Chapter 22

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I sit at the edge of the bed thinking; thinking it all over. I've already been discharged just the thought of leaving our baby girl here as she struggles doesn't sit well with me. I'm the reason she's here.

As Normani packs my bag of stuff I watch her; I see her mouth moving but I don't know what she's saying.

"I said come on girl....I got you..I got you girl" she says grabbing me under my arm helping me stand up

"You're gonna do so well Nick, I see it. We gonna find the twins, baby girl is gonna be home. It's all gonna be great"

I just nod my head as she talks cause I don't believe it but to make her be quiet I'll agree. We get into the car and she drives, saying to her house but we'll see.

And we do, her husband greets us at the front door giving me a hug telling me that it's okay. But I don't feel like it is.

As nighttime falls I pull up the video of baby girl, that they allow for me to be able to view her from her incubator. So tiny. And beautiful at the same time...I prop my phone on the nightstand so I can continue to watch her as I sleep.

Open the door, comes through as a text on my phone

Open the door, like who the hell is this?! I hear a tap and I slowly look to the balcony that's covered with the curtains. Did someone climb up here?

Slowly walking I slide the curtains over a bit so I can peak and my eyes go wide seeing Megan. Now I know I'm dreaming...have to be. But I pull the curtains back and unlock the door. Soon as I unlock it she pushes it walking in.

I just stand there watching her and she walks towards me. Expect a hit or for her to choke me I quickly close my eyes accepting my fate but she pulls me into a hug.

I melt into her arms as she starts to slowly pull away.
"I'm sorry..." I quickly say
"I'm sorry for all of this. I put the twins at risk, you guys, and our baby girl. She's in the hospital because of me. I should've kept my mouth shut and been the ride or die I said I was gonna be for y'all. And I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!" I say breaking down

She just looks at me as the only thing that can be heard is me trying to calm down as I wipe my tears.

"Get on the bed"
"Get on the bed" she repeats

I get on the bed sitting down looking up at her as she walks towards me. She grabs my chin gently rubbing it making me think she's going to kiss me. But she grab the back of my hair pulling it backwards making my back arch hard.

"You hurt hurt us so bad Onika. I can't believe you gave us up. When we heard you on the phone telling him everything and how the layout of the house was. I was hurt. Everyone was saying that you was gonna betray us but we didn't believe them. It was such a slap in the face. And yeah I gave you that sleeping pill so we can leave you. Leave you in your own mess so you can see who was down for you. And it for damn sure wasn't them... now our daughter is fighting for her life. As much as I want to hit you right now; my heart won't let me. I'm just too heartbroken...we're in contact with Normani. So we'll drop the twins off for visits once you're ready and healed. Till then, sign these divorce papers. I'll be back for them when I drop the twins off; just to give you time" she finishes letting my hair go as she pulls the rolled up papers from her back pocket

"N-No Megan... no I'm sorry, please don't do this. W-We can make this work. Please"
"You need rest. See you soon" she says pushing me back into the bed covering me up as I continue to protest and try to grab her hands

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