Chapter 41: Stay or leave?!

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Terry: "The Train leads to a lot of nearby villages. Six in total. All delivery villages. At each village the train stopes for an hour. So you could get on that train and ask the villages yourself. If they can't help you just get back onto the train and check out the next one. You will arrive at the last one in about 12 to 24 hours depending on the weather conditions."
"Well broken or bruised ribs usually heal in two to six weeks. But a leg injury as bad as Brokkolis willl take at least three to six months if not longer." "We don't have that kind of time!" "I know I know angry boy. It has become obvious you guys are busy young men indeed. But you will have to stay for at least another month. After that I will check how your injuries are doing and if you're lucky I'll approve your departure."

Todoroki POV:
Terry was very precise while checking out my ribs. "Fine" he suddenly said. "As long as you don't overdo it I guess you have fully recovered." Izukus face lit up. "That's great Shoto!" "Don't get too excited Broccoli. I haven't checked you out yet. Here sweetie." Terry handed me my shirt. "Thanks" Then I hoped of the examination table and Katsuki helped Izuku onto it. "All right let's see here." Terry started by examining the rest of Izukus body before having a look at his legs. It seemed like most of his wounds had been able to heal in the past month. Katsuki and I waited patiently until Terry was done. "And?" Katsuki asked. "Well, it seems like his legs have been not doing too bad of a job with healing." "But?" "I'm not sure it's a good idea to already start heading out again. I mean injuries like these take at least 3 months to heal and it's been only one. On top of that at some point Broccoli will have to start with rehabilitation. He can't just wait until his legs are healed and start running again. It will take a while after it's healed until he is able to walk normally again. When that point is reached he would need a doctor to help him. I'm not sure you two will be able to help him a lot apart from motivating him to keep trying." I looked over to Izuku. He was naturally upset. "I know I told you guys I would let you go if your health had improved and that's what it did. That's why I'm not forbidding it but I really don't recommend you leaving already either. You three talk about it alone for a moment. I'll be outside if you need anything else, ok?" "Thanks Terry."

Katsuki and I weren't sure what to say. Izuku just sad there staring at the floor. "Listen Nerd. Maybe we should stay here for another month-" "No!" "C'mon Izuku, I-" "I said no!" His eyes started filling with tears. None of us said another word. We just stood there in silence. "We're staying another month." Katsuki decided after a while. "No!" "Yes we are nerd! Now stop being such an annoying brat! We're not leaving while your health is still in an unstable state." "We're not talking about a couple of days or a week here Kacchan! An entire month more?! Maybe even longer. No, probable longer! If it were up to Terry another five months plus rehabilitation. We don't have that kind of time! You said it yourself!" "Who cares Izuku!? We would stay here for another year if we could make sure you'll be fine!" I argued. "This isn't even my real body! Why do we care so much about what happens to it?!" Izuku shouted. We went silent again. "What if you slow us down huh?! This body could fall apart for all I care but if you can't walk we are the ones who have to carry you. We'll have to take way more breaks while traveling. We would have to babysit you constantly. You can't even use the bathroom on your-" "That's enough Katsuki. He understood" I warned him. "Why?! It's the truth. No? You constantly tell me to stopp yelling at him but it won't get in his stupid head without me doing so." Katsuki started raising his voice more and more. "I bud in because you constantly make him feel like a burden!" "Currently he is one though!" "KATSUKI!" I shouted in disbelief. "It's his fault we are in this situation. It's his fault for dragging us into this side quest bullshit. It's his fault for running off by himself!" "He knows it was a mistake and he apologised!" "That doesn't change our damn situation!" Katsuki wouldn't lay off. "Are you seriously acting this way right now?!" I shouted. "What?! Am I suppose to lie to him saying he did a great job getting hurt?!" He shouted back. "Stop dwelling on it! Making him fell like a burden won't change the situation." "But it will prevent him from doing it again." "He already said he won't do it again!" "We say a lot when the day is long!" "Stop now, Katsuki! You're going way too far!" "Why do you always have to pick his side?! In every god damn argument you always pick his side. Can't he speak for himself?! Why must you continuously baby him?! Why do you always go against my opinions?!" Katsuki sounded offended but I was too angry to hear it at this point. "That's not true and you know it!" "Oh yeah?! When was the last time you were on my side?!" "This is not about picking sides!" "That's how you defend yourself?! SERIOUSLY?! I can't believe this shit!" Our argument got louder and louder until it developed into a full out fight. Screaming at each other until our throats started hurting. Izuku just sat next to us in shock, tears flooding down his cheeks.

And then all of a sudden we ran out of arguments and insults to throw at each other. Both Katsuki and I were furious at each other. We had thrown a lot of false accusations at each other to desperately win the fight. We had said a lot of mean things wich we didn't mean. We had fought even though we had the same opinion. In that moment, in wich we just stood across from each other glaring into the other one's eyes we remembered every thing we said and everything the other one had said. We remember how much hatred had filled our words.
I felt a lump inside my throat and tried my best to stop the tears from filling my eyes. A mix of guilt from my words and pain from his words overwhelmed me. As I starred into his eyes all I could see was that he meant every last word he said. Deep down I knew that that wasn't true but all these emotions blinded me.
The door slowly opened and Terry peaked in. "Have you boys calmed down a lit-" As soon he entered I couldn't hold it in anymore and stormed out of the room before the tears could leave my eyes.

To be continued ...

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