!Usopp | Special Birthday Fic!

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Happy Birthday Usopp!

Art: created by erichromatic on insta - https://www.instagram.com/p/Cwj0dOwOwYk/?img_index=2&epik=dj0yJnU9bllnQlQySS1Fc2tXa0lTdHduUndzLThSWENLVFFXelMmcD0wJm49VE1KbUU0VlgwUnFZSUdKX1dRbWJHUSZ0PUFBQUFBR1lLeDBz 


"Y/n. Y/n, c'mon wake up."

You grumble and groan a Usopp shakes you awake. "What time is it?" You mumble from under the covers.

"If I tell you, you aren't gonna get up."

"Exactly." You grumble.

"Y/n please, this is important."

"Ugh, fine what is it." You respond sitting up.

Usopp smiles and takes your hand. "C'mon I have something to show you."

"At 2 in the morning." You yawn slowly getting out of bed.

"It's actually 3 in the morning." He says helping you out of bed and into some proper clothes.

"This is not how I wanted to spend your birthday."

"Well I don't want another birthday like last year."

"We weren't planning another surprise party anyway. Not after how last year turned out."

"You act like it was my fault you thought that collectively scaring me was a good idea."

"Yeah yeah." You yawn.

Usopp smiles and leads you off the ship and onto the island. You let him take you across the island as you struggle not to fall asleep. You're relieved when he finally stops and sits down.

You sit down next to him and rest your head on his shoulder. "The stars are so pretty out here don't you think?" He says putting and arm around your waist to pull you a little closer.


"Look up."

You do as he asks and you see the wonderful scenery that is the night sky. It was perfectly clear and all the stars were visible. It doesn't take long for Usopp to start pointing out the constellations.

"Y/n look, over there is Ursa Major. Do you see the back legs connect to the big dipper?"


"Did you know that Ursa Major is one of the largest constellations? And one of the most well known around the world."

You hum in agreement as Usopp starts telling you the story again. "Apparently some cultures associated the constellation with the myth of Callisto. She was a beautiful nymph that Zeus saw and fell in love with. They had a son together, and named him Arcas."

Usopp pauses and looks over at you to make sure you're still awake and listening. You look up at him and smile. He returns it and continues his story. " Zeus' wife Hera was angry that Zeus cheated again so she turned Callisto into a bear. Callisto lived as a bear for the next 15 years, roaming the forest and always running and hiding from hunters. But then one day, her son Arcas was walking in the forest and the two came face to face. Arcas didn't know that the bear was his mother so he drew his spear. Zeus actually did something worthwhile for once, not wanting his lover and son to die, he carried them into the heavens where they were turned into the constellations."

"Arcas is Ursa minor right?" You ask looking back up at the sky to try and find Callisto.

"Mhmm. That's only one telling of the story though. Not everyone sees it as a bear, it's interpreted as a camel, a shark, a canoe, or 7 ox carrying a wagon, or even just the 7 brightest stars."

"I wonder what it was liked being turned into a pile of stars." You say flopping down on the soft grass.

"I bet it was amazing." Usopp responds wistfully lying next to you.

You both lay in silence for a while staring up at the sky enjoying a quiet moment with each other. "When we get back to the Sunny remind me to grab your gift, I should've brought it with me."

"You mean if we go back to the Sunny."

"You don't want to go back?" You ask, turning your head to look at him.

"I'd be happy just staying out here."

"What about breakfast?"

"Oh yeah, I guess we can go back for food and presents." He says looking at you with a smile. You return his smile and the conversation returns to a comfortable silence.

"Y/n." Usopp says after a few minutes.


He turns to look at you and moves your head gently so you can do the same. "There's no one in the world I'd rather be turned into a pile of stars with than you." He says softly.

You smile and peck his lips. "I love you too sweetheart. Happy birthday."


Word Count: 731

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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