Chapter 5: Consider Them Marked

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You should've known that telling Mako to keep his trap shut was a lost cause. The entire ride to Narook's he filled the silence you had wanted with what you could only assume was nothing short of an interrogation,

"So...are you this mean to everyone or am I getting special treatment?" Mako asked curiously,
"Exactly, what happened to shutting up?" you questioned frustratedly,
"I'm gonna take that response as special treatment," Mako smirked without pulling his eyes from the road, "How long have you lived in Republic City then?" he pried,
"See. This is the opposite of silen–
"I am just making conversation," Mako chuckled, studying your pouty face through the rearview mirror,
"Conversation nobody asked for," you huffed under your breath,
"You know what?" Mako sighed with a grin, "Hate me all you want. Hit me with every insult you got. I'm not gonna stop trying to get to know you,"

You knew he meant it. Just by the mere fact that he showed up at your apartment without your permission and forced you to come along with him,

"Hmph. Fine. Six years," you finally mumbled,
"What was that?" he grinned,
"Six years," you said more clearly, "I've lived in the city for six years,"
"Six years and I've never run into you? Wonder why,"
"Maybe it's because I make it a point to avoid lunatics like you,"
"Lunatics?" Mako repeated with a smile, "And that makes your brother what? A monk?"
"Leave Shah out of this–
"Why don't you like to talk about him?" Mako pried some more, "I can tell you about my brother. He's messy. Loud. Always eats my leftovers. Sometimes cries way too much for my liking,"
"That's different," you sulked,
"Your brother is a dork. Shah is...
"Unstable," Mako chimed,
"No. I was going to say an idiot,"
"All brothers are," Mako winked,
"I hope you're including yourself in that statement," you scoffed,
"I wasn't," Mako laughed, "but I would like to think that you and I sort of have the same role in our families,"
"Which is?" you questioned skeptically, completely doubting the fact that either of you would have anything remotely in common,
"We're the idiot wranglers,"

[Republic City Prison]

Waiting for nightfall was foolish. Shah knew from experience, it was much simpler to go through with his plan in the daytime when everyone's guard was down. As many times as he had been locked up here, by now, he knew the prison inside and out. He was so confident in his decision to escape that he knew he'd be free before sunset. He could also be two towns away before dusk, but he had a message to send that was far more important,

[Viper's Restaurant]

"Boss?" Shin called when he found Viper shuffling poker cards at his favorite table, overlooking the entire restaurant from above, "Someone wants in on this round," he said hesitantly,
"You know the rules Shin, high rollers only," Viper smirked in between sips of dry whiskey,
"He paid the fee," Shin confessed,
"All ten thousand?" Viper questioned amusingly,
"In cash," Shin nodded,
"Well then, pull up a chair for our mysterious guest then,"


"Okay. Tell me," Mako smirked after scarfing down a forkful of spicy noodles,
"Ugh. Tell you what?" you scoffed,
"Why cops?" he questioned, "If anything, shouldn't your brother hate them more? He's the one with the record,"
"I told you to leave Shah out of this–
"And I told you I wasn't going to stop trying to get to know you," Mako reminded you, "That includes the screwed-up relationship you have with your brother,"
"Our relationship isn't scr—
"Why haven't you visited him then?" Mako pried with a sly grin,
"H-How the hell do you even know that?" you scoffed with your arms crossed,
"I have my ways," Mako chuckled,
"What did I tell you about snooping in my business?"
"I specifically remember you saying to stay out of your medicine cabinet," Mako winked,
"My medicine cabinet, my past, my brother. All off limits," you huffed, pushing your empty bowl away from you,
"Was it good?" Mako asked after the waiter set another steaming bowl in front of him, "I thought for sure you weren't going to finish it all,"
"Well, I-I skipped breakfast this morning," you sulked in annoyance, your eyes still avoiding Mako's stupid grin,
"How come?" Mako teased, knowing damn well you were in court all morning,
"Ugh. I'm out of here," you scoffed as you rose to your feet only for Mako to grab your wrist before you could march out of the door,
"Aww, c'mon it was a joke," Mako pleaded, pulling you back into your seat, "I was just teasing. I'm sorry,"
"Well, I don't do jokes," you hissed angrily,
"I can tell," Mako smirked, "You haven't smiled once since I met you," he pointed out, "And out of curiosity, where were you going to go with half of your stuff in my trunk?"
"Somewhere where you're not,"
"I would've found you still," Mako chuckled,
"Not if I didn't want you to," you replied sourly with your arms crossed,
"You really think you can hide from me?" Mako asked as he gently reached for your face and made you meet his gaze,

