!Ace | HC!

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Ace headcannons for his birthday

Art: idk if anyone knows pls lmk


Generic Headcannons:


~ He was very obvious and was surprised when you figured out how he felt

~ Very open about your relationship to other people

~ The day after you guys became official, he reintroduced you as his new partner

~ Super touchy, like all the time

~ Love languages: physical touch, gift giving, words of affirmation

~ Loves to just rest his head on your head, shoulder, or lap

~ Will randomly put his hat on your head and walk away

~ Likes to pick you flowers and buy you random trinkets he finds

~ Can go on long rants about how beautiful and smart you are

~ You don't really need a blanket when you sleep with him

~ Cuddles!!!

~ You get so used to him falling asleep while eating you're usually able to predict when he'll fall asleep and catch his head before it hits the table

~ When you try and avoid him, he'll either become more touchy or become grumpy and stay in his room until you give him attention

~ When you feel upset he'll talk through your problems with you and try to offer solutions

~ If you're having a panic attack, he'll hold you and plant kisses all over your face (only if it helps) while talking to you to try and ground you

~ If he's having a bad day, then he'll follow you around all day and just hold onto you until you have time to cuddle

~ He is a professional last minute gift giver

~ Loves going out on dates almost every other day

~ If you get a period, he'll act as your personal hot water bag, laying his head on your lap until your cramps go away

~ Overall Ace would be a very touchy boyfriend that absolutely loves cuddles




~ He doesn't get horny too often but will have sex when you need

~ A switch

~ Can go multiple rounds but will need to take a break in between rounds

~ Can't go more then 4 rounds max before he'd pass out

~ If you came before him, he would pull out and finish himself off if you couldn't keep going

~ If he came before you, he would try his best to help you climax by using his mouth or fingers

~ You've never had to use the safe word with him

~ More of a giver mainly because he can't go for long periods of time

~ He prefers being gentle with you in bed, but if you ask, he'll try to be a bit rougher but he doesn't enjoy it as much

~ Likes to stay pretty traditional, but would be open to trying things out with you

~ Quickies are his bestie, don't require a ton of energy and are very convenient when needed to relieve some tension

~ When the night is done and he's had some time to calm down, he would clean you up with a warm damp towel and give you warm cuddles after


Word Count: 477

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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