Nightmare Hospital

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[Open Int. Maheswaran Residence, Evening]

(Lion emerges out of a portal in front of Connie's house, with You, Steven and Connie riding on his back, Connie and Steven are laughing. Connie then dismounts Lion.)

Y/N: And, Thank you for riding Lion Services, Please grab your lugage on the way off

Connie: Thanks Y/N, Thanks Steven, Well... time to assume my secret identity. *puts on her glasses*

Steven: Same time next week for sword training?

Connie: Yeah. It's a shame I can't practice more at home. *pets Lion*

Steven: Hey! Wait a sec. *jumps off of Lion and turns to him* Hup! May I?

(Lion tilts his head down and Steven pulls out Rose's Sword from his forehead. Connie gasps as Steven kneels before her, presenting the sword while imitating a medieval accent.)

Steven: Here-ethhh. You can borrow- ethhhh my mother's sword- ethhhh.

Connie: Steven! That's so nice! If grammatically incorrect, but... *imitates a medieval accent too* Thou can't just givest me thine mother's sword!

Steven: Why not? - ethhh?

Connie: Because it's really important-eth.

(Connie unlocks the door to her house, and she and Steven walk inside, Leaving you outside with Lion, You look at Lion.)

Y/N: So, What's up?

(Lion Yawns)

Steven: That's exactly why you should have- ethhh it! You can have all week to practice- ethhh withhh it- ethhhhhh.

Connie: *laughs* Thhhhhhhh-ank you!

Steven: *hands Connie the sword* We gotta be ready if we have to fight Malachite or Peridot or those creepy gem fusion experiments *shivers*.

Connie: I'll make sure nothing happens to it. 

Y/N: Hey Uh, Steven, Lion's-

(The garage door is heard opening.) 

Connie: That's the garage door. Mom's home! We have to hide the sword, there's no way Mom would let me have this in the house.

Steven: Lion? Lion!? He walked off!

Y/N: That's wat I was trying to tell you

Connie: What are we gonna do?

(Dr. Maheswaran walks into the living and finds You, Connie and Steven sitting on the couch. Connie is playing her violin while You and Steven is sitting anxiously.)

Connie: Hi, Mom. Just finishing my 6 o'clock violin practice.

Dr. Maheswaran: You should've finished that 5 minutes ago. You're late for your 7 o'clock study hour. Hello, Steven.

Steven *nervously* Hi, Dr. Maheswaran.

Dr. Maheswaran How are you?

Steven *nervously* Sitting!

(Dr. Maheswaran turns her attention towords You)

Dr. Maheswaran: Young man, What are you doing here?

Y/N: Oh, You must be Connie's Mother

(You go up to her and Shake her hand)

Y/N: Y/N L/N, I moved here a couple weeks ago, Connie's talked about, Well mentioned you, alot

Dr. Maheswaran: I see *sighs* I had a rough day at work and I'm not in the mood for any more surprises.

Connie: What happened at work?

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