Chapter 2

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Alma woke up the next morning, her first thought being of Esmé. Their first class of the day was together. She hoped the girl was adjusting alright.

She quickly got dressed and did her hair up, knowing they would have to be at breakfast on time. When she left her room, she walked down to Esmés door and knocked on the door, smiling when she seen the girl was up and ready in time.

"Hi Alma." She said gently. "Is it time for breakfast?" She asked gently.

"It starts in ten minutes." She said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm early." Esmé says and smiled a bit. "Well, at least I'm doing one thing right." She says with a small laugh.

Alma smiled at her, not noticing Isabel approaching them. "Alma." Isabel said. "Come here for a moment." She said, letting herself in Alma's room.

Esmé felt a small twinge of guilt and looked away, biting her cheek as Alma glanced at her before heading back to her room.

Isabel sent Alma an upset look. "What is it with that new girl? You're suddenly spending all your time with her."

"Isabel, Miss Avocet wants me to help her around and I feel bad for her. She doesn't know anyone else here." Alma says softly.

"That doesn't mean you can't make a little time for me." Isabel said as she approached Alma, pinning her to the wall. Alma said nothing as she looked over Isabel. "You're my girlfriend." She said, leaning in to kiss her.

Alma let her, but didn't lean much into it, feeling uncomfortable under her hold and Isabel noticed, letting go of her.

"Fine, I'll leave you two be." She mutters and leaves her room.

Alma sighed and left the room, seeing Esmé waiting in the hall for her.

"You okay?" Esmé asks and Alma smiled with a nod. She'd talk to her later, right now she just had to get Esmé on track with her schedule.

"Let's head to breakfast."

Esmé nodded and followed her to the dining room. They both got their own plates and sat down next to each other.

"Well if it isn't the star pupil sitting next to the nobody who showed up yesterday at the door step." A girl says, sitting across from them with her friend. Alma simply ignored them, but Esmé couldn't help that her cheeks burned slightly.

"What are you, poor?" The girl asked as she looked at Esmé.

"Leave her alone, Casey." Alma glared at her.

"Why are you taking her side?" She says, confused. "Must be a late bloomer if she just now started school here."

"You don't know anything about her. What's wrong with you people? Spreading rumors about someone you don't know for no reason other than to feel better about your own sorry selves. You're terrible people and I feel bad for any wards you may have in the future." Alma seethed.

"Have you even heard who her father is?" She says and Esmé snapped, standing up.

"Do not talk about my father!" She shouts, the dining hall growing pitch silent and her glare fell when she seen one of the mentors coming down to their table.

Alma glared at them. "I do not want to hear you say anything else about her. You haven't even a clue what you're talking about." She said before the mentor got over.

"What is going on?" She asks and Esmé recognized her as Miss Crow.

"Nothing, Miss." Esmé says, growing quiet as she sat back down.

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