Gem Drill

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The scene opens with a black screen, following the events of Super Watermelon Island, as Steven cuts his connection with the Crystal Gems on Mask Island.)

Garnet: And Steven... We love you...

[Trans. Ext. The Barn]

(Steven jolts awake, back in his body at the barn, as the ground shakes and cracks. The chalkboard then falls on top of him, with the illustration reading "Cluster Emerges, Bye Bye Earth", and Steven screams in fright. You and Peridot are already standing atop a ladder leading into the cockpit of the drill.)

Peridot: If you're done just lying there, maybe it's about time that we stop the world from ending! 

Y/N: Are the Gems still on Mask Island?

Steven: *runs up to the ladder* Yes and They're stuck on Mask Island. We have to drill without them!

Peridot: Ugh! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE MEANING OF TEAMWORK?! Okay, Steven, Y/N, are you two ready to drill down into the planet to depths never before reached by your species to stop the Cluster before it forms and save your world!?

Y/N: Peridot, I was born ready

Steven: I don't know!

Peridot: Don't say that! Say "we'll do it together and it's gonna be great!"

Steven: We're gonna do it together and it's gonna be great!

Peridot: LIAR!

(As the ground continues to shake more violently, You, Peridot and Steven scamper into the drill's cockpit.)

Peridot: Ready or not, we have a mission.

Y/N: Alright, Let's do this

(Peridot starts up the drill and it begins digging into the ground.)

Peridot: Increasing speed!

(The drill then quickly dive into the ground, digging deeply as it traverses.)

Steven: Alright. Bracing for impact.

Peridot: It's actually two more hours to the cluster.

Steven: Oh. Wish I'd brought some tunes.

(Peridot turns on some elevator music.)

Y/N: That's better I guess

(You, Steven and Peridot remain silent as the drill continues to dig further downwards. Steven's eyes are filled with anguish as he watches the layers of rock pass by. He shuts his eyes tightly, shakes his head)

Y/N: Steven, You alright?

Steven: I don't know, It's kinda... freaky down here, huh?

Peridot: Why's that?

Steven: It's just dark, and cramped... Ngah, I can't even, gah, stretch out.

(The compartment rumbles momentarily, and You, Steven and Peridot look around in worry.)

Y/N: So how did you plan that everyone woukd fit in here

Peridot: I don't know, they'd shrink or something. We didn't have a lot of time to plan.

Steven: So... what is the plan?

Peridot: We have a drill. We're going to drill. Get ready - we're about to penetrate the asthenosphere!

Steven: Whoa, it's all lava!

Peridot: Lava is what comes out of volcanoes. That's super-heated peridotite.

Steven: Peridot...ite?

Peridot: Yeah. It's made of the same stuff as Peridots.

Y/N: Hey Peridot, You were made on Homeworld, right?

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