Chapter 2: Only By Law

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"Did that just fucking happen?" Mako asked out loud with a dumbfounded grin, "Is she?– No, she can't be serious," he chuckled to himself as he adjusted his mirror and backed out of the parking lot. It took him no less than five minutes to find you again, trudging down the same street you ditched him on beneath the light rain,
"Hey!" Mako called once he rolled down his window and slowed his car to your pace, "What did you mean by that?" he asked while he steered with his knee. When you rolled your eyes, Mako couldn't help but laugh. In all the years he had lived in the city, he had never met a woman so openly rude to his face, "C'mon, don't ignore me," Mako pleaded when you quickened your stride, only to block your path with his car once you tried to cross through the intersection, "I know you hear me!" he shouted playfully,
"Ugh! Get out of my way," you snapped, smacking his passenger door in frustration,
"Not until you tell me what you meant," Mako smirked, "Not from me. Why? Because I said you have anger issues?" he questioned, prying some more when you crossed your arms and glared at him, "Okay, is it because I'm a guy? You have some...vicious boyfriend I should be scared of? Because I'm not,"
"Hmph. Not even close," you mumbled beneath your breath, utterly unamused with Mako's persistence,
"Then tell me!–
"Ugh. Fine! Since you're so desperate to get your feelings hurt. You're a cop. Enough said," you sighed as you tried to march around him, just for Mako to pull forward and block you yet again,
"Enough said?" Mako repeated in confusion, "I-I'm lost here,"

Hmph. Surprise, surprise–

"What does my job have to do with giving you a ride home?" he asked,
"Everything," you scoffed with your arms crossed,
"Care to fill me in?"
"Seriously?" Mako chuckled,
"Dead serious," you huffed sternly,
"Alright then," Mako sighed as he put the car in park, got out, and came over to where he had you blocked, "Then so am I," he smirked as he slapped his cuffs over your wrist, "You're under arrest,"
"What!? A-Are you kidding me!? A-Are you actually serious right now!?—
"No, but how else am I gonna get you in the car?" Mako teased while he cuffed your other wrist and gently pushed you into the passenger seat before buckling you in.

Is he joking? T-This is kidnapping. Isn't it?

"So, can I buy you a drink?" Mako asked sweetly after rolling up the windows,
"It's 1:30 in the afternoon," you groaned,
"I meant later," Mako laughed, "And maybe then you can tell me why you're so determined to hate me. But for now, why don't you just tell me what part of town you live in,"
"32nd. Southwest Central," you replied apathetically,
"Past the flower shop? Two blocks from Narook's?" Mako asked curiously, his eyes glancing back and forth between the road and your pouty face,
"Uhh yeah. H-How do you know that?"
"I sort of live nearby. On 25th and Main,"
"Oh, goodie,"
"See. There it is again. What is that?" Mako smirked,
"What is what?" you asked in annoyance as you sulked back into your seat,
"Everything I say to you. I-It's like you've already made up your mind that you could care less,"
"Hmph. I wonder why," you chuckled softly to yourself,
"And all this is because of my job?" Mako questioned when he stopped at the red light and eyed you suspiciously, "I-I think I get it now. You hate cops,"

No shit.

"Wow. What gave it away?" you replied bluntly before returning your attention back to the window,
"Oh, so I'm right?" Mako chuckled as he turned on the highway,
"Well, you're definitely not wrong," you sighed,
"All cops?" Mako questioned, "No exceptions? Not even for a drink? Perhaps dinner?"
"I'd much rather drown in my bathtub," you huffed,
"Ouch," Mako laughed, "Can I watch?"
"No, but you can choke on my fist if you're that hungry," you threatened innocently,
"Okay, so no dinner," Mako ceded with a grin, "But I can't have you walking around believing that I'm not here to help,"
"These cuffs say otherwise," you mumbled frustratedly,
"Hey, I had questions and you were being stubborn. Besides, they're coming off in about two minutes," Mako nodded when he turned down your street and stopped in front of a large apartment building. There were four others just like it lined down the block. Each of them with a charming view of the city. You waited impatiently once Mako slipped out of his seat and circled the car to open your door. The key to your freedom tucked aptly in his palm,
"So, you gonna tell me which one of these you live in? Or am I going to have to knock on two thousand doors when I pick you up for our date later?" Mako questioned when he pulled you to your feet and finally uncuffed your wrist,
"What part of no dinner didn't you understand?"
"Oh, I understood," Mako smirked as he eyed you up and down, "You don't want to get dinner," he nodded,
"Exactly. So why the hell are you smiling like that?" you snapped before you pushed past him,
" never said no to drinks," Mako chuckled when you stopped in your tracks and marched back toward him,
"What are you talking about? Yes, I did," you scoffed,
"Uh-uh, you said it's...1:30 in the afternoon," he reminded you after double-checking his watch, "And I will be picking you up at 5:00. You like roses or dahlias?" Mako asked while you stood there in shock, "On second thought, I should probably bring you some lavender. You seem a little agitated today, a few of those in your apartment oughta calm you down a bit,"

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