Joy Ride

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(You and The Crystal Gems are clearing up the debris from the Gem Warship off the beach. Steven digs into the sand with a shovel and picks up a small piece of debris.)

Steven: Do we really have to get every piece?

Amethyst: *digs up large piece of debris* Yes!

Y/N: *Carrying pieces of debris in a burlap sack* Pretty much

Garnet: *pulls out a larger piece from the sand* Yes, having a wrecked ship lying around is too dangerous. We've got to take care of it... all of it.

Pearl: *piles the debris together* And we need to start looking for Peridot's escape pod too, assuming she even made it to Earth.

Garnet: There's a lot of work ahead of us.

Steven: *drops the small debris into a trash bag* On it.

(Steven walks to the other side of the beach and digs up a huge piece of debris.)

Steven: Woah, that's a big one.

Y/N: Cool your jets, Bro, let me get in on this

(You and Steven dig up some more debris when he thinks he hears someone calling his name.

Jenny: Steven! Steven!

Steven: Huh?

(You and Steven look up and realize it is Jenny, Buck and Sour Cream.)

Buck: Yo!

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Buck: Yo!

Jenny: Hey Steven, welcome back to Earth.

Steven: What? Who told you?!

Buck: You looked a million miles away, man.

Steven: Oh, heh-heh. Sorry, I was zoning out.

Y/N: Steven, Who are they?

Steven: Oh, Jenny, Buck and Sour Cream, They sometimes hang out with Lars, Or at least I think they still do, Anyways guys, This is Y/N

(You look at them, You then look back at the gems)

Y/N: Okay, I'm not the only one whose seeing this right?

Buck: We were about to go chill in the parking lot and freak out some squares.

Jenny: You two should come with.

Y/N: I, Don't know

Steven: Oh, but I— I don't have anything against squares. I like all basic shapes.

Buck *chuckles* Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. You got that much-needed counterpart to our cynical world view. You two have to come.

Y/N: speaking of counterparts

Steven: Hmm?

Y/N: Never mind

Sour Cream: It's good energy flow.

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