Chapter 5

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That night Alma couldn't sleep. She'd enjoyed having Esmé there the previous night and now it wasn't the same. She got out of bed with a sigh deciding it wasn't too late in the night to go to Esmé's room.

She gently knocked on the door and was surprised when she heard the woman was awake, hearing something moving in a hurry from inside and the small clatter of something metal.

Alma grew concerned and Esmé opened the door just a bit to see who it was. "Oh Alma! It's not a great time."

"What's happening?" Alma asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing, I'm just trying to finish school work. What are you doing?" Esmé asks and held the door back firmly when Alma tried to push it open.

"Esmé, please." Alma pleaded with her, knowing something was wrong. Tears were building in Esmé's eyes and she couldn't stop them much longer.

"Alma, really, I'm alright. Go back to bed." She says and Alma pushed on the door, Esmé trying to keep it shut. "Alma, stop."

Alma pushed through and gasped when she saw the blood on Esmé's arms. The younger girl closed the door only after Alma was in the room.

"I told you to go back to bed." She says quietly, leaning her back against the door and avoiding her gaze. Alma looked at her worried and confused, noticing the small blade that was laying on her desk, a candle lit where it was.

Esmé finally let her tears fall as she sunk to the floor. Alma felt horrible and sat beside her, bringing the younger girl into her arms.

"Esmé." Alma says softly and hugged her even closer. "Esmé, you don't do that." She says, keeping the girl close to her as she kept her own tears in.

"Will you let me help get you cleaned up?" Alma asked gently as she looked over the cuts on her arms.

The older girl gently went to take her arm, looking over each one to see how bad it was. Afterwards she went to help Esmé up, the younger girl pressing herself further against the door.

"Please, I just want to help you." Alma said softly, one of her own tears falling. Esmé hesitated but agreed to let her.

The girl gently left Esmé to the bathroom, bringing the candle with her and sat it on the sink as she pulled up her sleeves. Esmé winced when the fabric snagged on the wounds, Alma noticing.

"You're going to need bandages, the nurse has some." Alma says and Esmé shook her head.

Alma paused for a moment, thinking. "I might have some left over bandages in my room from a time I got hurt a while back." She chose to leave out her brothers being involved in creating the wound.

"It's fine, really-"

"Stop saying it's fine when it's not." Alma snaps and Esmé went quiet, looking away as she tried to keep her tears down.

"I'll be right back, stay here." Alma said then went to leave, but Esmé caught her hand.

"I don't want to be alone. Please."

Alma gently looked over her and brought her hand around her waist to move her along with her.

"Then come stay in my room." She says.

Esmé nodded and followed her. Alma brought her to her own room and led Esmé to her own bathroom. "Let's see.. here it is." Alma said, pulling a first aid kit out of a drawer.

She took out the left over bandage wrap and sat the kit aside.

"First we need to wash the cuts." She says gently and Esmé watched as she turned on the sink, bringing her wrist under the water.

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