It was then that he noticed the faraway look behind your eyes. As if you were a million miles from here instead of sitting across from him at the table,

A year and a half ago

"Get upstairs," Shah barked when he came in and slammed the door shut,
"What? Why?" you asked as you closed your book,
"Don't ask questions. Just get upstairs and don't come down no matter what you hear," he ordered, pulling you from the couch by your arm and pushing you toward the steps. It would be about five minutes later when you heard an angry knock at the front door and then Viper's frustrated voice filling your living room,
"You know why I'm here. Where is she Shah?" he asked as he paced back and forth, his fist clenching the stack of yuans you had left as your final payment,
"Who exactly?" Shah questioned after cracking open a fresh beer and plopping down on the couch where you had just been, his feet outstretched on the coffee table,
"Don't test me. You know I didn't come here to play 20 questions with you," Viper barked,
"Fine," Shah sighed in annoyance, "She's gone. I don't know where she is,"
"Try lying again," Viper hissed,
"You think I have something to gain by lying to you?" Shah questioned in disbelief, "Her debt is paid and she skipped town. Big whoop,"
"Big whoop? You don't just leave the Triple Threats," Viper reminded him, "Not you. Not anybody! Especially not her,"
"Well, she did,"
"I don't believe that for a damn second! I know you have something to do with this," Viper snapped as he towered over him,
"Even if I did. You're not going to find her anyway," Shah smirked as he stood, staring Viper down with his fists clenched tight, "She's done with you Viper. So let it the fuck go. Whatever job you believe you needed her for next. You have me. Unlike my sister, my debt still has some...stipulations," he breathed sourly,
"You really think she can hide from me?" Viper seethed, withholding everything in his power not to punch Shah out cold to the floor,
"Hmph. If she can't, then I'll do what I have to to make sure she can," Shah threatened, unfazed by Viper's temper,
"This isn't over Shah. Mark my words," Viper threatened, 
"Consider them marked boss," Shah winked, "I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Hey," Mako called softly, "You okay? I lost you there for a second,"
"I'm...I-I gotta get out of here," you panicked before quickly rushing out the door,
"Hey!" Mako called as he stood, "Shit," he seethed, pulling his wallet from his back pocket and leaving a small stack of yuans on the table. He had almost been too busy paying the bill to see which way you ran, but he had a hunch and started sprinting in your direction, eventually finding you hyperventilating in a nearby alleyway,
"Go away," you wheezed,
"I'm not going anywhere. You're having a panic attack," Mako protested as he grabbed your shoulders and held you still,
"I-I am not!" you fibbed, barely finding the breath to speak,
"Yes, you are. Now stop arguing and breathe with me," Mako ordered,
"I can't!—
"Yes, you can. Just follow my lead okay?"
"Inhale, two...three...four. Exhale, two...three...four. Keep going," he nodded, resting your hand on his chest so you could feel his lungs rise and fall with air,
"Inhale," you repeated slowly, "Exhale,"
"What colors do you see? Around you," Mako asked softly,
"Umm, red? Uhh, blue,"
"What else?"
"That green trashcan," you answered more clearly, your breathing eventually returning to normal,
"Good," Mako nodded, "Are you okay to walk back to the car?"
"I-I think so," you said hesitantly,
"I'll be here the whole time. Just hold onto me," Mako instructed, gently tugging you along until you reached where he had parked. For the first time today, Mako fell silent. He hadn't spoken the entire walk back, nor when he opened the passenger door and buckled you in. He could sense you were still reeling, despite your breathing now being under control. Earlier you would've relished in this peace and quiet, but now it was starting to eat at you,
"Mako I–
"You don't have to tell me," he blurted once he parked in front of his apartment, "I'm just glad you're okay," he smiled softly,
"Thank you," you whispered,
"But let's make a deal. I won't pry into your life anymore, but you can't run off like that again. You understand? I-I don't want to wake up tomorrow and you're gone," he sighed defeatedly, "Can we at least agree on that?" he asked with concern,
"Yes," you nodded in disappointment before meeting his gaze, "It's a deal," 

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