Chapter 49

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The rest of that night, Esmé didn't sleep. Miss Sparrow stayed with her all night, expecting her to at least lay down, but Esmé couldn't fall asleep.

"What's wrong, dear? Please talk to me." Miss Sparrow said gently, wanting to know what was bothering her so much.

"I miss her." She says quietly, her voice giving out. "I didn't even get to say goodbye." She says as more tears build in her eyes.

"I know, she was your best friend, this must be hard for you." The mentor said softly.

"You don't get it- I love her!" Esmé said, upset.

Miss Sparrow went quiet. Her and the other mentors already caught on that they did love each other, but hearing her admit it was something she wasn't expecting.

"She told me she loved me and I didn't know what to say! I never got to tell her!" Esmé cried.

"Esmé.." Miss Sparrow says softly and gently brought her in her arms, Esmé trying to quiet herself. The mentor ran her hands through her hair in an attempt to calm her down but it didn't seem to help.

"I rode with her to her house, I could help you to visit." She offered. "Or if you don't want to see her you could write her a letter. I'd deliver it myself if you want."

Esmé said nothing as her eyes started to hurt, digging her talons into her palms and the mentor gently pried them away.

"Darling I can't help you if you don't talk to me." Miss Sparrow said gently.

Esmé didn't know what to say. She was tired and her eyes burned and her throat ached, but she couldn't sleep. It was different with most of the ymbrynes being gone. With Alma not there.

"Why can't she come back?" Esmé asked sadly. "I want her back."

"I'm sorry." Is all the woman could say.

Esmé stared down at the floor, unsure how to feel.

"Miss?" She asks and the ymbryne looks at her confused as tears built in her eyes. "Please don't send me home."

"But you have to go home for the summer." Miss Sparrow said gently. "All our students have to."

"Please, please I don't want to go home. Anywhere but there." Esmé said sadly.

The woman looked over her confused before speaking in a hush tone.

"Why don't you want to go home?"

Esmé was quiet as silent tears ran down her face. She hesitated for a long moment before responding. "My dad.."

"What about your dad?" Miss Sparrow asks softly, narrowing her eyes as she looked over the  younger woman.

Esmé shook her head, unable to form the words. "Hurts." She said, hoping the mentor would be able to understand what she meant.

"What do you mean hurts?" She asks in a gentle tone and Esmé looked at her unsure.

"I don't want to go home."

"I know, but I need you to tell me why you can't so I can help." She says softly, gently taking her hand.

Esmé didn't know what to say, not wanting to say it out loud. Esmé took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down enough to say it.

"He hits me." She says in a quiet whisper, not looking at her mentors eyes.

"Does he do anything else?" Miss Sparrow asked. Esmé nodded but didn't elaborate. "You're not going home."

"Will Avocet let me stay?"

"I'm not sure, but if she doesn't I want you to stay with me."

"Really?" Esmé asked, slightly surprised.

"Of course, I'm not letting you go back there." She said gently, wrapping her arms around the young woman.

"Promise?" She asks quietly and the mentor hugged her tighter.

"I promise."

"Thank you." She said as she held onto her mentor.

"Of course darling. Perhaps I should leave so you can get some sleep?"

"Could you stay?" She asks, looking up at her mentor unsure. "Unless you have somewhere to be of course."

"I can stay." She said gently. Esmé smiled and moved to the bed, grabbing LeFay and the blanket Alma had made her. Miss Sparrow sat down on the other side of the bed and held her arms out for Esmé.

"Get some rest, I'll speak to Miss Avocet tomorrow." She says softly, Esmé finally letting her eyes shut, easing the burning.


Esmé woke up alone in bed. She wasn't sure when Miss Sparrow left but she'd expected her to be gone in the morning. Esmé looked at the clock on her wall, finding it was nearly noon, she'd slept in.

With a sigh she just layed back down, too tired to do anything and Alma was on her mind.

Esmé wasn't sure how much time had passed before there was a knock on the door, Miss Sparrow entering a moment later.

The girl quickly sat up, looking over at her mentor with an expecting look.

"What did she say?" She asks and seen the mentor had a small plate of food for her.

"It looks like you'll be spending your summer with me." Miss Sparrow said with a small smile. It wasn't exactly what they were hoping for but it was better than sending Esmé home.

"I am?" She says with a smile and the mentor nods, the girl bringing her into a tight hug when the woman took a seat beside her on the bed.

"Careful, I got you something to eat." She says gently.

"Thank you, I barely ate at dinner, I'm starving." Esmé said with a small smile.

"Of course dear."

"I was speaking with Avocet also about you graduating in about a year or so." Miss Sparrow says and Esmé looked at her surprised.

"Did she say anything good?"

"She mentioned holding you back if your grades didn't improve. But she thinks now that Alma's left there will be less distracting you."

"Right." Esmé says softly, taking a small bite of her food.

"You're doing great in my class though. That's a start." She says with a small supportive smile.

"Thank you, but I'm not really doing great in my other classes." Esmé sighed.

"I'm sure you'll get everything together soon." She says. "Now get to eating, it's the weekend so please try to relax before the last few weeks begin. I have to tend to a few paperwork."

"Alright, I'll see you later." Esmé said with a frown.

"Goodbye darling." Miss Sparrow said with a slight smile as she went to leave the room.

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