Chapter 5: Bakugo's awakening!

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°Tuesday evening at about 9:30 pm°
Kirishima POV:
Mina and I were running directly behind Bakugo who was carrying Midoriya on his back. "How long is it still taking?" He breathed heavily. "About 2min I thing" Mina answered. The big UA building was slowly appearing before us. It didn't took more then 2min until we arrived in Recoverygirls office. She and Mr. Aizawa got startled as we stormed in, interrupting their conversation.

While Bakugo put Midoriya down on the bed next to Todoroki Mina started explaining what had happened.
"That's not good" Aizawa-sensei replied "Two of my students black out so shortly after each other? And both won't wake up anymore. I genuinely start to worry". "What if it is some kind of virus and all of us fall into a coma, Mr. Aizawa?" Mina asked dejectedly. "Up till now we don't know what is causing this. We don't know if it spreads either. As long as it is just one it could be cause to exhaustion or something similar. But as soon as it starts to get more we have to worry about an illness or a quirk. But don't worry. No matter what it is not only but all of the teachers will give it their all to protect and keep the students safe!" Aizawa answered.
His short speech encouraged us and let us think that everything would soon be fine again. But in the next moment those words vanished into thin air as Bakugo fell unconscious to the ground.

°Back in the forest a little bit earlier°
Midoriya POV:
Todoroki seemed way calmer after just a few minutes. It actually didn't took him long until he was back to his absolute unfazed and relaxed self. He still looked a bit worried. But who can blame him? I was worried myself. We didn't speak a single word while wondering around the deep forest. Then all of a sudden Todoroki started talking. After apologising for freaking out like that he told me all that had happened until now. To be honest I was a little surprised that what he told me was enough to make him so uncomfortable. It's not that I blamed him or something. For someone else that would be natural. But getting all out of shape that easily was very unusual for Todoroki. Was it because he had no quirk to defend himself and he felt helpless? Or maybe this was just to surreal?

Todoroki POV:
I completely lost my sense of time but it felt like we were walking for hours. Suddenly Midoriya stoped and let himself fall to the ground near a big tree he to lean against its thick stump. "Im so tired. We've been walking for so long and we found nothing. Not even the least bit of of a clue to where we can find someone who can help us. There aren't even wild animals here. I have the feeling we are walking in circles..." He said with a loud sigh of exhaustion. "Let's make a break then. I mean it looks like it is slowly getting dark but as long as we don't rest too long we could still find a shelter before the night falls in and it gets pitch black out here. I respondent. He nodded and I sat down next to him.
It didn't even take five minutes and his head fell on to my shoulder. Midoriya has fallen fast asleep. I couldn't keep myself from smiling when I saw him resting on my shoulder, snoring in such peace. Soon my head started feeling heavier as well as it got harder to keep my eyes open. I slowly feel asleep laying my head on his.

When I opened my eyes again night had already turned and the woods have gotten darker. While I was asleep Midoriya has come even closer to my left side. He was shaking slightly. In the night places like this can become quite cold and I must admit I was freezing a little myself. I carefully put my arm around him hoping my body temperature would be enough to help him warm up. I wished I had my quirk to help!  Midoriya slowly opened his eyes. In that moment I realised how embarrassing it was holding him like this. I mean I am not even sure we are that good friends just jet. Considering we haven't even known each other for half a school year we would be more like classmates, right?
I quickly closed my eyes again and acted as though I was sleeping. I still had my arm wrapped around him and I had a hard time keeping my eyes closed as he suddenly slung his arms around my hip. Was I dreaming? I must right? Or did he just want to warm me up as well? I slowly put my second arm around him as well.

"Ohhhh, how adorable!" I slammed my eyes wide open. NO! Not him again! My hole body started shaking. I held Midorya as close and tight to my body as I could. That guy from before. That crazy suicidal freak. "Todoroki-kun? What's wrong?" Midoriya looked at me with sleepy eyes. I slowly pointed towards the guy standing in front of us. Before he even had the chance to take a look, the guy boosted with an enormous speed towards us.

To be continued ...

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