Chapter 32: Paying A Toll

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(I was gonna update my Zuko series first, but a certain someone forced me to write this lmao 🖤 if there are typos, I apologize. I am 5 glasses of wine deeeeep. I deserved it though. Everyone at my job is a loon)


[Republic City] - Kwong's Restuarant

"I missed you," Viper grinned as the waiter refilled his wine glass. You ignored this just as you had been ignoring everything else he said since you sat down, "Hmph. Icing me out again?" he asked with a sly grin, "You know that doesn't faze me," he smirked while you sipped your water, "It's not exactly the first time you've been pissed at me. In fact, I kinda miss that too,"
"You done?" you asked frustratedly,
"I wasn't. But it's nice to know you're still speaking to me,"
"Ugh. Why am I here Viper?" you finally asked, "Why are you doing this? Why did you have Shin k-kidnap me from–
"Ba Sing Se?" Viper finished after lighting his cigar,
"How'd you even know I was there?"
"I have my ways,"
"You mean your informants," you corrected him,
"I have those too," he grinned before his smile faded into seriousness, "Why did you leave the Triple Threats without asking me?"
"Simple. I paid my debt–
"That wasn't what I asked," Viper snapped, "Your debt was never a concern of mine. And I thought you knew that,"
"Then why hold it over my head all these years?"
"I couldn't exactly play favorites now, could I? You of all people know that's not how we run things. But had you wanted to leave? Debt free? I might've considered letting you do so,"
"Might've?" you scoffed at him, "You didn't let Mako leave when he wanted. What makes you think I'd believe you'd let me go without paying a toll?"
"Because I happen to love you more than he does," Viper said matter-of-factly,
"You–You don't know what love is," you corrected him,
"Oh, and you do?"
"I know it doesn't involve you threatening me with that switchblade,"
"Hmph. Fair enough," Viper smirked, pulling the blade from his pocket before setting it on the table,
"The rest of them too," you ordered, knowing damn well he had more than one weapon on him,
"Yes ma'am," he chuckled lightly, placing a pair of brass knuckles and a dagger on the table as well,
"Where's your gun?" you questioned,
"In the car," Viper nodded as he sank back in his seat with a sly grin,
"I don't believe you,"
"You never have. Care to frisk me? See for yourself?" Viper teased "Or, would you rather order something and relax a little? I know you haven't eaten since Ba Sing Se,"
"Fine. But I'm walking out of here right after. And I better not be followed," you hissed beneath your breath, praying he couldn't see just how scared you really were of him,
"Hmm. You may walk," Viper answered after ashing his cigar, "But I'm far from making that second promise, kitten,"

[Lake Laogai] - Crystal Catacombs

Shah didn't trust anything down here–not his instincts, not Captain Rohai, not even the crystals that surrounded them. He'd never seen anything like it, never seen walls glow from such great hidden power. Nor did he expect a hoard of earthbenders to move like shadows around him. Every corner they turned, weaving through the massive underground tunnels, he'd spot another Dai Li agent–and then another; silent and daunting yet looming like statues in the thinnest sliver of light and darkness, like quiet vultures swarming around dying prey,

"So, should I answer your questions now or wait till dinner?" Captain Rohai asked Kuvira when he stopped in front of a large crystal door,
"Hmph. I already know why I'm here," Shah answered instead, eyeing the dried blood behind Kuvira's bangs, "But let's work on getting her looked at by a doctor first,"
"Of course," Rohai nodded, opening the door with his bending, "You may use this room for the evening. There are spare clothes in the closet, and the bathroom gets a decent amount of hot water. I'll have my nurse stop by while you freshen up," he bowed as he turned to leave, "Dinner will be ready in an hour,"

"You have a concussion," Shah said softly when the doors shut, taking Kuvira's wrist before she could stumble any further,
"Huh?" Kuvira questioned, massaging her temple to ease the pain,
"Look at me," he ordered, gripping her face gently while he studied her pupils, "Yeah...y-you look dazed. It's these crystals, the light is fucking with your eyes,"
"Y-You're seeing things," Kuvira argued, shoving Shah away from her, "I-I'm fine,"
"Are you gonna tell the nurse the same thing when she gets here?" Shah snapped back, "It doesn't exactly take medical training to know you hit your head," he pointed to the dried blood that stained her skin,
"And!? So I hit my head. So what?" Kuvira hissed, "I had worse injuries when I was thrown in prison the first time,"
"I don't know if you're aware of this right now, but you're not in prison anymore," Shah scoffed sharply, "Trust me, if Rohai wanted to keep you in that cell, he would've. So don't forget who he had planned on leaving in there," he said sourly before stripping out of his shirt, "Do you want me to shower first, or do you want dibs?"
"I want you to stop analyzing me like I'm some helpless bird," Kuvira snapped with her arms crossed,
"Hmph. Too bad that wasn't one of your options," Shah smirked, "You should sit anyway. You were damn near stumbling the entire way here," he pointed out as he made his way to the bathroom, "I'm sure the nurse will stop by soon, so I'll try and save you some hot water,"

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