Chapter 65

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Alma had rushed as fast as she could to the academy. Only once she was inside did she realize she'd never gotten Jane's room number.

Her wings were tired from flying all the way there, but she'd be more quiet flying through the halls. She kept flying until she eventually found a door, the lamp obviously on from the inside.

Alma shifted and knocked on the door. "Come in." She heard Jane's panicked voice from inside.

Alma didn't hesitate opening the door and quietly shutting it, seeing the younger woman unconscious on the floor with Jane who was kneeled down beside her.

"I didn't know what to do." Jane says panicking and Alma took an EpiPen from the pocket of her jacket.

Alma rushed to stab it into the younger woman's thigh. "What all did you do to try helping?" Alma asked so she could know how to proceed.

"I tried sitting her up and keeping her calm, but then she fainted and the best I could do was check her breathing." Jane says quietly.

"Good, you did great, thank you." Alma said with a small smile as she brought Esmé into her arms.

Jane watched the two unsure as they both waited to hear something from the younger woman, Alma eventually lifting her into her arms and layed her down on the bed.

"She should wake up soon." Alma sighed. Jane gently took the older woman's hand, squeezing it gently.

"I'm sorry for having you come out this late. It was my fault, I didn't know she was allergic to cinnamon." Jane says quietly.

"No, I should have made her take a few EpiPens with her in case." Alma says softly. "Don't blame yourself."

"I'm still sorry, I lived with you both for so long, I can't believe I didn't know."

"You haven't visited in a while now. It wasn't too long ago we found out." Alma says gently, but her gaze moved to Esmé when she woke up, a coughing fit taking over her.

"Esmé are you alright?" Alma asked, worried for her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." She says with a small sigh, Alma finding her hand and looking over her closely.

"Where's Jane?" She asks and the other woman went over to where she was, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Hey there." Jane said with a small smile down at her.

Esmé smiled back. "Hi."

"Are you feeling alright now?" Alma asks and Esmé seen how flushed her cheeks were, her usual tidy hair a bit undone.

"Did you fly all the way here?"

"I did, I'm spending the night, I'll go home tomorrow." Alma said gently.

"I could make you some tea if you'd like and I'll get rid of yours." Jane adds, glancing at Esmé and she nods. "Though, just to be safe, if you plan on sleeping together, off to her room you go. I want to go back to sleep." Jane says with a smug smile.

"No way, I just wanna cuddle." Esmé said as she wrapped her arms around Alma's neck tightly.

Jane nodded and couldn't help but miss Jackelyn. She wanted someone to hug too.

Alma noticed and gently eased off the younger woman, Esmé looking over and suddenly pulled Jane down in a tight hug, the woman gasping slightly at the sudden motion.

Jane smiled and hugged her back. "I'm so glad you're okay." She said, tears in her eyes.

"Hey, I'm alright." Esmé says with a small smile, hugging her tight. Jane shared a glance with Alma and gently pulled away, noticing the time.

"If you don't want to get caught being here, I recommend you both going to Esmés room." Jane warns.

"I know a place you could hide if you absolutely have to." Esmé adds.

"You'll be fine by yourself?" Esmé asked Jane gently. The woman gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Mhm, you should go rest."

"If you need anything, I'm only a few doors down." Esmé says softly and Jane nods.

"I know, don't worry." She says. "Besides I should rest anyways. Have to meet my new student, hopefully she doesn't get expelled like the last one." She jokes with a smile.

"I'll come check on you tomorrow morning." Jane said gently, pulling her into one more hug.

"Goodnight, love you." Esmé said with a smile.

"Get some sleep, love you too." Jane said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before pulling away.

Alma felt a small twinge when she heard the two but didn't let it get to her, knowing they were close. Esmé quietly walked down the hallway and led Alma to her room, the older woman stopping in her tracks for a moment.

"This used to be my old room." Alma says quietly.

"Oh. Yeah.." Esmé said as she looked at her sadly.

"Sorry, we shouldn't think about that. My beautiful wife is now head of the council and has everything under control." Alma says quietly with a small smile.

"I'm glad you believe in me." Esmé said with a small. Alma hugged her tightly, bringing her close.

"We should get to our room, hm?"

"Yeah, come inside." Esmé says softly, pulling her inside and quietly shutting the door. She got into bed and Alma took her jacket off, setting it aside before laying down as well.

"You doing okay?" Alma asked as she brought the younger woman into her arms.

"Better now that you're here."

"Don't get too comfortable, I have to leave early so no one notices." Alma says softly and Esmé hummed, leaning against her. "Before I leave, I'll leave behind two more EpiPens in case, but try to be more careful." She scolds lightly.

"I'm sorry." Esmé mumbled feeling bad for making her come all this way.

"It's okay, I was just extremely worried." Alma says softly, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We both need to get some rest, it's almost 3 in the morning."

"I don't want you to go.. I missed you." Esmé said as she hugged her tightly.

"I know, but it's only going to make matters worse for you if I don't." Alma says gently. "Get some rest, love."

"I hate sleeping alone." Esmé mumbled as she closed her eyes, leaning against the older woman.

Alma gently pressed a kiss on her cheek, the younger woman enjoying the soft touch as she felt her exhaustion take over.

Alma smiled to herself as Esmé fell asleep in her arms. She didn't let herself fall asleep however because she knew she'd have to leave soon.

Her arms were still tired and sore from the fly, but she knew she would be able to rest when she got home.

Alma slowly pulled away, getting out of the bed. She put her jacket back on and pressed a kiss to the younger woman's forehead.

Esmé stirred a bit at the touch and Alma hesitated before placing the two EpiPens on the nightstand along with one of her feathers that fell out of her hair when she got there.

Alma left the room, going outside and shifting, taking off to return back to her loop.

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