Chapter 34: Not New Anymore

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(Guys, my birthday is tomorrow! Aries season has officially started and I plan to be a complete menace to societyyyy. I got my FMAB tattoo. Ugh. I love it so much. Anddddd even though my coworker is technically, technically dead to me we're...getting pho next weekend and going go-kart racing 😶😶 I can't help it. He's just sooo fine. But you'll be happy to know that I don't feel like that for him anymore. I just like staring at him and making him pay for things lmaooo.

I miss you all. Being a boss a soo hard. These people drive me crazy. But ilysm 🖤)

[The Docks]

"Is it always this...quiet down here?" Jay asked Mako as they slipped between houses, careful not to knock over garbage bins along the way,
"For the most part yeah," Mako answered softly, "Once the sun sets, this place is practically a ghost town. Which is lucky for us, considering most of the Triple Threats hang out at Viper's restaurant after their shifts,"
"Oh, I wouldn't call any part of this case lucky," Jay sighed in exhaustion, "We're currently stalking a criminal in what I'm hoping is fresh manure for this rosebush behind me,"
"A criminal that kidnapped my girlfriend. Trust me. Shin's gonna have no idea what hit him. Even if I have to spend all night tracking him," Mako breathed angrily, "Also, what you're standing in is dog shit, but I figured you knew that, based on the smell," Mako teased as he peered through his binoculars,
"Damn it. These are new shoes," Jay hissed in disgust,
"Definitely not new anymore," Mako smirked,
"Ugh. Honestly, I-I can't believe the amount of mess I get in by agreeing to help you,"
"Oh? And what exactly were you so busy working on besides sleeping at your desk?"
"Ugh! I-I had things going on–
"Yeah? Which were?" Mako chuckled,
"I could've helped Hinning on his case,"
"The one with the broken shop windows on 27th Street? Easy. Homeless guy sought revenge on one of the owners who kicked him out for not wearing shoes,"
"How did you figure that?"
"People tell me things," Mako smirked, "And I also live in the neighborhood. That's why the only thing missing was food from their inventory and there were no footprints because he was in socks. Case closed,"
"Damn it. No wonder you're lead detective," Jay sighed,
"That's right. Now look here," Mako ordered, passing Jay his binoculars, "See that window there, in the distance?"
"Yeah. There's a random yellow brick in the bottom center of the foundation,"
"Bingo. The rest of the house is red. Shin must've replaced the brick I broke over that man's fingers all those years ago,"
"Yet he didn't seem to find the time to change that flickering porch light," Jay added, "Really shows you where his priorities are at huh?" he chuckled only to be met with silence,  "Mako?" Jay called, looking up from the binoculars to find himself crouching behind a bush alone, "Mako!" he shouted as quietly as possible before racing after him, "Are you insane!? You're scaling his house!?"
"How else do you expect me to get inside? By knocking on the door?" Mako hissed, using all of his strength to pull himself up onto the porch roof, "Ha. Yes! There's an open window. I'm going in–
"Wait, what about me? How do you expect me to follow that? Some of us don't live at the gym y'know?"
"Hm. I don't know. Use your imagination–
"Kidding," Mako teased, "Just–give me five minutes. I'll find a way to unlock the back door,"
"Hmph. Copy that,"

[Lake Laogai] - Crystal Catacombs

"Ahh. Kuvira, how lovely of you to finally join us," Captain Rohai bowed when she and Shah had arrived. They were both on guard, but neither of them could take their eyes off the feast that had been prepared in the time it took them to freshen up. The large stone dining table in the center of the room was plated to the brim with enough food to feed more than three families,
"Us?" Kuvira questioned after Shah pulled out her chair, her arm clutching her belly to silence her hunger,
"Yes. Us,"  Rohai nodded despite being the only other person sitting at the table, "Dai Li," he smirked slyly, "Show yourselves,"

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