Chille Tid

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(You, Pearl and Amethyst, are wearing life jackets, sitting in a life raft in the middle of the ocean. Amethyst is holding Steven, also wearing a life jacket, by the ankles and dunking him under the water.)

Y/N: Found anything yet?

(Amethyst pulls Steven out)

Steven: No, Nothing

(Amethyst dunks him back in)

Pearl: *looking over the edge of the life raft, with visible bags under her eyes* Guh! This isn't getting us anywhere.

Amethyst: *sleepily* What's the matter, Pierogi? You tired?

Pearl: *annoyed* I don't get tired, I get results.

(Steven is looking from side to side underwater. He begins to gargle and reaches for his neck as he begins to run out of air. Wiggling his legs, he attempts to signal to Amethyst that he needs to be pulled up.)

Amethyst: *speaking slowly with visible bags under her eyes* Was the sign for "pull me up" one wiggle or two?

Pearl: Amethyst, stay focused!

(Amethyst lets go of Steven's legs and shrugs at Pearl's response.)

Pearl: *searching the water, using her gem as a flashlight* For all we know, Lapis and Jasper's fusion could be right under our noses! *gasps as something appears beneath the surface*

(Steven floats to the surface of the water with the aid of his life jacket. He gasps for air, spits a fish out of his mouth, then grabs it midair.)

Steven: This is why we wear life jackets. *throws the fish away*

Pearl: Ah! A-are you alright?!

(Garnet then emerges from underneath Steven, picking him up and climbing back on the raft.)

Y/N: Well Garnet, Found them?

Garnet: *sighs* Nothing.

Y/N: Damn

(Garnet tosses Steven onto the raft, and he starts flopping around like a fish out of the water.)

Pearl: Ugh, it feels like we've been searching for light years!

Amethyst: Uh, light years measure light, not years. *pokes Steven's stomach, causing him to spit out another fish*

Pearl: *throws her hands up in exasperation* Guh! *tries to lean on the side of the raft but slips* And I'm sick of these... life... diapers!

Y/N: Well if you wanna drown then be my guest

Pearl: Y/N, Our bodies are made of light, we can't drown

Y/N: Hey, Ya never know

Steven: Safety is no punchline, Pearl. *gets up and grabs a nearby life jacket to give to Garnet*

Y/N: See, Steven gets it

Garnet: Safety is our job. We must find Jasper and Lapis. As it stands, their fusion is a ticking time bomb. *throws the life jacket Steven gave to her overboard and summons her own*

Y/N: Lapis is gonna be okay, right?

Garnet: She had control when she used her power to drag their fusion into the ocean. But, a fusion like theirs is unstable, bound together by anger and mistrust. If that bond snaps, their anger will take over, and destroy.

Steven: *getting visibly tired* Don't worry, Lapis, we won't let you sleep with the fishes... *yawns*

Y/N: Speaking of sleep, I think you need some Steven

Steven Universe- Lapis Lazuli X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now