Chapter 78

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A few months had gone by, and they hadn't told anyone else about the baby. Though it seemed to be smooth sailing, they were still worried.

Alma was upstairs with her laying in bed, running her talons gently over her stomach and Esmé hummed, enjoying the gentle touch.

Esmé pressed a kiss to Alma's cheek, enjoying the time she was having with the older woman. Alma always made her feel so loved.

"Have you thought of names?" Alma says quietly, Esmé still feeling a bit nauseous from earlier. She was hoping she wouldn't have got the morning sickness again.

"I was thinking maybe Odette, if it's a girl?" Esmé said gently. "I haven't really thought of any for a boy that sounds good though. What about you?"

"I love Odette." Alma says softly with a smile, sitting up. "We could think of more names for a boy. We still have a few more months." She says, her fingers at the bottom of her night gown. "Can I?" She asks and Esmé nods, the woman pulling it up, placing her hand gently on her stomach.

"Have I ever told you that you're absolutely adorable with your baby belly? I just think you're so cute." Alma said with a smile, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Esmé blushed and smiled a bit when she felt her place a gentle kiss on her stomach, her talons gently tracing over her skin when suddenly Esmé felt a small kick. She looked over at Alma surprised, but the older woman didn't feel it.

Esmé smiled, happy to feel her baby kick for the first time. She liked to believe that meant they were okay.

"Alma." The older woman looked over at her and Esmé gently took her hand, resting it on the bottom of her stomach, feeling another small kick.

Alma lit up when she felt it, grinning at her wife. She moved to press a kiss to her lips, then rested her forehead against Esmé's.

The older woman kept her hand on the same spot, feeling another kick.

"You're incredible." Alma praises, Esmé feeling her cheeks burn.

"That's a bit much, I wouldn't say so." Esmé said gently.

"Pardon? You defy all odds. You've had Willow, and I'm sure you'll have this baby. You're incredible."

Esmé felt her face grow red and Alma chuckled, placing one last kiss on her cheek before laying her head down on her chest, looking over her stomach as she trailed her talons over it.

"I love you more than anything. And I can't wait to meet our baby." Alma said happily.

"I love you too." Esmé says softly, running her talons through the older woman's hair and she faltered when she felt another kick. "Now you've got them all worked up." Esmé says with a smile.

"An active one, hm? Hope they don't disrupt your sleep too much." Alma said with a smile.

"I don't know, they might be just like Willow." Esmé chuckled, Alma bringing her nightgown back down when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Alma said, not wanting to get up as she was rather comfortable next to Esmé.

"I was just checking in with you both." Evelyn says with a small smile. "This little one wanted to tag along." She says and Willow smiled when she seen her mother's.

"Come here sweetheart, there's something I want to show you." Esmé said with a smile.

"Do you think I'll have a sister? Or a brother?" Willow asks excited, climbing up onto the bed and Alma watched as Esmé took her daughters hand, carefully placing it on the side of her stomach.

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