Buggy + Shanks | A Lost Item and New Love

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Art: idk if anyone knows pls lmk

Requester wishes to remain anonymous hope you enjoy <3


"Please Y/n."


"Pretty please."


"Why not?"

"Because Shanks I'm busy. I can't just have sex with you at the drop of the hat whenever you feel like it." You say turning your head towards him, one hand on the wheel.

He sighs and wraps his arm around your waist, embracing you in a hug from behind. "But I'm bored." He pouts, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Do you want to see Buggy today?"

"Well yes-"

"Then let me do my job and you can screw whoever you want once we reach the island."

Shanks pouts seemingly unhappy with your response. "As captain of this crew, I order you to stop working and have sex with me."

"Well as part of the Buggy pirates, I don't take orders from you." You say sticking your tongue out at him.

"Remind me why I love you again." He grumbles.

You sigh and check the log pose and the maps before looking up at him. "Give me 10 minutes and we can do something together."

"Does that mean-"

"We're not having sex, you said you were bored not horny."

"I can get horny."



"Do you want to do something with me?" You say beckoning Benn over to take over navigating.

"Of course."

"Then we do what I want."

"But why?" He wines following you down to the lower deck.

"Cause we both know what's gonna end up happening tonight once we see Buggy again."

"So what? You think I don't have the stamina or something?" Shanks responds grabbing a deck of cards.

You sigh again. "Why're you always so difficult."

Shanks chuckles and pecks your cheek as he walks by. He pulls over a chair and starts to deal the cards. As you play, excitement wells inside you at the thought of seeing Buggy again after a while.

After you, Shanks, and Buggy agreed to become official, Shanks had begged Buggy to join or merge with his crew so everyone could be together but Buggy denied saying he wanted his own crew. To keep Shanks happy, you decided to move back and forth between the two crews, forcing everyone to meet up so you could switch over.

Today was one of those days and you missed seeing Buggy in person as opposed to talking to him over the transponder snail every night. Shanks was always anxious when it came time for you to leave, and honestly, you couldn't blame him. Shanks was always the most touchy out of all of you and you couldn't imagine spending so long without one of your partners.

After a couple hours of playing cards and gambling, Benn comes down to inform you that you've arrived. You and Shanks run up where you see Buggy already waiting for you with a smile on his face. Ecstatic you run and jump into his waiting arms as he laughs and spins you around a couple times before setting you down and planting kisses all over your face.

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