Eustass | A Special Gift

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Art: belongs to そそぎ on twitter - 


"Do you know where Eustass is?" You ask.

"I think he's still on the ship." Killer responds downing another drink.

"Of course he is." You grumble finishing your own drink. "It's not like it's my birthday or anything."

"Don't be too mad at him, last I checked he was working on something for you." Killer says taking the new drink you had poured for yourself out of your already drunk hands.

"Hey I was gonna drink that!" You say trying to take the drink back.

"You've had enough for one night." Killer says holding the cup high over your head.

"It's my birthday, let me drink." You say frustrated.

"If the captain allows you, then you can continue drinking."

"Fine." You say walking towards the ship.

You head towards the docks and hop onto the ship. You walk up to the door of Eustass' workshop and knock on the door.

"I'm busy." You hear him say from the other side of the door.

"I wanna drink." You reply.

"Then get a drink and stop bothering me."

"But Killer said I wasn't allowed to have anymore." You whine.

"It's your birthday, drink as much as you want."

"That's what I said! But nooo, I need the 'captain's permission'." You complain.

"You have my permission, go drink."

"But Killer would just say that I'm lying and that you didn't give me permission and I just wanted more to drink." You say sitting down against the door.

"What do you want me to do about that?"

"Can you come and tell Killer that I can drink please?"

"I'm working."

You sigh and get up. "All you ever do is work. It's not like you're my boyfriend, and it's not like it's my birthday or anything special. You barely have time to spend with me, so why should today be any different."

You hear something fall from the workshop. You start to move closer to the noise when Eustass opens the door.

"You wanna spend time with me then fine. But don't get mad at me when you step on a nail or screw."

"Yay!" You say moving past him into the workshop.

"Watch it!" Eustass says pulling you against his chest.

"Huh?" You ask confused.

"Look at the floor."

You look down and see the floor littered with scraps of metal and a ton of screws. "Oh."

"Yeah oh. The last thing I need is Killer yelling at me because you stabbed yourself with a screw." Eustass says picking you up.

He moves the stuff on the floor away with his foot, walking over to the area he was working. "You can stay just don't bother me." He says setting you down in an area with nothing on the floor.

He gets back to work as you wander around touching everything in sight. Eventually you get bored and wander back over to Eustass.

"Hey what're you doing?" You say bending over to rest your head on his shoulder.

"It's a surprise." He says covering his project.

"What is it?" You say sitting down in his lap.

"Give me 2 minutes and I'll show you."



"Alright." You say getting up. You wander around for a few minutes until Eustass calls you over.

"Ready to see?" He asks.


"Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

You comply happily and when you feel him drop something in your hand, you open your eyes. Inside was the most beautiful ring that you had ever seen.

 Inside was the most beautiful ring that you had ever seen

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(What I thought the ring would look like)

You look up at Eustass who was almost as red as his hair. "What do you think?"

"I love it!" You respond, putting the ring on your finger. "Did you actually make this?"

"Yeah, didn't think it would take so long. Happy birthday Y/n." He mumbles.

"Thank you Eustass." You say wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Whatever." He responds his face heating up even more. You press a quick kiss to his lips and smile. The corners of his mouth perk up a little and a ghost of a smile passes over his face.

The smile quickly passes and turns into a smirk. Eustass throws you over his shoulder and starts walking out of the workshop.

"What are you doing?" You ask him, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Stop moving." He responds.

"Where are we going?" You ask again.

"My room." He replies.

"Uh why?" You ask nervously.

"I still have another present to give you." He responds

"But I'm not done drinking with Killer." You whine.

"You are now." He says slapping your ass.

"What was that for!?" You ask him rubbing the spot he slapped.

"Trying to worm your way out of this."

"But I wanna drink."

"It's your birthday, let me spoil you. You can drink the day away tomorrow if that's what you want." He says opening the door to his room.

"Fine." You say as he sets you on the bed.

As he starts to undress you can feel your body heat up as you think about how the rest of the night will go. He takes his time and soon your begging him to hurry up and get started.

As opposed to the fast and rough pace he would usually go, he takes it slow, being sure to savour your expressions and sounds. He speeds up close to the end, and by the time he finishes you're exhausted and you quickly fall asleep.

Eustass looks at your sleeping figure and smiles. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "Happy birthday Y/n."


Word Count: 965

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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