The Good Lars

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[Open Int. The Big Donut]

(Sadie presents a plate of an orange pumpkin-shaped bread to You and Steven on the counter. He cuts a small slice from the bread and eats it, while Lars glances away nearby.)

Sadie: So, how is it?

Lars: Be honest, but not too honest.

Steven: It's pumpkin bread! And it's pumpkin-shaped, like a pumpkin! This is the best idea anybody has ever had!

Y/N: It's good, but you could ease up on the sugar a bit, don't wanna raise someone colesterol now do we?

Sadie: See? I told you. It's really good.

Lars: Of course Steven likes it. He likes everything, Y/N though, He gave some really good critisizm.

Y/N: Yeah, No problem

Steven: Lars, did you make this?

Lars: No! Well, yes, but it's no big deal.

Sadie: Secret's out, Lars. Feels good, doesn't it?

Lars: *blushes* Ah, stop.

Steven: Oh, this is amazing! How'd you get it to look like a pumpkin?

Lars: I just made seven small crescent-shaped cakes and used cream cheese icing to hold them together. Anyone with two hands and half a brain could do it. And, you know, a recipe.

Sadie: That's his way of saying thanks.

Steven: I know. I speak Lars.

Y/N: Ha

(Just then, the doorbell chimes and Buck Dewey walks in.)

Lars: B-B-B-Buck Dewey!

(Panicking, Lars quickly hides his pumpkin bread behind the counter and leans onto the counter, sweating and smiling anxiously.)

Steven: Hi, Buck.

Buck: Hey, Steven. Hey, Y/N. Hey, donut kids.

Y/N: 'Sup

Lars: *hastily* Hi, Buck, what's up?! How's it going!? What'll it be?!

Buck: I want to order... you to come to dinner. Me, Jenny, and Sour Cream are having a potluck. You know, like parents do. Except we'll be doing it. All three of you should come. You should bring some food, because that's what you do at a potluck. It's so funny.

Lars: *laughs anxiously* That is funny, Buck! It sounds great! *make thumbs-ups* Super cool! Can't wait! *makes gun hands* Bingo, bongo!

Buck: Cool. *leaves the shop*

Lars: *puts face in his hands and groans loudly* "Bingo, bongo"!? Where did I even learn that?

Steven: Yeah! *imitates Lars* Bingo, bongo! This is gonna be great.

Sadie: Hey, yeah, this is perfect. You won't believe us when we say we like your cooking, but you'll have to believe it when it's coming from Buck.

(Lars groans and plants his face onto the counter.)

Sadie: Uh, Lars?

Lars: I'm not going.

Sadie: What?! You just got invited to a party with the Cool Kids! Isn't that what you've always wanted? If anyone shouldn't go, it's me. But they know you; they like you!

Lars: Nah-ah. Nobody knows me. And nobody knows I can bake.

Sadie: Well, I do, and Y/N and Steven, does.

Steven Yeah, Lars, you should make this your big debut.

Lars Well... then, it has to be perfect.

[Trans. Int. Lars' house]

Steven Universe- Lapis Lazuli X Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang