Law + Sanji + Zoro | What Happened?

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Art: idk if anyone knows pls lmk

Requester wishes to remain anonymous sorry for the long wait hope you enjoy <3


You groan as you feel yourself starting to wake up. You nuzzle into the bare chest in front of you as the wheels in your brain begin to turn. As your eyes focus you see tattoos? Wait, that couldn't be right, neither Sanji nor Zoro had any. So if this wasn't either of your boyfriends then who were you sleeping with?

You quickly sit up and begin to panic when you see none other then Law lying next to you, seemingly not wearing any clothing. You look down at your own body and curse.

You quickly find something to cover yourself before shaking Law awake. He groans and slowly starts to wake up.

"What time is it?"

"What do you remember from last night?" You ask frantically.

"That's not a time." He responds with a yawn.

"Law, I'm being serious. What happened?"

He sighs and rubs his temples. "There was that event thing, we all got drunk and then Sanji didn't want to drive me home so he let me crash with you guys. I think. Some of the stuff in between is a bit fuzzy."

"That doesn't help explain why I woke up next to you naked."

"What?" Law looks down at himself and quickly uses the blanket to cover himself. "You asshole! Where are my clothes?! Why didn't you say anything before?!" He yells, throwing a pillow in your face.

"I don't know where your clothes are!"

"Well find me something!"

You rummage through the drawers until you find some of Zoro's old clothes that seemed like they would fit. You throw them on to the bed and turn around.

"Hurry up, I need to figure out what happened before Sanji or Zoro show up."

Law huffs but obliges. "What do you think happened?"

You sigh. "Why else would I wake up next to you butt naked?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions Y/n, the three of you have been together for some time, I don't think you would cheat on them."

"Well then what do you think happened?"

Law pauses. "I don't know, have you looked around the room for other... evidence?"

"No, I hadn't thought that far ahead."

"Why don't you check the bathroom and I'll quickly look through the bedroom."

You nod and head into the bathroom. Aside from the usual messiness there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Y/n, you might want to see this." You hear Law say from the bedroom. You quickly walk up next to him who is standing over the garbage.


"At least we used protection."

"This isn't funny Law! This proves it, I fucking cheated." You say collapsing on the bed.

Law pauses for a few moments unsure of what to say. "I-I'm sorry. This is probably all my fault. I know you wouldn't willingly cheat on them, I probably convinced you or something."

You knew Law was probably only saying that to make you feel better but it did help a little nonetheless. "Can we tell them together, maybe they'll forgive me?" You can feel the doubt in your own voice as you speak but Law nods.

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