Crack the Whip

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[Open Int. Beach House]

(Pearl and Garnet are seen getting onto the Crystal Temple Warp Pad.)

Pearl: All right, we may be a while.

Steven: *runs in* But-

Garnet: Amethyst.

Amethyst: *reading a book titled Pretty Hairstylist* What? I'm busy.

Garnet: Amethyst, hold down the fort.

Amethyst: *puts down the book and lazily salutes* Aye, aye, Captain. No surprises while I'm on duty. Wha-!?

(Connie, holding Rose's Sword, suddenly barges through the door with You and Lion behind her.)

Y/N: Hey Steven

Connie: *excitedly* Surprise! I'm early!

Steven: ...I was trying to tell you, Connie has sword training today.

Pearl: *covers her mouth in shock* Oh! I completely forgot... I'm so sorry, Connie..

Amethyst: *clears her throat tauntingly* Very irresponsible, Pearl.

(Pearl glares and groans at Amethyst.)

Y/N: It's about Jasper ain't it? 

Connie: Are you headed back North?

Garnet: She's on the move.

Pearl: We can't have her just out there attacking random monsters for whatever reason.

Connie: Of course, be safe!

Pearl: *smiles* That's my line. Amethyst!

Amethyst: Got it.

Pearl: We'll train next week without Jasper hanging over our heads.

Garnet: Best case scenario.

(Pearl and Garnet warp out.)

Amethyst: Lucky break for you guys, you get the training day off. *puts her arm over Connie's shoulder* So what do you wanna do?

[Open Ext. Beach House]

(Steven and Connie proceed to spar with each other on the beach, with You and Amethyst are sitting and watching them on a hand statue and Lion sleeping in the background. Steven summons his shield as Connie strikes on it with her sword. She strikes again and Steven ducks under, dodging it. He then summons his bubble shield around him, knocking Connie back. Steven summons two shields and throws them in succession at Connie. Connie then counters with her sword, deflecting the shields. Steven gasps as his shields fly back at him and jumps up floating into the air.)

Connie: Hey, no fair!

Steven: *giggles* Hey, Guys! Did you see that? Guys?

Y/N: *Chuckles* Okay, Okay, I'm watching, Great formation Steven, Connie keep up the good work

Amethyst: *laying on the rock hand, not paying any attention* S'up.

Steven: *lands on the ground and walks up to Amethyst* Are you even watching?

Amethyst: Sure, what's it look like?

Steven: Like you're not watching?

Amethyst: *sits up* Oh, all right, Y'got me. Ha! *shapeshifts her feet into eyes and lays back down* Is that better?

Steven & Connie: *laughs* Ewww... Gross!

Steven: But yeah, that's better. C'mon, Connie *summons his shield* Let's take it from the top!

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