Too Far

513 18 2

[Open Ext. the Barn]

(Peridot is seen holding a tape recorder and speaking into it, using it to record all of her logs ever since her limb enhancers were thrown off the Galaxy Warp.)

Peridot: Log date 7-11-2. It's the third rotation of the Earth since commencements of a... *inhales deeply* ...collaborative approach to stopping The Cluster.

Pearl: I've finished drawing out the blueprints for the drill head. Peridot, if you could come take a look at this.

(Peridot stops recording on her recorder.)

Peridot: Remind me again why I should listen to you? 

Y/N: Is it because, You got stomped by her?

(Peridot grumbles, then she rewinded her tape recorder.)

Tape Recorder (Peridot): "...The Pearl here has exhibited an aptitude for engineering that I begrudgingly respect, though that doesn't explain the spontaneous singing, crying, singing while crying."

(Amethyst snickers.)

Pearl: Why did you give her that?

Y/N: I mean think about it this way, we did destroy her stuff.

Steven: Plus it might make her feel a little better.

Tape Recorder (Peridot): "Clods!" *fast-forwards* "Muddy clods!" *fast-forwards* "-running out of ways to say "clods"!"

Garnet: Alright, I chased away those cows, let's get to work.

Peridot: *clears her throat* Before we begin... would you mind un-fusing? It's making me incredibly uncomfortable.

(Everyone breaks into an uncomfortable silence as You, Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl look at Garnet. Garnet then ties Peridot to a fence with a child leash and leaves her be.)

Peridot: What?! ... what'd I say?!

Steven: Do we really have to do that?

Y/N: I mean in does seem a little inhumane 

Garnet: Her having free reign of the place made me incredibly uncomfortable.

(Peridot then attempts to reach for a nearby microwave, but the leash holds her back, forcing her to struggle to reach it. Meanwhile, You, Steven and Amethyst bring a bunch of spare parts to Pearl, who is cutting a turbine with a blowtorch.)

Steven: Here you go, Pearl!

Pearl: Oh, good. Hmm... *inspects the parts* No... No, no, no, no, I said I needed tungsten. Tungsten?

Steven: Uh... what does "tungsten" look like?

Amethyst: "Tongue-sten". *sticks out her tongue* Ahh.

(You sniker)

Pearl: Ugh... Never mind. I'll just do it. *walks off annoyed*

Amethyst: *shrugs with her tongue still out* Meh..

Peridot: *grunting while working with the microwave* I just need some sort of leverage optimizer.

Amethyst: "Leverage optimizer"?

Peridot: That's what I said.

Amethyst Ooooh! Ha, you mean you want a screwdriver? *laughs*

Peridot: Do you have one or not?

Y/N: Hmm there might be some in the barn, I'll go get one

Steven: Actually, Uh.... why don't you just use this one? *picks up a nearby screwdriver on the ground and hands it to Peridot*

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