Law | Trypanophobia

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Art: idk if anyone knows pls lmk

Requester wishes to remain anonymous hope you enjoy <3


"Come on out Y/n, you can't hide forever." You hear Law's voice say.

You curl up a little, making yourself a little smaller. You were currently hiding from Law who was looking for you. It was time for your seasonal shots and once again you were hiding from him. But this time was different, you had been planning for this day for weeks.

You gathered up some packaged food and stored it in a box which you put under Law's bed without his knowledge. The day of the shots you filled up a couple of water bottles and immediately hid under Law's bed.

He had been looking for you all day, all the other members had gotten their shots, you were the only one left. Law knew how much you hated getting shots, but they were essential in his opinion. He has the whole crew looking for you, but this hiding spot was way better than previous times.

"Y/n please come out. You need this shot, it will help you stay healthy." Law says entering his room. You press yourself up against the wall and try to silence your breathing.

Law walks around the room, opening closets and drawers. He stops moving and sighs. "I can see you Y/n, please don't make this harder than it needs to be."

Your breathing hitches and you feel your heart start to beat faster. Law crouches down and looks at you pressed up against the wall.

He sighs. "Please Y/n, I promise it won't be as bad as last time."

"Liar" You say, still trying to control your racing heart.

Law gives you a small smile and holds out his arms. "I promise it won't be as bad as last year."

You pause and slowly start to inch your way over to Law. You crawl into his arms and he holds you for a few minutes.

"You ready?" Law asks quietly.

"Do I really need it?"

"If I didn't think it was essential, I wouldn't push you to get it."

"Okay. You'll stay with me, right?"

Law kisses the top of your head. "Of course."

"Okay." You take a deep breath. "We can go."

He takes your hand and guides you to the medic room. He sits you down on the bed and talks to you to calm you down as he prepares the needle.

"Y/n, I need you to look at me while I give you the shot. Focus on me to distract yourself, we can talk about whatever you want." Law says pulling up a chair in front of you. "Can you do that for me?"

You nod your head as Law cleans the spot on your arm where the needle would go.

"Alright. So Y/n, what do you want for dinner?" He asks, tilting your head away from the needle.

"I don't know." You say trying to focus on the conversation.

"You can have anything you want, doesn't have to bee dinner food. Whatever you want I'll allow it for tonight." As he speaks you can feel a small poke in your arm and you tense up.

"Can we have f/f?" You say squeezing your eyes shut trying not to think about the needle in your arm.

Law places his hand over yours. "Of course baby." He takes the needle out and places it on a table beside the bed. "There, all done. How're you feeling? Dizzy, lightheaded?"

"A bit of both." You say, your eyes still shut.

"Do you wanna lie down for a bit?"

"Can you stay?"

"Of course." He says putting a small band aid over the little drop of blood.

You adjust so that you're lying down on your side facing Law. He takes your hand in his and gives you a small smile. You return the smile as he places a kiss on top of your head.

"Rest for a bit and I'll wake you up when dinner is ready." Law says, brushing a stray piece of hair out of your eyes.

You nod and relax as Law brushes his fingers through your hair. As you doze off, Law continues to stay next to you, only getting up once to go tell Sachi to start dinner for you. He watches as you rest, relieved that it didn't seem as bad as last time.

Law rests his head next to you and before long he dozes off next to the love of his life.


Word Count: 754

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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