Chapter 13

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I wake up to a beautifully sleep Megan. I look at her still saying how can someone so beautiful be filled with anger and sadness. I go to get up but look back at her. Giving her a kiss on her cheek. Trying to get up, she grabs me by my waist. Mumbling out a don't go. I slightly smile at the thought of being needed but I just hope this means that she doesn't go back to her old ways.

Laying back down I let her wrap her arm around me tighter bringing me closer to her. "Nicki. I really am sorry for all that I've done to you. I know I always say I'mma do better, but this time I'm serious. I will do better. For you, the twins and Jorden"

I just nod my head knowing that only time will tell. And it has to be Megan to make it work.


I need to work, I'm bored and tired all the time. I'm just home with the twins being a full time mom since in both Megan and Jorden's words; why work when we can take care of you. They just don't get it, I have an independence I demand and have the right to. But they only think of themselves and how it makes them feel. Back to them being controlling.

Next week Jorden will start his 3 month tour and they both agreed that I should be home.. saying I don't have no business being at work. I can't even do the damn fake job they gave me that has me in this situation I'm in now. My role is to be a mother that's it. It's like they disregard who I am as a person. Who Nicki is. Well not today because I, Nicki the queen.... The HBIC, got herself a job interview at a hospital to be a respiratory therapist. Now the only question is how will I tell them....

Today went on as normal, woke up made breakfast for everyone. Got the twins up for the day, as both Megan and Jorden left and just did as a mother would. Let her children play but also teach them their alphabets and numbers. As I help the maids clean the house, even though they try to stop me. But what else is there for me to do. As time is going down I start on dinner, thinking that if I make their favorites they'll take me getting an interview easy. Before I know it I hear the front door close and the twins take off running. Then I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey Pooh.. I missed you so much baby" Megan whispers into my neck then give me a soft kiss making me blush

"Mommy made everyone's favorite!" Bailey yells happily as she goes back to her seat at the kitchen table
"Oh yeah... well what is that baby girl?" Jorden ask her

"everything under the sea... right Mommy" she says smiling
"That's right baby" I say as Megan and I put all the food on the table

Being that the twins are the first ones done with their food we let them go into the living room to play. I take that as my opportunity to tell them. "Meg... Jord" I call out to them as Megan stops the fork from going to her mouth and Jorden stops chewing

"I have something to tell you both... and- and please don't get mad, but I got a job interview in two days-"

"A job interview?" Jorden ask then I nod my head
"Why?" They both ask at the same time

"Well because... I'm tired of being home with the twins. I don't do anything but clean and cook" I say

"And that's all you need to do. Why change things now?" Jorden says

"I'm bored! And I love working, that's the whole point of being an adult to work"
"So you're bored of being a mom now?" Megan ask staring at me

"No! I love the twins and being a mom I-"
"Then what is it? All we hear is oh I don't like being a mom" she says cutting me off

"I just need my own thing to do, and to not just be home... I want to work"
"And we told you, you don't need to work." Jorden says

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