Chapter 49: Find the Mermaid!

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Bakugo POV:
Shoto stemmed himself out the water and I swam over to the jetty. Icy Hot reached down and help me get the still flabbergasted Deku out of the ice cold water as well. He kind of looked like a wet cat, wich was somehow cute. But I would never tell him that so SHUT UP! Icy Hot was trying to warm Deku up when I finally made it out as well. "What the heck geezer?!" "You are the one trespassing brat!" "Well if you wouldn't sleep like a damn rock I wouldn't have to!" "EXCUSES!" "Tsk" "I was hoping I would never have to see you again." The old man said knowing both of us knew it wasn't the truth. "What do you want?!" "I'm here because we need a boat." "A boat?! For how long?" "I don't think we will get the chance to give it back." "I guess you'll have to find someone else then." "Huh?!" "What did you expect? I give my last boat to an impolite little shit like you?!" The old man said. "Swim there! For all I care." "C'mon old man don't be a dick!" "What's in it for me?" "You don't have to see me ever again. We will sale away and I will never come back here." "I'm a lonely old man you think something like that could convince me?!" "Are you for real?!" "What if I am?! My answer stays no!" He said and turned around to go back in his house. I needed to put in a lot of effort not to explode. I did need something from him after all. I sighed "Please, old man...This is really important. We are trying to find our way back home and for that we need a boat. So, please." I said with a calm voice. The old geezer stoped to consider. "I'll think about it." He said and went inside. "Wow, he seems... nice." IcyHot said ironically. "He's not that bad once you get used to... well all of him." I answered. "What now?" Deku asked. We stood on the jetty soaked in cold water, with nothing dry to change into and no where to go. To top it all off it was mid autumn.

We found a spot not too far away where the sun reached to and sat down. And then we waited. While we were waiting Deku went over the diary again checking if there was any other way to get to our next destination. About an hour later the old man finally showed up. "Fine." He started. "I'll give you a boat. Under one condition! Prove that the mermaid I saw 20 years ago is real." "Twenty? I thought you were over a hundred-" "Shut up you little brat! Do you want the boat or not?" "This is stupid." "It might be. But it's also your only chance." He said with a smirk. "Fine. But! If I find her I get to make one request." "You already get the boat!" "That worn down shit wreck is not worth proving a fantasy story!" "Whatever. Ask HER." "It's a deal then." "Yeah, Yeah just find her already! You are allowed to use my boat to search for her but one of you and all your stuff has to stay here so I can make sure you don't just leave without honoring our agreement!"

We ended up decided it would be best for Deku to stay behind. Once we were back at the old mans house both Deku and the geezer went inside while IcyHot and I entered to boat. "So what's the plan? How are we going to find a mermaid no one but one old, crazy guy has ever seen before? Also this happened ages ago. How can we be certain she even still swims in these waters?" "I don't know okay! We just have to come up with something." "Can I ask about one other thing?" "What is it now IcyHot?" I asked with an angry tone because his questions were starting to piss me off. "Do you know how to even drive a boat?" I paused. "Do you?" He shook his head. Great. Just what we needed. For a couple minutes we just sat there in silence. Then IcyHot started to touch everything and look around the boat. "What the hell are you doing?" "Well the boat won't start moving by us sitting here and staring into the void." I don't even remember how we did it back then but somehow we actually got the boat moving and started paddling towards the open sea. No clue what the plan was or where we were going.

The Sea was quiet. Barely a wave or movement. At least for the majority of the time. We had been so focused on paddling that we didn't realise dark clouds slowly covering the sky. As if someone had flicked over a lever rain started pouring from the sky, the waves started to get bigger and bigger. Before we knew it we were in the middle of a huge storm. Both of us tried our best to keep the boat under control but the sea was stronger. Water swept into our boat. One of the paddle broke and then a huge wave hit the boat so hard a piece of the side broke off and both of us landed in the water. It was a struggle keeping my head over water. I looked around. No sign of IcyHot. I tried calling for him but as soon as I opened my mouth water streamed in and I broke out in coughing. I searched and searched trying to somehow keep myself over water but it was no use. My strength got weaker every second I was out in the water. The cold weather froze my muscles and put me in a strong shiver. The waves slapping into my face over and over again pulling me down into the deep sea again. At some point I just couldn't force my arms to move anymore. I started sinking. Somehow I made it back to the surface. Another wave hit me in the face. All I had left was to give up and let my self be swept away. No matter how much I fought it, my head went under water over and over again until I couldn't get back up anymore. My body wouldn't move. Only a few minutes before my air ran out. I sank deeper and deeper. My eyes slowly closing. And seconds before blacking out I finally spottet Shoto, lifelessly floating in the dark water. But it was too late all my strength was gone. And then if you believe me or not right before my eyes closed completely, only a small gap left, I saw a woman with light brown slightly red hair. Her skin as white as wax. She had a greenich-blue tail so big that if you would hug it you wouldn't be able to touch your hands. And that exact woman had now spottet Shoto as well. She swam up to him and wrapped her tail around his legs. With a gentle grip she held his face in her small hands. Then she looked over and I could see her scarlet red eyes before I blackedout.

I slowly opened my eye again. A plain white sealing was above me. I sat up and looked around. I was now in a room that looked as if it were out of the future. The classic room you imagine if someone talks about a futuristic world. Everything white and light blue. Furniture either with sharp edges or very round. Screens made of thin glass and a wall made of windows. Behind it skyscrapers high enough to disappear into the clouds and so many it would take hours to count. But the fact that we were at least 70 level high or that this room was perfectly clean didn't catch my attention. Because in this room there was one thing sticking out. A boy my age. Red shitty looking hair. And an expression filled with surprise and tears.

To be continued ...

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