Chapter 28: "Take care troublemaker!"

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Bakugo POV:
When I woke up the next morning the house was empty. Only Spots, Orange and I. I got out of bed and walked over to the main living area. Next to the front door was my backpack. I quickly walked over to it and checked if everything was still in there. And it was. Is the old man stupid? I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when I remembered our competition. If I leave now it would just look like I am running away from it. I grunted and threw my bag back on the floor. Then I left the house to go check where the old man had ran off to.

I walked around the jettys. Most of the boats had already left the harbour. Only a few people still strolled around. But the old man was nowhere to be found. Maybe he was the one who ran away. I kept walking along the Harbour until the spot were we were fishing yesterday. And there he was. The old man was sitting at the end of the jetty on a little stool and fished. I walked over to him. "Old man" he turned around. "What are you still doing here you brat? I gave back your stuff didn't I?" "Are you scared I'll beat you at your own passion or why are you chickening out?" I replied. "Ha, I was just going easy on ya kid! It was quite late yesterday and I didn't want you to stroll round a city your foreign in but I'm not a kidnapper and if you want to leave I'll spare you the embarrassment of loosing to an old man twice." he said. "So you really are chickening out!" "Stop annoying me and get your damn fishing rod you badly mannered baby!" I chuckled and quickly ran back to solid ground.

As I stepped off the jetty a man and a women were waiting for me. "What do you have to do with that man, kid?" The man asked. "And why do you care?" I responded harshly. "You know, that man is crazy." the women said accusingly. "Yeah, you think so?" I was about to pass when the man grabbed my arm. "You shouldn't get near him! Didn't your parents tell you?" I pulled my arm away and pushed him back. "Who do you think you are? Don't touch me!" My good mood was gone in mere seconds. "Back off!" "We are just trying to protect you, son!" the women reached out with her arm in my direction. I slammed it away. "I'm not your son! And now piss off, cause that's my grandpa you're talking trash about and I'm not here for this shit!" The women starred at me in shock. The man quickly grabbed the women and held her as if I were the dragon he needed to protect his princess from. "That would at least explain your awful behaviour!" The man shouted. "Why do you even hate him so much? Because he saw something you don't believe in?!" I was so close to beating that guy up. "What are you talking about? He conspired with the monsters of the sea! One day he'll be the death of us all!" That was it! I took a swing and smashed my fist into his face. He fell to the ground and the women let of a short high pitched scream. "DON'T TALK SO MUCH GARBAGE, YOU BA2TARD! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT! And with your stupid theories you make someones innocent live harder. So stop spreading that BULLSHIT and start running or I'LL COVER THIS GOD DAMN JETTY IN YOUR BLOOD!" The women helped him up and both ran off. "You'll regret that!" The man shouted after putting some distance between us. I was boiling. The entire way back I could have killed every last person crossing my path.

I needed to calm down somehow! I stormed into the house and grabbed the second fishing rod. Then I walked back to the jetties. As I spotted the old man I took a deep breath. "What took you so long?" The old man said once I sat down. "I had a conversation with the Unicorn living next to you" I answered. "Very funny!" The old man said. We sat in silent for a bit. "You'll have to catch up a little. I've already got 3 Fish" "hmm..." I answered. "And who puked in your morning tea?" I didn't answer.

Hours went by. Our buckets slowly filled with water and fish. I still was a little pissed but managed to calm down. I sighed "Old man, did you ever look for the Meermaid again after last seeing her?" He looked at me as though it had caught him off guard that I asked such questions. "Of course I did. I wasted my hole life finding something I am not sure exists myself, anymore" "When did you give up?" I asked. "A couple of years ago..." "And you don't mind people talking bad about you what so ever?" "Why are you so interested in it" the old man looked at me "That is quite out of character for you." I shrugged but refused to answer. "I used to think that all they are is talk. If they don't believe me that's their fault. If they won't look for her, they are missing out. But what is it to me? Let 'em talk! They never got physical or damaged my property. So who cares if they think I'm just a crazy old man." "You used to?" he sighed. Then he starred on the floor for a bit, as if he had to think about how to phrase his next sentence. "You know the truth is, whether or not that mermaid existed I never knew. But I was young and stupid. I wanted to proof I was right. What I would do if I could go back in time? I would tell my younger self to leave it at that. To act like nothing happened or at least accept that it might all have been nothing more then an illusion. Then I could have fallen in love again. I could have had a family, wouldn't be so alone... It's not like I ever wished I didn't meet her. I am actually happy I was so lucky and did. I sometimes just wished I would have more then two cats and an empty house that smells like fish. I don't care about what the others say or think as long as I get to meet people like you, who don't give a shit. That's all." "Is that a sorry excuse for a 'thank you' or the worst possible way of saying 'sorry' for kidnapping such a great person, like me?" "Oh shut up, you brat!"

When we made our way back to the old mans house it was already dark. As soon as we arrived we counted each others fish. He caught 30 and I 31. The rest of the evening I made fun of him. When he finally snapped, he hit me with his fishing rod until I gave up. Once he was done he started making fun of me for loosing to an old man and his fishing rod but when I tried to beat him up for it he kept beating me even after I had already given up. Once he was done I was covered in bruises and the old bastard kept repeating the joke of me apparently looking like a cow. I couldn't wait to get out of here! We ate fish once again and the grandpa let me stay one more night.
I didn't sleep for long though. Early in the morning while every one else was still sleeping I packed my stuff and got ready to leave. I kneeled down one last time to pet Orange and Spots then I left. Before I was out of range I turned around one last time. The old man stood outside his front door and watched me as I disappeared into the sunrise.

To be continued ...

Triple Nightmare /BakudekutodoWhere stories live. Discover now