcony and jumped from the railing. 

You thought for sure in a matter of seconds you'd hear a loud thud against the concrete below, but you passed out before you knew for certain. Even after Mako rushed to your side and scooped you into his arms, you figured the parking lot would be filled with yellow tape and the nearest ambulance to peel your lifeless brother off the ground, yet all you could peace together was Mako's stress from the backseat of his squad car,

"Step on it Jay! I don't know how much blood she's lost,"
"I'm pushing 90. We'll be at the hospital in eight minutes. Just keep her eyes open,"
"Hey," Mako said with a worried smile as he held your chin,
"Hmph. M-Mako? I'm so...tired," you sighed in exhaustion,
"I know, but look at me. Look at me!" Mako ordered as sweetly as possible, "I need you to stay with me for just a little bit longer," he pleaded while he kissed your forehead, cheek, and lips, "Can you do that for me?"
"Mmhm," you groaned,
"I'll be here the whole time," Mako promised as he squeezed your hand,
"He looked like he was gonna kill her," Jay said panicked after he sped through a yellow light,
"I know," Mako hissed, "And that son of a bitch can really fucking fly,"
"Apparently not for long," Jay breathed once he slammed on the breaks before a train zipped past on the tracks in front of them,
"What do you mean?" Mako questioned,
"He was fully clothed and soaking wet," Jay pointed out, "That tells me he landed somewhere and not somewhere particularly dry,"
"You're saying he can't control it," Mako pondered,
"Hmph. Not yet anyway," Jay sighed,

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