Chapter 4: Nothing was Stolen

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Buying flowers for you was the easy part. It wasn't until Mako was standing outside your apartment building holding those flowers, that Jay's worried thoughts came running back to his mind,

Think this through. There are a million girls in her city. What do you want with her?

Mako didn't have an answer. Nor did he know why he felt so drawn to you. But something in his gut told him that he would regret letting you walk away earlier. His gut had also told him that something didn't feel quite right when he finally made it up the stairs and he could see your door still left ajar,

Does she always leave this open? Mako questioned in his head when he set your flowers on a nearby windowsill and reached for his gun. It was quiet. Far too quiet for every terrible theory that was racing through his mind. But just because there weren't any obvious signs of anyone in distress, didn't mean that anybody should be able to walk into your place so easily,

"Hello?" Mako called when he stepped into your living room, his gun held out at arm's length, "Anybody ho–
"Geez! What the hell is wrong with you!? Do you just go around waving that thing at people!?" you shouted at him when you came out of the bathroom,
"Your door was cracked open. I thought someone broke in," Mako breathed as he tucked his gun back in his belt,
"Well, they did and they're long gone,"
"Do you want to file a report?" he asked while he followed you into the kitchen,
"No need. Nothing was stolen,"
"I-I don't understand,"
"Of course, you don't. A-And how are you here, huh!? How did you even find me!? I-I have enough people stalking me as is–
"I'm a cop, remember?" Mako teased, "And what do you mean stalking?" he questioned as he checked the locks on your doors and windows, "Are you not safe here?" he asked, eyeing the faint red graze mark Viper had left on your neck,
"Ugh. My safety is none of your concern–
"Think again," Mako hissed after he caught your wrist in his grip, "Look at me," he ordered softly until you sighed in annoyance and met his gaze, "Go pack a few things. I'll wait here,"
"Huh!? W-What for? Where are we going?"
"My place,"
"A-Absolutely not–
"Oh yeah? Give me three good reasons why I should leave you here unprotected?" he snapped, still clutching your wrist tight in his grasp, "Someone broke into your house today. And judging by that graze, I'm assuming you know this person. Friend of your brothers?" he pried curiously,
"Leave him out of this!—
"So, a friend of yours then?"
"Stop. Talking," you threatened,
"So it is a friend?" Mako smirked,
"I told you to stop talking
"And I told you to go pack. You don't want to tell me, fine. But unless you can guarantee me that whoever this is isn't coming back, I suggest you start by grabbing those pain meds and a new attitude while you're at it," he snapped,
"Ugh, I don't know who you think you are but, y-you're not the boss of me!" you shouted back before you stomped into your bedroom and slammed the door shut,
"Hmph. Brat," Mako chuckled to himself as he plopped down on your couch and flipped through a book he had plucked from your shelf. After five minutes, he figured you would come out. After fifteen he knew he had to make you, "You packing in there?" he shouted from your living room only to be met with your stubborn silence, "Okay then," he smirked as he stood and made his way down your hallway, "Y'know I think I'm getting used to this whole silent treatment thing we have going on,"
"Go. Away," you huffed,
"Oh, so we are still speaking," Mako laughed while he leaned his back against your door, "And no can do missy. You have a choice to make. Pack a few things and come with me or I send two rookies to stand guard outside your door for the next three weeks," he threatened playfully,

Is he serious!?

"You wouldn't dare!," you scoffed as you flung the door open, watching Mako fall flat to your bedroom carpet,
"Oh, I would," he grinned slyly, "Then you can really tell me how much you hate cops," he taunted as he pulled himself to his feet,
"You stupid little–Ugh! F-Fine!" you barked before slamming your door back in his face,

This is madness. This is absolute madness! you screamed in your head, First Shah. Then Viper. Now...him!? Again!? Am I being punked right now!?

"Hey, you packing or are you still having a meltdown?" Mako teased after he knocked on your door softly,

"Both!" you hissed angrily, shoving more clothes in your duffel bag, "And since you're so hellbent on taking me with you. Don't rush me!"

"Fine. Fair enough," Mako smirked before he turned to explore your bathroom. Your apartment was simple, cluttered in some spaces, tidy in others. From what he could see until you had slammed the door, your bedroom is where you preferred to decorate. Your bathroom not so much, "Any reason you let your anxiety medication expire?" he chuckled,
"Stay the hell out of my medicine cabinet!"
"Copy that," he smirked while he waited in the hall for you, "It's a fair question though,"
"A question is only fair when you didn't have to snoop to find the answer," you growled when you finally came out,
"You ready?" Mako asked as he took the bag from your hands, "And I wasn't snooping. I was investigating a crime scene," he winked,
"Crime scenes are intended for victims and right now, I'm a damn hostage," you huffed,
"A very pretty hostage," Mako nodded, "You got everything? You sure you don't wanna bring that?" he asked, pointing to the small stuffed bear next to your pillow,
"Ugh, leave it," you scoffed, pushing Mako ahead of you, "And stop looking at things in my apartment. It's bad enough you're even standing in it. Who knows how long it's gonna take to get the cop smell out of here,"
"Woah, smell?" Mako questioned when you shoved him out the front door,
"Oh, you don't smell it?" you asked with an innocent smile, "That repulsive, inflated arrogance?"
"Good one," Mako chuckled, eyeing the flowers he had left on the windowsill, "Well, maybe these will help," he grinned as he held them out,
"I thought I told you no flowers," you scoffed while you marched ahead of him,
"Uh-uh actually, you said no dahlias. I got roses," he corrected, "And a little lavender, because you still seem a bit agitated today," he teased,
"I am this close to knocking your front teeth in," you snapped, pushing Mako aside on the stairs to get away from him and his annoying questions,
"See. That's what I mean," Mako grinned when he caught up and held the door open for you, your duffle bag still slung around his shoulder, "Would it kill you to be a little nicer to me?"
"Hmph. It might," you seethed with your arms crossed,
"As if I'd let that happen and I'm gonna need my teeth to eat later so can you knock them in after we get lunch?" he asked after setting your bag in the trunk of his car,
"Ugh, if it'll shut you up. Fine,"

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