!Shanks | HC!

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Shanks headcannons for his birthday

Art: created by 🎈さくら🎈 on X - https://twitter.com/__Sattva__/status/1325792657029779457 


Generic Headcannons:


~ He confessed accidentally while he was drunk

~ He's very vocal about his feelings and will talk/complain to you about everything

~ Love languages: physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation

~ SUPER touchy

~ Likes to have you within his reach at all times

~ ^only reason he wouldn't want you around him is when the marines or other pirates were around

~ ^even if you can take care of yourself he doesn't even want to risk it, he thinks he's strong enough to take care of the issue without you

~ Loves cuddling, it's his favourite thing to do next to drink

~ When he does get drunk he often forgets you're his partner and will flirt with you

~ He's an attention whore

~ Likes to spend as much time with you as he can

~ Wakes up and goes to bed super late

~ He always makes sure that you fall asleep cuddling him so you have to wait for him to get up

~ While docked on islands he'll often walk around and pick up random things he finds to give to you

~ ^some wild flowers, a bouquet for you

~ ^an interesting rock, add it to the collection

~ ^a pretty shell, look at that a brand new necklace

~ Loves playing games with you but can be a bit of a sore loser

~ Teaches you a ton of card games

~ When you get upset he'll try and cuddle you until you feel better or he'll help you talk through your issues and find solutions

~ When he gets upset he mostly just wants your attention and wants you to pay attention to him and talk to/cuddle him

~ Phantom pain is a bitch for him

~ He would love you forever if you massaged his arm until it feels better

~ If you're having a panic attack he would just take you into his room and pull the blanket over your shoulders and just talk to you to try and distract you

~ ^might try to give you a shot of alcohol

~ You have to constantly remind him of holidays or any celebrations

~ Would either have a gift prepared for you months in advance or have to buy something last minute

~ Loves listening to you talk

~ Also loves when you listen to him talk about anything

~ If you get a period he would let you rant and complain and give you all the cuddles in the world

~ ^he would also compare your cramps to him losing his arm




~ He loves sex

~ Begs you for sex even if you say no

~ Horny a lot but knows there's a time and a place, for the most part

~ Any day as many rounds as you want he's down

~ He might need to take a small break after going a few rounds

~ Likes being on top but loves it when you flip the roles every once in a while

~ If you came and he wasn't done he'd most likely ask you to suck him off

~ If he came before you he would either keep going or switch to oral

~ Kisses you everywhere

~ Compliments your body a lot

~ A receiver

~ His dream is to sit back and relax while you do all the work

~ He's learned not to bring it up though, the last time he did you purposely refused to have sex with him for a few weeks even if you were horny

~ Tries to use sex as a bargaining chip

~ Such a dirty talker

~ Only had to use the safe word a couple of times when he's lost in pleasure

~ Loves quickies anytime, anywhere, especially semi-public areas

~ His aftercare isn't the best but he does try for the most part, kinda, sometimes, maybe not

~ Cuddles after sex


Word Count: 612

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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