!Vivi | Special Birthday Fic!

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Happy Birthday Vivi!

Art: created by bbzico1267 on pixiv - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74588859


You slowly blink open your eyes and look around the room and sigh with relief; Vivi was still asleep in bed. You quietly turn around and wrap your arms around her waist. You feel her shift in your arms and nuzzles into your chest.

You smile as you feel her start to wake up. "Good morning my love." You murmur, placing a kiss on top of your head.

"Morning darling." She yawns. She starts to get up but you pull her down into bed.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Y/n, you know I have work to do." She sighs with a smile.

"Not on your birthday you're not." You say pecking her cheek.

"Sweetheart, my duties as a princess don't stop just because it's by birthday."

"You have other people who can cover for you for one day while you relax." Vivi pauses seeming to think it over. "Please Vivi."

She sighs and flops back down onto the bed next to you. "Alright fine you win, happy?"

"Mhmm." You respond, giving her a light kiss.

She sighs and smiles. "What am I gonna do with you?"

"Love and adore me for the rest of your life?"

"I suppose I'll have to." She giggles.

You squeeze her a little tighter, pulling her a little closer to you. "So princess, what would you like to do today."

She rolls her eyes and shoves you playfully. "Don't call me that. Honestly, I'd be happy to just stay in bed all day and sleep, but my dad and the others probably have something planned, so I suppose I'll get up."

"Oh, that reminds me I have your gift." You say sitting up. Vivi watches as you bring over two boxes, one a bit bigger then the others. "The small one is from some old friends. Oh, and here's the card." You say handing her a piece of folded paper.

She eyes you with skepticism and opens your gift first. She takes out the dress, one that she had been looking at before although they didn't have her size at the time, and the matching jewellery that went with it. "Oh sweetheart, thank you! I thought they ran out of these and had to import more. Where did you get this?" She says with a look of excitement and joy.

You laugh as her hands drift over the delicate bead work. "I got it before we went shopping together. I was so scared that you were gonna get the same dress I bought for you."

"That would have been a bit of an issue." She giggles.

"Open the other gift, I think you'll like it." She takes the lid off the smaller box and gasps. Inside was a thick silver bangle with a small straw hat engraving in the middle. "I thought they forgot about me." She murmurs surprised but happy. "How did they even know?" She turns her head to look at you. "Why do I have a feeling you had something to do with this?"

You laugh a little. "Got me. I've been keeping in contact with them too. I told them about your birthday and Nami sent this along with the card."

Vivi opens up the card and smiles. Inside were little messages from each member of the crew that she knew, some more legible than others. "This is so cute." She says reading through the notes with a smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Oh, I didn't know Nico Robin joined Luffy." She says with a slight frown.

"I didn't either. Did she write something?" You ask.

"Yeah, 'Dear Vivi, you were a strong and determined princess and I'm sure you'll be an even better ruler. Luffy has told me many stories of your bravery. Good luck and happy birthday, Robin.'"

"Huh, did not expect that."

"Neither did I, but I guess the thought was nice. Although I still don't forgive her, I will admit she did write me a lovely message." Vivi sets the card on the nightstand with a smile. "We should actually get up before my dad or Igaram bursts into the room."

"Are you gonna wear the dress?" You ask starting to get ready.

"Of course, I might need some help though."

"As your humble servant I am willing to serve you." You say playfully bowing.

Vivi rolls her eyes. "Humble is not the word I would use."

"Oh, what word would you use then?" You ask walking over to her.

"Beautiful, caring, sweet, kind, lovely." She says moving her hair out of the way.

"Careful princess, I'm not sure how the world will feel knowing how in love you are with a poor servant like me." You tease her while helping her with her dress.

"You can be so annoying sometimes."

"But you'll still love me." You say smugly.

She sighs and looks at you with a smile. "Unfortunately."

You wrap an arm around her waist and pull her in, tilting her chin a little for a kiss. For a few moments neither of you pull away, just basking in the moment. You eventually pull back and rest your forehead against yours.

"I love you so much Y/n."

"I love you too Vivi. Now let's go celebrate."


Word Count: 874

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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