Zoro | A New Life

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Art: belongs to 执叁 on twitter - https://twitter.com/Sharktopus202/status/1301186213152317440

Requested by naemsnae hope you enjoy <3


"Shit." You say looking at the positive tests in front of you.

You had been feeling sick for the past few weeks, which was a little odd. You realized something was seriously wrong when your period was over a week late. When you docked you bought a bunch of different tests just to be safe, but you didn't expect them to all come back positive.

"Shit." Your mind was racing. Would you still be allowed to be a part of the crew now that you were pregnant? What would the others think about you now? What would Zoro think?

You and Zoro had always been so careful and now it was all for nothing.

"Y/n, is everything alright, you've been in there for a while?" You hear Nami's voice from the other side of the door.

"Uh, yep. Sorry, just finishing up." You say quickly. You scoop up the test and shove them into your pocket. Nami casts a suspicious glance at you as you walk by but you flash her a reassuring smile as you head to your room.

You close the door behind you and collapse on your bed. "What the hell am I gonna do?" You say to yourself. You sigh and put the tests into a drawer and bury yourself underneath the blankets.

For the next few days you do your best to avoid Zoro, scared of what he would say if he found out. You could tell he knew something was up but as long as you didn't give him an opportunity to ask then everything would be fine.


"Do you know what the hell is going on with Y/n?"

"She won't tell me a thing. If anything, shouldn't you know, aren't you her boyfriend or something."

"She's avoiding me; and aren't you her best friend."

"Well she won't tell me anything either, and whisper arguing outside her door is probably not the best way to figure anything out."

"Well why don't you go inside and ask her, you money crazy witch."

"Say that again you potted houseplant!"

Zoro sighs and walks away from Nami muttering something about needing to workout.

"I am not a witch." Nami says to herself knocking on your door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Nami, let me in Y/n, we need to talk."

"It's unlocked."

Nami enters your room and plops down next to you on the bed.

"So, what's going on?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" You reply.

"Don't play dumb with me. You've been avoiding Zoro like the plague. What happened?"

"Nothing happened, I just don't want to see him right now."

"Did you guys fight? Did he hurt you? Cause I swear to God if he hurt you then I'm going to-"

"He didn't hurt me Nami, calm down."

Nami takes your hands in hers. "Then why won't you see him? I'm your best friend Y/n, you can tell me anything."

You sigh and Nami gives you a reassuring squeeze. "I'm pregnant." You whisper.

"You're what? I didn't hear."

You groan and get up. You grab one of the positive tests and throw it at her.

She catches it and takes a few moments to look it over. You watch as her confused expression morphs into one of shock. She looks between you and the positive test, a wide smile forming on her face.

"Oh my god Y/n, are you serious!"

"Yeah." You say with a smile.

"Oh my god!" She squeals running over and embracing you in a tight hug. "Have you told Zoro?"

Your smile falters and you look away from her. "No, not yet."

"Why not?"

You sigh and sit down on the bed.

"What if he hates me? What are we even gonna do now that I have a baby? Zoro wants to keep getting stronger, that's gonna be hard to do with a little child on our hands. Plus, I'm not sure if I should continue to travel the Grand Line with a baby."

"Y/n, I'm not one to tell you what to do," Nami says sitting down beside you, "but I think you should have this conversation with Zoro. He cares a lot about you, and if it turns out that he isn't supportive, then we'll just throw him overboard while he's sleeping." She finishes with a wink.

You smile and give Nami a light hug. "Thank you Nami. I think I'll talk to him."

"Want me to go get him?" She says getting up.

"Yes please." You say quietly.

You pace back and forth, your heart speeding up while Nami grabs Zoro. You're snapped out of your little trance when you hear a knock.

"Come in."

You watch as Zoro awkwardly walks into the room and sits down on the spinny chair by your desk.

"So uh, what did you want to talk about." He asks, rubbing his arm nervously.

You sit down cross-legged on your bed. "You love me right?"

Zoro looks at you confused. "Of course I do. Why?"

"And you would love me no matter what?"

"Yes of course. Y/n, where are you going with this."

"Look in the top drawer of my desk."

"This one?" Zoro asks pointing to the drawer with all the tests.

"Yep. Open it and look inside."

He does what you say and takes out one of the pregnancy tests. You hold your breath as he looks it over.

"So?" You say, silently begging him to talk.

"So what? I don't know what these sticks mean."

You sigh and mentally prepare yourself. "Zoro, I'm pregnant."

"Oh, ok. Are you happy about that?"

"Are you?"

"I'm not the one who has to carry a human in my stomach for 9 months and throw up every morning."

"So you don't hate me?" You say, relieved.

"Why would I hate you?" He asks, confused.

"Because now I'm pregnant, which means you might have to take care of a child instead of training to become the greatest swordsman."

"Y/n," Zoro says, moving to sit beside you, "I would much rather spend the rest of my life from today onward on an island in the middle of nowhere with you and our child, then without you, ever."

"So you're not gonna leave me because I'm-"

"I'm not gonna leave you at all. Whether we have one or a hundred kids, or none at all. That is still an option, right?"

"Yeah, is that what you want?"

Zoro takes your hands in his. "I want what makes you happier. I would like to raise a kid eventually, but that doesn't have to be now if you don't want."

"Thank you Zoro. I'm still not sure what I want to do yet. Can we just take our time with this?"

"Of course. This is a big decision, take as much time as you need. I'll be with you through everything. I promise."


Word Count: 1,144

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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